Arranged Marriage With The Billionaire


The warrant had already been made and the detective and a few policemen headed to Samantha’s house.

Samantha’s informant had just gotten to the police station by the time they left. He wanted to speak to the guy that was taken and locked up.

He explained to the man at the front desk but he wasn’t allowed to speak to him. Frustrated and ready to leave after all the pleas, Blair and Dylan walked into the station.

The man quickly recognized Blair as Samantha’s enemy. It clicked into his mind that she was the one who planned everything. The fact that she was with Dylan as well was proof enough.

He quickly rushed out of the station to call Samantha.


The detective banged on Samantha’s door severally before she opened it.

She lived in a condominium in an exclusive estate. The building was like that of a hotel, it was elegant and expensive looking.

He thought that she must have a lot of money to live there or it wasn’t hers.

“Who are you? And how may I help you?” She asked when she opened the door.

The detective smirked and took out his ID from his wallet, shoving it in her face.

“I am detective Jones, from the national district. And you are under arrest for defamation, slander and so many others. You are free to call your lawyer because it’ll be tough.” He explained to her with joy.

“What?! There’s no way. What are you talking about? Where is your warrant?”Samantha was agitated and anxious already, she had not received the call that she was waiting for.

“Oh it’s right here. Did you think I came here to drag you for no reason? Oh no ma’am, I don’t waste my time unnecessarily. Cuff her!” He took out the paper from the envelope and showed it to her.

He commanded one of the officers that stood behind him to cuff her.

“Wait! What are you doing?! How dare you?!” She screamed and attempted to hit the officer.

“You have quite an attitude for someone who has committed lots of crimes. If you hit this man, I will make sure to add an extra year to whatever sentence you’ll be getting in the future. Keep that in mind, ma’am.” He warned her.

“Who sent you, huh? That bitch, Blair? She’s the one right? That stupid bitch!” She screamed as they dragged her out and into the police car.

The detective did not answer her because it wasn’t necessary. He already sent another unit to pick up Richard and they should already be on their way back to the station.

Meanwhile, Samantha’s phone rang severally, but she had already been taken and couldn’t answer it. It rang continuously on her couch.

The detective sighed in relief when she finally kept quiet. No one paid any attention to her, so she had no choice but to keep her mouth shut.

Samantha on the other hand had a feeling that Blair was involved in her arrest. She kept staring out the window, her plan failed terribly and there was nothing she could do about it anymore.

The drive to the police station wasn’t as long as it usually was because the driver was really fast.

Blair and Dylan were already waiting at the station. Dylan kept pacing while Blair sat in one of the chairs in the waiting room. Her palms were folded together.

The detective came into the room later.

“Dylan, good afternoon, Blair. We finally got her.” He shook hands with them.

Blair got up immediately she saw the detective, she held Dylan’s arm for support.

“Really? Where is she?” Blair asked.

“You!” Samantha rushed in immediately and laid eyes on Blair.

She wanted to pull her hair but Dylan blocked her from doing so.

“Hold her still!” The detective commanded the police men behind her. They made sure she was properly binded before holding her arms, preventing her from attacking Blair again.

“You lied to me! I thought you hated him?!” Samantha could not hide her shock and annoyance towards the situation.

She had been fooled the whole time. She knew Blair was smart but she didn’t know Dylan would help her out too.

“Really? If we start to call out liars, I think you would pass out as the biggest one on earth right now. I thought we were friends, Sam.” Blair spoke as calmly as she could.

She felt a surge of anger immediately she laid eyes on Samantha. She wanted to hit her on the face but decided to control herself. Blair clenched and unclenched her fists.

“You are the fucking liar. And no, you were never my friend, especially when you took Dylan from me!” Samantha shouted.

“Sure, except you are the snake in this building. The biggest deceiver on the entire planet. You have lied to me for years! You have deceived me and my entire family who accepted you and treated you like their own! My God, Sam, you are so wicked and evil. I took Dylan from you? When was there ever a time you told me you had feelings for him or whatever? Was I supposed to read your mind?! You are the sickest person I’ve ever met.”

Blair stood in front of her, all the energy that she wanted to suppress slowly made its way out of its hiding place.

“Shut up! You stupid bitch! I hate you so much! You have had everything so easy and you always had that stupid sick smile on your face every damn time. I wanted to break you and see you actually cry your senses out. You deserve sadness for putting me through hell!” Samantha screamed.

“And I loved you genuinely, as a friend would love her friend. I had everything easy? Did you even know me at all? I had to work my way into everything! And then I had to marry someone I didn’t even know for my family’s sake! No offense, baby. But guess what, he turned out to be a wonderful person, so I don’t regret it. You already made me cry, you already put me through hell and where has that gotten you? I wish I knew this side of you from the beginning. And no, I deserve happiness, why? Because I’ve been nothing but good to you, I’ve been there for you when everyone else abandoned you. When you were alone and afraid, Blair was fucking there! And you stand here to tell me shit?! You are insane!” Blair screamed at her.

