Arranged Marriage With The Billionaire


Back in Dylan’s office, things weren’t as hectic. Everything ran smoothly, some of his team members were still overseas.

The work he did over there paved the way for an easier job in the main office.

He only signed documents, reviewed plans, drew plans, closed deals, and the like.

He had time to eat lunch too, thankfully. Most times he missed his lunch because he had to work but then he had lunch this time.

Dylan had left Blair in the morning but he already informed her that he would be going back to the office.

He thought of her and decided to call her.

He picked up his phone and dialed her number. She picked after the second ring.

Once he heard her voice, his insides melted. He became calmer than he was before.

They had a playful conversation before he hung up.

“What am I supposed to eat later?” He asked himself.

He tried to remember if there was something specific that he craved.

Blair had asked him if he wanted her to make something for him. And he did but he didn’t know what exactly.

So she asked him to call her back later if he eventually thought of anything.

He just went on with his work and decided that he would call her after 30 minutes.

He heard a knock on the door.

“Yes? Come in.” He answered.

His secretary opened the door in a hurry and walked in.

“Mr Lancaster, your father is here.” She breathed.

“Father’s here?” He looked up from his table, in shock.

“Yes sir, he’s talking to some of the partners.” She told him.

“Let him in when he’s ready.” He turned his attention back to his work.

“Alright, sir.” She left the office.

He continued his work until someone opened his door and closed it.

“Dylan.” Mr Lancaster called him.

“Good afternoon, father. Have a seat.” Dylan stood up to greet him.

“Thank you.” The older man walked towards the couch to sit.

“What brings you here dad?” Dylan asked.

He sat back down and faced his computer, he typed away while his father spoke.

“I came to congratulate you. You did a good job in Spain.” The man said.

“You didn’t need to come, you could have called me if you just wanted to congratulate me. There wasn’t any need to come.” Dylan answered, facing his father.

The older man cocked his head to the side and smirked.

“Oh well, you have a point. But I still wanted to come, considering that we had a bad conversation the last time we spoke.”

Dylan abruptly stopped typing and turned to face him.

“That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t answer your call, I’m not petty and you know it. Why did you come here?” He asked again.

“You have ways of finding me out, don’t you?” The man laughed.

Dylan just stared at him without saying a word. He had a gut feeling that his father came because of the issue with Blair and Samantha and of course the stupid contract.

“Okay, I’ll stop beating about the bush now. That issue with Blair, I hope you know that you are somehow involved. I had someone find out things, that woman, Samantha, or whatever is planning something against you.” His father told him.

“Yes, I know she’s planning something against us.”

“Oh really because I’m not sure you do. That stupid informant of yours has no idea. You know I’m kind of disappointed in you. Want to know why?” He smirked.

“Why don’t you enlighten me, father,” Dylan answered.

“Happy to, you have changed. And in a way I like it but in some ways, I don’t. You have turned soft, you in the past would have put an end to this long ago. Don’t tell me that you’re actually in love with that contract woman?” He grimaced.

“First of all, she is not a contract woman. Second, do not call her that again. Third, yes, I am in love with her.” Dylan warned him, in his most dangerous tone.

“Okay. I see that you still have some bits of arrogance in you. You will have to end your marriage with her. The deal we had with her family is over, everyone has what they want now. You should marry someone in your league.”

“No father, I will end the contract and make her my wife for real this time. And she is in my league, she is everything for me and there’s nothing you can say that will change that.”

“You have been pulled into her world, Dylan. This will affect you and our family. Leave that woman to deal with her problems, before she drags you deeper into it. I’m sure her parents will be able to help her.” His father pressed.

“Dad, can you just forget about it? I’m so busy right now, I honestly can’t say much.” Dylan continued his work without sparing his father a glance.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” His father got up from the couch and walked out the door.

Dylan gave a long sigh and held his head with both his hands.

The last thing Dylan wanted was an issue with his father. He didn’t have the mental strength to fight him and at the same time, he did not want to do what he wanted.

Especially not divorce Blair. That was never going to happen in his current life and his next life.

He just couldn’t wait for the whole thing with Samantha to blow over.

He kept thinking of his father’s word’s ‘Samantha is planning something against you. His father knew how to help them, but he wanted something from Dylan in return and Dylan wasn’t interested in that kind of deal.

Dylan knew that the contract between him and Blair had ended already. He didn’t want to acknowledge it but then a part of him was happy because he would be able to marry her again. The way they both wanted.

So many things bugged him and he didn’t know which one to tackle first.

