Arranged Marriage With The Billionaire


Blair and Tamara planned Dylan’s surprise party for days, it helped take her mind off the fact that she was pregnant. She kept it a secret and did not tell anyone about it. Dylan’s birthday was in two days and she was almost ready for it, the oy thing that bothered her was the news of her pregnancy.

Blair spoke to her doctor already and she begged her not to tell anyone about it yet.

She was arranging her closet when her phone rang, it was her mom. She picked the call and put it on speaker.

“Hello? Mom?” She called.

“Hello, my dear. How are you? I am really sorry that I haven’t called you. I saw the news about Samantha.” Her mom said.

“I’m fine, mom. How are you? Samantha used us, mom.” Blair told her.

“I’m very well, Blair. Why don’t we have dinner tomorrow? We can talk better, I hope you are okay? I know how close you two were.”

“Yeah, sure mom. I’ll let Dylan know and I’m fine mom.” Blair said.

She arranged the last of her clothes and moved to Dylan’s side of the room.

“Alright, I will be home tomorrow, I’d like for you to come help me prepare dinner.”

“Sure mom, I’ll be there.”

“Thank you, my dear, goodnight.”

“Goodnight mom.” She replied and her mom hung up the phone.

Blair gave a long sigh, Dylan’s side wasn’t too scattered like hers.

When she was done, she went downstairs to have dinner.

Donna was there, doing things here and there. She already made dinner and set the table for Blair.

“Donna, can I talk to you?” She asked her.

The issue of the pregnancy bothered her and she needed to tell someone.

“Sure, we can talk. Are you alright?” Donna left all that she was doing and walked towards Blair.

Blair didn’t even know how to start explaining, she just looked down at her feet. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes.

“I’m pregnant.” Her voice came out weaker than she wanted it to.

“Ohh, my dear, come here.” She held Blair and led her to the counter stool.

Blair sat down and wiped her tears with her fingers.

“When did you find out? And how far along are you?” Donna asked.

“I found out a few days ago and it’s already been three weeks. I wonder how they managed to spot it.” Blair’s voice broke into another sob.

“Oh my dear, it’s okay. Don’t panic, did you tell him?” Donna rubbed her back soothingly.

“No, I haven’t told him. I don’t know how he’s going to feel about it. We’ve never had conversations about kids or about being pregnant. I don’t know how he’s going to react, I really don’t want it to cause an issue.” Blair laid her doubts and fears about it.

The whole thing ate her up inside and she couldn’t take it anymore.

“First of all, you won’t know his reaction if you don’t tell him. You can’t expect him to know anything when you don’t tell him, right? I understand how scared you must feel and it’s okay but isn’t it better to share your fears with him? Dylan isn’t the same as before and you know it. I believe that he loves you a lot and is willing to do anything and everything for you, trust me on that my dear, hmm?”

Blair sniffed and wiped her tears.

“Thank you, Donna. You’re right, I should tell him. He’s my husband after all and he’s the father of this child. And yeah, I know he loves me a lot and loves him too. I just hope he doesn’t get mad.”

Donna pulled her in for a warm hug.

“It’s okay, my dear, it’ll be fine. Now I want you to eat and I’m so happy for you. I will take care of you to the best of my abilities, just let me know when you need something. Aaliyah and Clara are here too, please let us know if you need anything.” Donna told her.

“Thank you, Donna, I appreciate this.” Blair hugged her.

“It’s okay.” She hugged her back.

Blair gave her a small smile before leaving the table.

As she took her seat, the doorbell rang. She got up to check but figured that it had to be Dylan but she peeped through the hole to make sure that it was him. Then she opened the door.

“Welcome, Dylan.” She took his laptop and it’s charger.

Dylan stepped into the house and kissed her lips. Blair rarely opened the door for him but when she did he never failed to greet her with a kiss.

“How are you, my love? I missed you today.” He grinned.

Blair wasn’t really in the mood but she tried to not show it. So she faked a smile and slowly untangled herself from his hold.

“I’m very well, Dylan. How are you?” She asked.

“I’m tired, honestly. But everything’s okay, you sound tired, are you alright?” He asked.

“Alright, sorry. You should take a bath and I’m okay. I’ll just take this to your office.” She left for his office.

Her behavior felt off to Dylan, but he decided to shake it off. He thought she was tired or something and shouldn’t think too much of it.

