Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 119

Chapter 119

Chapter 119 Ten Thousand Solders Plus Fifty Thousand Soldiers Broderick placed Amy in an empty bathtub and washed her face and feet only. She didn’t undress her. because of the type of relationship that subsist between the two adults. After he was done, he carried her to her room and laid her gently on the bed. He sat on a chair that was available in the room and after two hours had passed, he received a call on his phone. Seeing that the caller ID was Martha, he walked outside and answered it. “Hey Broderick, are you fine? I’m so worried about your whereabout.” “I’m fine,” Broderick responded. “Broderick, you know I have just had a miscarriage and I’m so sad about it, I need you so much during this time,” Martha said with a pitiful voice. “I understand which is why I was with you all evening. Please understand that I’m busy now. I’ll come home when I’m done,” Broderick said. “Oh! Okay… I had no idea you are busy. I’m sorry for disturbing you,” Martha apologized. “It’s not a problem,” Broderick said. “Please don’t overwork yourself, Broderick. I love you so much,” she said. “Thank you,” he said and Martha hung the call after a few seconds. He went back to the room and examined Amy but realized that she was still not awake. He wondered if he should take her to the hospital or wait a little more. Broderick went back to sit and after six hours had passed, Amy eventually fluttered her eyes opened. She sat upright and saw Broderick seated in the room with a swollen face that depicts that he didn’t sleep all night. They both exchanged a blank look in silence, Broderick then asked, “can I serve you breakfast?” Amy picked up her wrist watch and checked the time, seeing that it was morning of the following day, she nodded. Broderick dissapeared from the room and went to the kitchen, when he was about lightening the gas, it dawned on him that he had never cooked in his entire life before. Before he would set the kitchen on fire with his poor cooking skills, he made a call across for the new maid working for him to bring a food over.

Broderick waited at the entrance of the bongalow until the food was brought, he collected it from the maid and walked to Amy’s room and placed the food right before her as Amy was already sitting upright. “Did you cook this yourself?” She asked. “No, I made the maid to cook it,” Broderick responded, “It could be poisoned by your wife, I can’t eat it,” Amy said, “You may not remember, but your wife had tried to kill me before by food poisoning.” “Oh!” Broderick went to carry the food before her and said,” I’ll dispose this then but, I don’t know how to cook” “I’ll teach you,” Amy said. “Oh! Okay, hold on,” Broderick walked away and called on one of the guard outside to dispose the food, He also ordered for a book and pen to be brought and once he has it, he returned to Amy’s room. “So tell me the process of cooking the food?” Broderick asked. “What type of food did you want to prepare for me?” She asked. “Erm…which food will you like to take as breakfast?” Broderick asked.

“Shrimp with vermicelli and garlic, ” Amy responded. “Okay, go on and teach me,” Broderick demanded. Amy began to teach him how to prepare the food while he wrote it all down. “That’s all,” Amy said after she was done teaching him about the process of cooking the food. “Got it,” Broderick said and stood then walked out while Amy took advantage of that to bath and freshen up. It wasn’t like she forgot everything that happened yesterday but she just want to live this present reality that looks like fantasy for now. Broderick told a guard to get him all the necessary ingredients required to cook the food. Since Amy didn’t trust the maid, he couldn’t send the maid to get the ingredients. In five minutes, he had all the necessary ingredients required to cook the food. He then walked to the kitchen with all the ingredients and began to cook. He even began to sweat at some point and after thirty minutes, he was done. Even he himself did not like the look, the food didn’t look like the usual Shrimp. He served it anyways and took it to Amy’s room.

