Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 103

Chapter 103

Chapter 103 What Are You Doing Here? “Amy, we can find a solution to this. Please stop drinking,” Michael forcefully snatched the bottle from her. Anger could be seeing on Amy’s face, she was now so drunk and then pointed to Michael,” you! How dare you take my kids away from me? Give them back to me now.” “Amy, you are drunk. Can I drive you home?” Michael asked but Amy couldn’t process any words from what he said. She laughed and she started seeing images of her kids, like a woman going crazy, she said,” Debby…oh Debby, I missed you. Where are your sisters?” “Hahaha… Queen, Angel, come and hug me,” Amy kept on soliloquizing. Michael stood and decided to take her home, he had invited her to the club so she can have fun with him but he didn’t know that she will get seriously drunk. He carried her up by placing her weak hand on his shoulder, Amy could barely walk as her legs were now jelly, nonetheless, he was carrying her still. When he eventually got outside, an image appeared before him and demanded,” where are you taking her to?” “Callan, get out of my way,” Michael warned. “What! You wicked nincompoop. You don’t have a heart anymore, how can I trust Amy with you?” Callan asked and Amy suddenly vommitted on Callan’s cloth. “Good for you, now will you get the fuck out of my way?” Michael asked. “You fucking got her drunk. No, I won’t let you take her away,” Callan said. Two men immediately ran to Callan and offered new cloth to him, right there and then, he changed into a new shirt and a new suit since it was only the top cloth that was stained. “I’m the most powerful man in North Hill, don’t let me punish you?” Michael warned. Callan laughed, “you want to kill her the same way your father killed her mother, right?” “Callan!” Michael called angrily,” you are crossing your boundaries now. Amy is weak and I need to take her home.”

“We both know secretes that no other person knows, yet you pay those silly cops to punish me at the prison, What were you thinking? That I will not reveal the secrete of C50? That I will not reveal all the secretes of your father? And infact, your own secretes,” Callan threatened. “We will talk about this next time, get out of my way,” Michael said. “No.You fucking leave Amy for me and I’ll take her to her house,” Callan insisted. When Michael saw that they were driving attention towards them, he gave up and handed over Amy to Callan Callan gestured to his men and two of them ran towards him and helped Amy to the backseat of the car. “Stay away from Amy, you son of a murderer,” Callan said and went to his car, he told the driver and his escorts to go home then he drove Amy back to her house.

On getting to the house, he firstly went to see if he could open the door to her apartment but it was locked. Amy was already fast asleep. He then picked up her phone from her pocket and checked her last dial, seeing the words ‘Joan’ as the last person she called, Callan placed a call across to Joan and Joan answered it. “Hey Joan, this is Callan, who are you to Amy?” Callan asked. Joan processed who Callan was quickly and answered, “a friend.” “Did you know she went to the club?” “Yes, we went together. What’s wrong?” Joan asked. She had got lost in having a conversation with an handsome man that approached her that she hadn’t thought about Amy. “Well, she got drunk and is now before her house, did you have the key to her apartment?” Callan asked. “Oh my! I’ll be there now,” Joan immediately excused herself from the man before her and sped out, she drove Amy’s car as fast she could away from the club and in a jiffy, she pulled over before at Amy’s apartment. She stepped down from the car hurriedly and ran to Callan,” hey Callan.” Joan sighted Amy laying at the backseat of the car and immediately went to check on her, seeing that she was alive, she quickly went to open the door of the house. About turning to help Amy out of Callan’s car, she saw Callan already carrying her in a bridal style and was already before the door. NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

“Thank you,” Joan said and immediately opened the door wide for him to enter. When Callan got to the living room, Joan approached him and said, you can drop her here on the big chair, I’ll take her to her room.” “Okay,” Callan placed Amy down gently and then said to her, “I believe you know Michael Alessandro. If he ever comes here, please let me know. Here is my business card.” Callan handed over his business card to Joan. “Okay,” Joan said and watched Callan left. When Callan was about entering his car, he felt a cold metal on the skin of his head. He turned slowly and saw Michael pointing a gun to his head, “I told you that if you stand in my way, I’ll kill you.” “I already told you that I will do everything I can to make up for the heartbreak I caused Amy in the past. And you shouldn’t stand in my way either,” Callan said boldly despite the gun to his head. “So we grew from best friends to enemies, well, I guess your corpse can not blame me for killing you,” Michael said and was about pulling the trigger. Callan tried to act smart but he outsmarted him and shook his head,” don’t act too smart.” Callan shut his eyes and listened as he pulled the trigger. Eventually, Michael pulled the trigger but surprisingly, Callan was still standing alive. Callan opened his eyes and watched Michael took steps back,” there is no bullet there.” Callan sighed, if he had told his guards to escort him, Michael wouldn’t have had the chance to bully him. “However, this will be your last chance, Callan. A dead man can not fight so stop trying to fight with me, okay?” Michael warned. You should have killed me cause once you do, my men will reveal all the secretes of you and your father to the world. It’s already a command I gave them,” Callan said and laughed. “So if I die, it’s just a matter of time for the people of North Hill to stone you to death.” With that being said, Callan got inside his car and drove off. Michael clenched his fist hard, as if he knew that Callan would have an edge over him, Callan was very smart too and would have put measures in place that will stop him from getting killed.