“Welcome, sir.” Donna greeted him.

“Thank you, Donna. How are you?” He asked.

“I’m very well, thank you. Was she about to have dinner?” He referred to the food on the table.

“Yes sir, she was.” Donna answered.

“Oh. Is she okay?” He asked again.

“Yes sir, she’s okay. Maybe a little tired but I think she’s alright.”

“Alright then.”

Blair came down the stairs and went straight to the table to have her dinner.

Dylan and Donna watched as she walked towards the table.

Dylan left the kitchen and went upstairs to freshen up.

Blair ate her food silently and when she was done, she packed everything on the table and took it to the kitchen.

“Thank you again, Donna.” Blair told her before she went to the bedroom.

Dylan wasn’t in the room when Blair got there, he was inside the bathroom. Blair checked her phone for messages and she saw a message from Tamara. She informed her that everything was ready for the surprise party and everyone that they wanted to invite had been informed already.

Blair was relieved when she read the message.

She waited for Dylan to come out of the bathroom so that she could tell him about the dinner at her parent’s place.

She scrolled through her phone until Dylan came out.

He was dripping with water and he had only a towel wrapped loosely around his wait. He dried his long hair with a towel and went into the closet to pick out his sleep wear.

Blair already took her bath when she got back from Tamara’s house. She wore a long, white, sleeveless dress that had a v neckline.

Dylan came out wearing only pajama pants.

He smirked when he caught Blair staring at him.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I know that look in your eyes.” He picked up a comb and combed his hair.

“What are you talking about?” She asked him because she honestly didn’t know what he was talking about.

Dylan jumped on the bed and trapped Blair, his hands on both sides of the bed.

“Dylan-” Blair wanted to protest but she couldn’t, Dylan cut her off.

“I miss you, Blair and I want you.” His eyes were hooded with desire, something that Blair was used to.

He almost had that look at anything he stared at her.

“Dylan I’m-” He cut her off again.

“Tired? You’re never tired, you’re always ready for me, for us. I’ll ask you only once, are you sure you’re okay?”

Blair looked deeply into his pretty blue eyes, eyes that sucked her in whenever she stared into them.

“Yes, Dylan. I’m okay, just tired.” She answered.

“Okay then. I’ll leave you alone.” He laid on his back and picked up his phone.

“My mom said we should come to the house for dinner tomorrow.” She informed him.

“Oh! That’s nice, I’ll be there after work.” He responded.

“Thank you, I’ll text you the time.” She answered.

“There’s no need to thank me, Blair. Your parents are mine too.”

“Yeah, I guess so.” They spent the rest of the night in silence.

Blair fell asleep first, Dylan typed aggressively on his phone.

He spoke to the detective and they had been called for Samantha’s trial. There were so many other things they revealed after she was caught. She almost killed a man and she committed arson.

Samantha was definitely going to spend time in jail, Richard too.

He glanced over at Blair’s side and saw that she was already asleep.

He knew that Blair wasn’t okay, she was worried about something and it was clear. And for some reason unknown to him, she chose to keep it a secret.

He stared at her sleeping frame for a while, a smile slowly began to form on his face. He couldn’t get angry at her no matter how hard he tried to.

He thought about proposing to her again after the dinner with her parents. Dylan would ask her to marry him again, in front of her parents.

It was a good idea and he would use another engagement ring. He felt that the old one wasn’t meant to be used, because of what happened that day. He would always be reminded of the events of that day whenever he looked at it.

So he already got another one that he would use instead, it was beautiful.

He couldn’t stay far away from his wife, so he pulled her close to him, so he spooned her. She snuggled even closer to him and he chuckled.

“I thought you weren’t in the mood.” He muttered.

He fell asleep soon after.

As usual, Blair woke up without her husband beside her, he had already left for work.

She got out of bed and sat in front of her vanity mirror.

Blair looked absolutely stunning, her skin was clear and flawless. Her hair was shiny and long. She looked like a princess, a pregnant princess, she laughed at the thought.

She heard knocks on her door when she got up to brush her teeth.

“Come in.” She answered.

The door opened and revealed Donna, she was holding a breakfast tray.

“Donna?” Blair went over to her and collected the tray from her, she placed it on her bed.

“Good morning, my dear. I thought I’d make you breakfast and bring it to your room. Do you like it?” She asked.

Donna wasn’t joking when she said she would take care of her.