Hurt and rage mixed together with every word that came from her mouth.

“You almost destroyed me, Samantha. You almost destroyed my husband too. If you say you loved him then you wouldn’t have tried to hurt him. But the only thing you have always cared about is yourself and no one else. It’s so sad that you never stopped to think about our friendship. You never even for once spoke to me about all the hurt that you said I caused you, but that is on you. I don’t care and it’s none of my business. You will have to pay for what you have done to us.” Blair’s voice went back to being calm.

“Did Richard tell you? He toodbyou everything right? That slimy bastard and son of a bitch. So you all planned all of this against me? Even you, Dylan? You really love your wife huh? Well, I hope you all rot in hell. Fuck you!”

She shouted and attempted to hit Dylan with her fist but Blair pushed her away.

“I will make you pay Samantha. You messed with the wrong family, you really shouldn’t mess with the Lancasters in your next life because I will be watching you. And I will follow you to the end of the world when you try to run away. I will ruin your entire life, I swear.” His voice was dangerously low and calm.

It made Samantha break into a sweat.

“Take her away.” The detective ordered them.

“Let me go! Please, forgive me Dylan. I didn’t want to hurt you but she made me do it. She took you away from me.” She cried.

“You are sick.” He told her before they completely dragged her out of sight.

“My God, she’s gone, she needs mental help, detective.” Blair lamented.

The man was surprised that Blair still cared about her even after finding out about what she did to them.

“We’ll see about that.” He answered.

Just then, Richard walked into the waiting room.

“If it isn’t the devil himself.” Richard smirked, he was referring to Dylan.

Dylan laughed so hard immediately that everyone kept staring at him with amused looks.

“I am so glad that you acknowledged that. At least you tried to amend your ways, so I will not completely destroy you.” Dylan smirked.

“I thought we agreed to not send me to jail, Blair? What happened to your promise?” He asked.

“You weren’t innocent Richard, you have done evil things that deserve punishment and so I cannot let you go free.” Blair told him.

“Wow, I’m guessing this devil here made you do it.”

“I will not tolerate you calling him a devil, I made the decision on my own.” She answers him.

“Whatever, you both deserve each other.” He answered.

“Oh yes we do, thank you for that compliment.” Dylan held her hand tight.

Richard scoffed as he was being dragged into a holding cell.

The detective turned to them.

“Thank you for helping out in this investigation. I appreciate it.” The detective shook their hands.

Blair was still devastated by the confrontation between herself and Samantha. It hurt her to see her ex friend in the situation she was in. Binded with cuffs and held like an animal about to be slaughtered.

But she had to let her go. Samantha was no longer a part of her life and it would do Blair good to forget about her.

“Let’s go, Blair.” Dylan helped her up from the seat and held her hands.

She turned to the detective.

“Thank you for your help.” She said to him,

“We will take it from here, ma’am. You are free now.” The man smiled faintly.

Blair gave a small nod, before she followed Dylan out of the building and into their car.

Immediately Blair got into the car, she burst into tears.

“What is wrong, Blair?” He pulled her closer to him.

Blair cried while Dylan patted her back and whispered soothing words in her ears.

“It’s okay, my love. It’s okay, we’re okay.” He said.

“Thank you, Dylan. I wouldn’t have done this without you.” She told him as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

“I wouldn’t have done this without you too. You were so brave, I’m so proud of you.” Dylan told her with a smile on his face.

“Thank you but can we go home?” She tried to smile back.

“Sure, we can. Let’s go.” He answered.

Dylan drove back home and Blair immediately went into the house. She wanted to sleep because she had a terrible headache.

Donna wasn’t in the house, probably in her room, Dylan thought.

He made himself a cold espresso

coffee with lots of ice in it. Dylan went outside, to the verandah precisely.

He sighed after the first sip.

“So nice.”

His phone rang in his pocket and he picked it up to check who it was. It was his dad.

“Good afternoon, dad.” Dylan greeted him.

“Afternoon, I saw the news, you caught a notorious thief who happened to be a friend of your wife. Isn’t that a disgrace?” He scoffed.

“Not now, dad. Can you please save all of this for some other time? I really cannot speak much right now, thank you.” He answered.

Dylan’s father wasn’t satisfied with the fact that he did not ask him for his help. So he wanted to do everything in his power to frustrate him, it wasn’t as if he meant any real harm.

“Now you’re busy? If you had let me help you, this would have been over a long time ago. And we would all be sipping cognacs right now, isn’t that so?” The man laughed richly.