Since Amy was already asleep, he got inside his car and drove off. Callan, Michael, Mr. Broderick… Three men on Amy?’ Joan thought as she sat. Did they all love her? If three powerful men in North Hill loves Amy, why is her life so complicated then? In all these three men, the only person that Joan likes was Broderick. He had worked with him for many years and know that he’s genuine. He can’t trust this other men. She may not be capable of protecting Amy from these two men that she didn’t trust but Broderick should be able to Joan then placed a call across to Broderick and he answered, “Mr. Broderick, Amy went to the club and got herself drunk.” “Tell me the name of the club quickly,” Broderick demanded with urgency in his voice. “She had been brought home. But I need to tell you something, sir,” Joan said. “I’ll be in your apartment in a jiffy,” Broderick hung the call and got inside his car, he drove as fast as he could to Amy’s apartment. On getting there, he stepped down from his cab and walked quickly to the door. Joan already opened the door for him since she heard his car pulled over. *Where is she?” Broderick asked and Joan lead him to Amy’s room. Broderick examined her and saw that her temperature was hot, “Why did she get drunk?” “I really don’t know but maybe you can ask her when she wakes,” Joan said,” will you wait here or leave and come back when she wakes?” *Please let me stay with here,” Broderick demanded and Joan nodded. Of course, that was what Joan wanted, she wanted Broderick to stay with Amy. She actually want these two to end up together and she will do everything in her capacity to ensure they do. When she was about walking out, Broderick asked her, “what did you want to tell me?” wa Michael Alessandro and Callan were here a few minutes ago and it seemed that those men were so desperate to have Amy. It seems they are in love with her but I don’t think they are genuine,” Joan said. ‘Did they touch her?” Broderick asked

*Callan was the one who used his car to transport Amy over here and even carried her in a bridal style to the living room Broderick felt greatly jealous,” and Michael?” “I was just surprised to see Michael park outside for a couple of minutes after which he drove away.” joan Said and added,” then again, Mr. Callan told me that should Michael ever come here, I should inform him.“ *Thank you, Joan You can leave now, Broderick said and Joan walked away Broderick looked at Anny and felt bad for letting Michael take her away. He shouldn’t have even raised a hand to slap her it was just that he didn’t like how she slapped Martha He sighed and wondered if Amy was having a fever. He then placed a call across to the doctor and ordered for him to come over to Amy’s apartment. The doctor arrived in no time and examined Amy’s health ,” she had developed fever, sir.” “Treat her then.” “We can only do that after she has woken up from sleep,” the doctor said and wanted to place his hand on her forehead but Broderick said sternly, “don’t dare to touch her.” The doctor had used his medical tools to examine Amy prior, he hasn’t touched her. The doctor only wanted to touch her forehead to further confirm but he quickly withdrew his hand at Broderick’s command. : “When I need your attention, I’ll call you,” Broderick said and the doctor quickly left with his tools. “I’m sorry, Amy,” Broderick said and went to kiss her forehead,” I want to be the only one to touch you from now henceforth.” Broderick sighed, he felt at peace being beside Amy. The feeling was so incredible. He shut his eyes and began to think of Debby’s dream. Amy indeed looked innocent. Why would she lie? Could she really be the mother of the kids? While he was in deep, thought, a hand landed gently on his and when he looked at it, he saw Amy placing her hand on his but she was doing it unconsciously.

Amy immediately began to mumble some incoherent words, Broderick faced her squarely, he knew she was having a night mare. Amy smiled and called,” Debby, Queen, Angel…my little girls, come over here.” Broderick wondered what those names were, he had never heard anyone with those names before. “Elijah…have this…Elisha, this is for you.” She chuckled and added,” Moses, take this.” What sort of names is she calling? It was impossible for Broderick to make sense of it nonetheless, he opened the notepad of his phone and began to write the names down. It may not make sense now but maybe it will make sense in the future. She continued munbling some incoherent words, she suddenly shouted, “give me my kids…give me back my kids …give me…” She opened her eyes and grabbed Broderick as if he was the one taking her kids away. She had sweats formed on her forehead and there was panic on her face. The alluring and familiar scent of Broderick filled her consciousness and she fluttered her eyes opened, seeing Broderick, she expressed a dissapointed look and wondered what he was doing here. Since there was light in the room, she looked around and confirmed that this was her room. The last thing she remembered was that she was in the club, drinking so hard. How did she get here? Broderick wanted to clean the sweat on her face with his handkerchief but she jerked back angrily, with a deep frown in her face, she asked, “what are you doing here?”

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