“Oh Donna, thank you, yes I love it. It looks so delicious, I can’t wait to eat it.” Bair gushed.

“You’re welcome, I’ll leave you to eat.” Donna was about to leave when Blair stopped her.

“Wait, I’ll be going to my parent’s house soon. I and Dylan will be having dinner there today.” She informed her.

Blair also wanted to tell her about the surprise party that she planned for Dylan.

“Oh, that is good. Alright then, enjoy yourself.”

“Thank you and Donna I planned a surprise party for Dylan. I know you are aware that his birthday is tomorrow. I planned something for him and I also plan to do a few decorations and some other things tomorrow. Please, Dylan must not find out about it.” She begged her.

“Oh wow, thank you so much, Blair. I’m happy to hear this, I thought that he would spend his birthday alone again. I won’t say a word and we would all be happy to help you with anything you might need tomorrow.” Donna answered with a bright smile on her face.

“Thank you, Donna.” Blair grinned.

“You’re welcome, now eat your breakfast before it gets cold.” Donna laughed and then she left the room.

Blair quickly brushed her teeth and downed her breakfast.

She thought about her baby and she rubbed her stomach, she smiled.

Even though she was scared, there was no doubt that Blair loved her child with everything she had.

“I love you, sweetie.” She said quietly.

Blair got ready to go to her parent’s house, she wore something casual because she would be helping her mom make dinner.

She packed her dinner outfit, along with shoes and her curling iron. She also took her makeup kit and jewelry and carefully arranged them in a bag.

She dashed out of the room and ran down the stairs.

“I’ll see you later, Donna.” She shouted.

“Alright, Blair, take care.” Donna responded from the pantry.

Blair drove out of the house and to her childhood home.

Her mind flashed back to when she almost lost her home. She thought her parents were going to sell it because of the issue that they had with their company.

She was devastated then but she still did all she could in order to keep the house. And now she was going back there.

It was an hour drive from Their house. When she got there, her usual parking spot was empty, so she parked there. Everything was still the same, except that the exterior had been repainted and the driveway was re-tarred.

“Home sweet home.” She muttered to herself. She got down from her car and went into the house.

“Mom, I’m home!” She shouted.

Blair looked around the house, nothing much changed, they only changed a few things.

“Blair?” Sinclair, their butler, walked into the living room.

“Sinclair!” Blair shouted and ran to hug him.

“Oh my dear, it’s so good to have you back in this house.” He smiled.

“Wow, I miss having you around. How are you? Where is Anita?” Blair asked him.

“We all miss having you around too, Blair, I’m very well. Anita is helping your mother with the cooking and your dad isn’t at home right now.” He explained as he walked through the hallway.

“Darling? I’m in the kitchen, come baby.” Her mom called her.

She grinned and ran to the kitchen to hug her mom.

“Momma.” She hugged her mom from behind.

“My baby, wait, let me wash my hands so that I can hold you properly.” Her mom smiled brightly, her eyes sparkled.

“Anita!” She hugged her.

“Blair, wow, it’s nice to have you back home.” Anita grinned.

“Thank you, how have you been? You’re getting more beautiful huh, I’m sorry that I haven’t visited.” She apologized.

Anita laughed. “I’ve been good, thank you dear. It’s okay, no need to apologize, you’re here now.” She smiled.

“Thank you, Anita.”

Her mother quickly washed her hands and turned to hug Blair.

“Yes she’s here now, look at you! You looked so stunning, my dear. Dylan must be taking good care of you, I missed you a lot. Your dad will be so happy to see you when he gets back from the office.” Her mom was happy.

She hadn’t seen her daughter in a while and she missed her so much.

She hugged Blair again, tightly.

“I’ve missed you so much, sweetie.” Her mom almost cried.

“Me too, mom.” Blair answered.

“I have a lot to tell you.” She continued.

“Really? You do? I can’t wait to hear everything. Let’s go to the living room.”

“Okay but I need something to drink mom, I’m so parched.” She complained.

“Sure dear, water, juice, wine, anything?” She asked.

“Water first and then wine.” She grinned.

“That’s my girl, quench the thirst first and enjoy the wine peacefully.” They both laughed.

Blair drank two glasses of water and then her mom poured her a glass of merlot wine.

“Hmm, smells amazing.” Blair complimented before taking a sip.

They moved to the living room and took their seats on the couch.

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