“Yeah, laugh all you want, it’s funny.” Dylan muttered.

“I have to go now, dad.” He informed his dad.

“Yeah, okay. At least you made sure she was arrested, you are free to go.” He hung up the call.

Dylan groaned loudly, frustrated to the core already, he knew what his father was doing.

He gulped the last of his coffee and climbed the stairs slowly. Just as he was about to reach the last step at the top, the doorbell rang.

He groaned once more and ran down the stairs.

“Who is there?” His voice boomed clearly throughout the house.

Dylan peeped through the hole and saw a delivery man with his security guard beside him.

“Delivery sir.” The man answered and Dylan opened the door.

“How may I help you? What is he delivering, Harold?” He asked his guard.

Dylan was trying to be cautious because he knew Samantha was crazy and could try to harm them one last time.

“He said he doesn’t know what’s inside but he was told to handle it with care. He also said Mr Ernesto sent him, sir.” Harold answered.

“Ah, Ernesto. Alright then, I know what it is. Thank you.” He collected the package from the man and he left with Harold behind him.

Dylan went back inside to check the package. He sat on the couch and placed the package on the table in front of him.

He opened it and saw a bunch of papers and ribbons and gift stuffing. He opened everything and brought out a small, black velvet box.

He opened the box and saw the rings inside it.

“Woah!” He exclaimed.

They were absolutely stunning, a mixture of simplicity, class, beauty and wealth. If he could call it ‘money’ then he would because it reeked of it.

They were so beautiful that he loved them immediately and he set his eyes on them.

“Damn, Ernesto, are you some kind of genie?” He chuckled as he pulled out his phone to dial his number.

“Mr. Lancaster, have you received your package sir?” Ernesto asked him. He knew that Dylan would call him, he was expecting the call.

“Ernesto, you are some kind of genius. I love them and I know that she would love them too. Thank you so much.” Dylan grinned at the rings before him.

He couldn’t stop staring at them.

“It’s no problem, sir. I wanted to give you something that many would envy but cannot possess. That is a limited edition, there is only one of that kind.” He explained.

“Wow! Thank you so much.” Dylan genuinely thanked him.

“You are welcome, I should go now. I have work to do sir, thank you for patronizing me!” He exclaimed.Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

“No problem, bye.” Dylan hung up the phone.

Dylan kept admiring the rings until his eyes hurt him. The rings had slices of diamond cuts, it was hard to explain it but it was as if those precious stones were sliced and used to form a ring. It was simply gorgeous.

He decided not to show Blair yet, until they were getting married.

“Mr, Lancaster?” Donna called.

“Donna? How are you? You weren’t in the house when we got back from the station.” Dylan told her.

They had explained to her before they left the house. She knew everything at the moment.

“I’m very well, I was resting. I see you have something there.” She moved closer to sit beside him on the couch.

Dylan grinned.

“Yeah, I have a gift for Blair.” He opened the box and showed the rings to Donna.

“Wow! They are so beautiful! Blair would love them so much.” Donna agreed with him.

“I know right, I had them made when I went on a trip. I just got them back today.” He told her.

“Oh, they’re stunning.” She cooed.

“Yeah, like Blair. I plan on marrying her again, Donna, with this ring.” He picked out the smaller ring. It was a bit different from his own ring.

Hers was more feminine and beautiful and simple, just as she loved them.

“Dylan, wow, that is amazing. My God, so much has happened that I can hardly keep up. I am so happy for the both of you because you came out stronger than before. I am so relieved for you both.” Donna smiled.

Tears pricked the corners of Dylan’s eyes but he laughed it off.

“Thank you, Donna. I’m happy too, that I got a chance with someone like Blair.” He said.

“She has changed your life for the better, sir. You are a different person now, in a good way.” Donna affirmed.

Dylan sighed and wiped a tear from the corner of his left eye.

“I want to surprise her with these, I won’t show her now, until we’re ready to get married. She will see it when I put it on her finger.” He smiled.

“I agree. She’ll be shocked when she sees it.” Donna agreed.

“I just love that woman.” Dylan laughed.

“I’m sure she loves you too. I have to get back to work now.” Donna got up to leave.

“Thank you, Donna.” Dylan smiled at her.

Donna left him and went to the laundry room.

Dylan packed the ring and everything into its place and took it to his office. He hid it in a shelf in his office but then he took it out and decided to keep it in his safe because someone might see it while cleaning or something.

He went back upstairs to check up on Blair, she said she had wanted to sleep. When he got to the room, she was still fast asleep and she was wearing his shirt, he chuckled.

“You, teddy bear.” She hugged a huge pillow as if she was hugging Dylan.

He laid beside her and removed the pillow, replacing it with his body.

Before Dylan knew it, he fell asleep too.

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