At the call of the moon

Chapter 19

Lexa lay prostrate next to Jake’s body for a long moment, unable to do anything but cry. She didn’t even know why exactly she was crying anymore, there was so much reasonS . She had lost two of her best friends, killed by one of their friends, the very one she had thought of marrying one day and had just killed. It was all crazy. Just crazy and painful. She was sad to have lost Jake, her friend, but felt no pity for the body that lay next to her. He wasn’t Jake. Not HER Jake, the one who was always reassuring and gentle with her. He was just a traitor without any honor. Then , drawing on her last strength , she got up and carried the body to the lair , her heart at last appeased .From NôvelDrama.Org.

Once there, she headed straight for the central chalet, cutting through the crowd like the red sea with a stride made laborious by the emotional and physical trials of the past few days. She felt the eyes of the pack on her, on her vibrations and the golden glow they caused. She ignored it and threw her burden at her father’s feet, refusing to even glance at it.

– That’s it, vermin problem solved.

Her father gave him a smile that bared his fangs:

– Perfect, thank you, Lexa. What do you want to do with it?

she let herself fall to the ground with a weary sigh:

– I don’t know, you’re the alpha, dad.

John’s smile softened.

– Yes, but it was you who hunted and killed him. Consider it part of your training.

She was amazed that even seeing her “true” alpha waves, her father trusted her so much. So she shrugged, trying to sound as even as possible.

– Bury the body , deep. He does not deserve to join our goddess, and even less to be once again touched by her rays.

The wolves designated to take care of the body took it and left, pulling it behind them, leaving an uncomfortable silence reigning over the assembly. Suddenly, a cry split the air:

– Lexa!

She straightened up immediately, despite her bleeding feet, and felt more than saw Carter walking – running – towards her. The young wolf hadn’t been aware at all of how much she had missed him. The tears began to flow down her cheeks again and she rushed towards him with a cry:

– Carter!

He intercepted her in midair and spun her around in the air, kissing every inch of her filthy face before hugging her tightly. Lexa was grateful for that because she felt her strength leaving her as she curled up against him. Her soul mate, her other half. These tears were not weapons of sadness, but of joy. He took her by the hand and led her to their cabin, a smile on his face. He whispered in her ear:

– Come on, let’s go home

After that, Lexa and Carter resumed a more or less normal life, going to class in the morning, then to training, one for cheerleading and the other for football, before meeting in the evening at the chalet to eat. , make love and go running under the moon. They both try to get better, to forget all these stories, the wounds cauterizing little by little. And it works, day after day, the light returns to the young girl’s eyes. Now, Carter is sure: The future looks bright.

Carter takes a deep breath of the night air, fragrant with hundreds of smells from the bleachers. Off to the side, he sees Lexa, Radiant, shaking her pom poms in his direction, dragging Paul with her. They exchange a look and the young man sketches a knowing smile. He blows one last time, and the whistle sounds.

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