When Amy saw the nonsense he prepared, she couldn’t hold her laughter. “What?” Broderick asked innocently. “So the most powerful man in North Hill has all the skills except cooking skills. How can I tell you that you cooked nonsense?” Amy chuckled. “Oh! But can we eat the nonsense together?” Broderick asked. “You want to eat with me?” Amy asked. “Yes, in the same plate,” Broderick responded. Amy smirked, the remembrance of what happened yesterday almost came to her mind but she pushed the thought aside. “I need to go to work,” Amy said. “This is just 6:30AM, we can still eat before you leave,” Broderick said. “If I eat this, I’ll die,” Amy said and went to the wardrobe then wore an apron. “Don’t worry, I’ll cook the one that the both of us will eat!” “Okay, let’s go to the kitchen together, I want to learn,” Broderick said and Amy shrugged like his request wasn’t a problem, In a jiffy, the both of them were inside the kitchen. Broderick watched as Amy cooked and by the time she was done, the smell of the food was so alluring. When Amy served the food into the plate, the sight of it was great that Broderick couldn’t wait to start eating. “Are you sure you don’t want me to serve the food in different plate?” Amy asked. “I don’t, let’s eat in one plate,” Broderick replied and Amy got all the food in one plate. When she wanted to carry the tray containing the plate of food to the dinning, Broderick stopped her with his hand then walked towards her then collected the tray from her. “You can clean up the kitchen, I’ll wait for you at the dinning,” Broderick said and Amy nodded. Broderick then walked to the dinning and placed the food on the center of the table. Amy appeared in no time and sat before him. “Shall we?” Broderick asked and Amy nodded. The two began to eat from the same plate as though nothing had happened yesterday. After they were

done, Broderick volunteered to carry the tray of empty dishes back to the kitchen. He even washed them then cleaned his hand. Broderick walked out and saw that Amy was already set to start going to work. “It’s nice eating with you, Amy,” Broderick said. Amy only hummed then asked the question that had sat on top of her heart,” where is my brother?” “He has been released since yesterday,” Broderick said and Amy felt strongly relieved. Amy immediately placed a call across to Irvin to confirm and he answered as soon as the call went through. “Hey Amy, I’ve been trying to reach you. Please if the Marshall and Franklin families comes to meet with you for a deal, please don’t entertain them. Some powerful families are trying to form a coup d’etat to impeach the president of our country, their target is actually not the president but Broderick,” Irvin said. Amy’s heart stopped for a second, how does she tell him that them? e had already signed the deal with “Okay. Irvin, are you fine?” Although Amy could tell that he was fine with the way he spoke. “I’m fine, please don’t forget what I said. And would you mind us going for lunch together one of these days? If you are less busy?” Irvin asked. “I have always wished for that. Will speak to you later, brother,” Amy said and hung the call up. “Thank you,” Amy said to Broderick and he nodded. “So.. about the pregnancy. Is it through surrogacy or through sex?” Amy asked. “I changed my mind, I’ll let Martha carry another baby for me,” Broderick said. Martha having a miscarriage was a good thing, Martha musn’t get pregnant for him again otherwise, that bitch will keep having something to hold on to, “Why did you change your mind?” Amy asked. “Cause I felt it’s not right.” Broderick responded. How will she tell him not to make love with his wife? It doesn’t make sense. She only nodded and walked away.

Whereas, at the Alessandro’s mansion, Lord Douglas had just signed the deal brought by Felix Marshall and Nelson Franklin. They were the two young masters that were secretly working for prince Nolan and had made Amy sign their deal. “Broderick kept me in the dark and starved me for three days. Not even my dead body can forgive him,” Lord Douglas said. Michael was also present in the room. “I can’t wait to see him become powerless, I want to feed him with sand and watch him beg for water but I will only serve him with my urine and he would even drink it out of desperation,” Lord Douglas said. “We will get going now, Lord Douglas. Once we are ready to take over, we may request for more of the Alessandro’s soldiers in case the ones we have aren’t enough,” Felix said. “Alright. Extend my greetings to your grandfather,” Lord Douglas said and Felix nodded and walked out with Nelson leaving only Michael and Lord Douglas in the room. “Master, this is a war. Many innocent citizens are going to die in the process,” Michael expressed his concern. “Huh? Ever since Broderick released me, I have not been able to have a good sleep cause my blood is buring heavily for revenge. I’m the clan master yet I was humiliated that way. I can even sacrifice my life as long as it can break Broderick,” Lord Douglas said. “I know you want revenge on Broderick. I also don’t like how Broderick’s power has extended, but we have to consider innocent people that will loose their lives in the process. Plus have you considered the possibility that we might not win? In that case, all those who agreed to the treason will be judged,” Michael said. “A coup d’etat well staged will end well plus the Marshall and Franklin families are very powerful families are known for their outstanding wise decision making. Their clan masters won’t approve of such plan if the outcome won’t be positive.” Lord Douglas said. He had already made up his mine and there was nothing that Michael can say that can change his mind. Michael sighed, “that’s by the ways. Master, it’s impossible for me to win Amy’s love. I have tried the forceful method, the gentle method but that woman wouldn’t just love me.” This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Then give up and find someone else. Not everyone ends up with their first love,” Lord Douglas said. “I tried. I tried to hook up with some random ladies lately but I just can’t get to love him. Master, I think love is mysterious, it’s our heart that chooses who to love not us. It’s not as if Amy is the most beautiful woman in the world but my heart chose her still.” Michael said. “You see why you should be in support of this treason? If we can put a new president in place who would not be a dog of Broderick Alessandro then you can easily have Amy for yourself,” Lord Douglas said. Lord Douglas added, “don’t you think Amy didn’t want to leave Broderick eventhough he has a wife cause she felt safe around him? Of course, who would not want to be under the protection of the most powerful man in the country, huh? But once she feels unsafe and once Broderick becomes a nonetity with nothing to his name, then you easily can have Amy for yourself cause she won’t have any reason to hold on to Broderick anymore.” “There is one more problem, I think Amy likes the prince of EastHill. I always feel greatly jealous when I see Amy showing her affection the prince of EastHill, did she like him easily cause he’s a prince or what? Amy didn’t even like me not to talk of falling in love with me,” Michael lamented. “Sometimes, you need to take some things by force. Leave her no option but to marry you, let her have your baby and she will be stuck with you forever.” “I can do that easily after we have make Broderick loose his power but my concern is… What if after marrying and giving birth to my baby, she still did not love me? Won’t her life be miserable for life?” Michael asked. “Someone’s like can’t be miserable just because they are married to someone they did not love. You can make her happy in marriage, right?” “Yes. I think I find the courage I need to win Amy over back now. But I’ll wait until we take over the country,” Michael said. Two weeks later, At Easthill, King Travis’s sickness had gotten worse that at this point, he was just laying on the bed with bedsores all over him. His eyes were opened and he was breathing, apart from that, he wasn’t able to do anything. He can’t lift his hand nor lift his leg. More like he’s been paralyzed to the bed. TE

Prince Nolan was walking to the king’s chamber to check on him like he use to when a maid suddenly ran out of the chamber but on seeing Prince Nolan, she paused, there was fear all over her face. “What?” The maid fell to her knees and cried,” while trying to clean up for the king today, I found out he stopped breathing.” “You meany my father is dead?” Prince Nolan ran inside the chamber and when he confirmed that his father was dead, he broke down into tears and sobbed earnestly for him. The king was buried that same day and a ceremony was held in his honour the following day. On the third day after King Travis died, Prince Nolan was swore in as a king. The news of him being the new king of EastHill spread across the continent like wild fire. “Time to strike!” He said to himself and called Felix to set the coup d’etat this night as over ten thousand soldiers will be joining the already fifty thousand soldiers that had been sneaking in from EastHill to North Hill for the last two weeks. Once he hung up the call he was having with Felix, he immediately sent ten thousands of his soldiers who were actually the best of his kingdom’s soldiers to NorthHill.

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