He just continued his work and hoped to find a solution to the issues soon.

Dylan also made a mental note to call the detective to ask him when everything would be ready.

Dylan suddenly knew what he wanted to eat for dinner, so he called Blair.

“Dylan?” Blair called him.

“My love, are you okay? Why do you sound this way?” He asked her.

Her voice was low and raspy as if she had been crying.

“Oh! Nothing, I was asleep. Your call woke me. Is everything okay? Have you thought of what you want to eat?” She asked him.

“Oh! Alright then, I’m sorry I woke you up.”

“It’s okay.”

“Alright uh, I thought about what I would like to eat tonight. I remember you said to call you back on time so that you can start the preparations.”

“Yeah, I did. Now tell me.” She groaned.

“You.” Dylan held his breath.

That wasn’t his answer but he just wanted to mess with her.

“Oh, God! Dylan! Can you not start? Don’t you mess with me?” She threatened him.

“What?” He tried so hard to control his laughter but he just couldn’t. The laughter rolled from his stomach and exploded from his mouth.

He laughed so hard that tears threatened to drop from his eyes.

“Really? Now you’re laughing? I hate you, seriously.” She pretended to be upset.

“Okay fine, baby, I’m sorry.” He apologized but he was trying to control his laughter.

“Whatever, just tell me what you want.”

“Okay, I want yam, y’know the root thingy.” He said.

“Yeah, I know. Is it just that?”

“Yeah and chicken breast sauce and eggs and y’know, vegetables.” He answered her.

“Alright then, I’ll see you later, bye.”

“Bye, baby.” He hung up the call and smiled to himself.

His wife was the best thing that ever happened to him and he wasn’t ready to let her go for any reason. He planned on holding onto her forever. Until his last breath, no one was going to tell him what he was going to do with his marriage.


Blair’s phone rang on the table in front of the couch that she slept in.

She immediately woke up once the phone rang once, she checked the caller ID and saw that it was Dylan.

Blair picked up the phone.

They spoke for a while and then Dylan told her what he wanted to eat.

After they dropped the call, she left the couch and went into the kitchen.

Dylan wanted a simple dish; yam and sauce.

Blair used to eat it a lot when she was younger. Her mom made it for her and she simply loved it because it was a simple dish. But as she grew up, she gradually stopped eating it.

And now her husband wanted it and she had to make it. It would also give her another chance to eat it.

And Donna usually prepared it for herself and the staff sometimes, so she knew they had it in storage.

Blair checked the store and found it stacked up on a shelf. She took out one tuber and peeled it, but before then she put a pot of water on the stove to boil.

“Mrs Lancaster?”

Blair looked to see who called her. It was Donna, she looked at her in surprise.

“Yes, Donna, is everything okay? Do you need something?” She asked her.Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Uh, I’m just wondering why you are cutting and peeling a yam tuber.” Donna queried.

“Oh! Dylan said he wanted it, so I’m making it for him.”

“Oh really! You should have called me to help you with it. Do you know how to make it?”

“No, it’s okay. I know how to prepare it. It was one of my favorites when I was a kid, my mom taught me how to make it.” Blair smiled.

“Oh wow, that is good. There are different ways of making it though, but I’m happy to see your method.”

“Thank you, Donna.”

Donna stayed with Blair while she cooked.

After she peeled the yam, she cut them into medium-sized bits and rinsed them, then she threw them in the boiling water.

It was already almost 8 pm.

“I think Mr Lancaster is back, I just heard the sound of a moving car on the driveway.”

“I heard it too. Do you mind helping him with the door? Thank you.”

“Sure, ma’am.”

Donna headed to the main door and opened it for Dylan.

“Donna? How did you know it was me?” He chuckled and moved inside so that she could lock the door.

“I heard the sound of your car, sir. Good evening, sir.”

“Oh! Good evening Donna, thank you.” Dylan smiled at her and walked into the house.

“You are welcome, sir.”

“Yeah, I can perceive something delicious. Is Blair in the kitchen?” He asked.

“Yes sir, she is. She’s busy preparing your dinner.”


Dylan went towards the kitchen and saw Blair cooking his meal, she looked like she was almost done cooking. The kitchen was almost tidy.

Blair didn’t notice him standing there, so he walked quietly behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Dylan! My God, I could have touched you with this, she held up a knife. Quit sneaking up on me in the kitchen.” She dropped the knife and turned to face him.

“How are you? This kitchen smells amazing.” He said.

“Thank you and I’m fine, Dylan. How was your day?”

His hands were still on her waist, she wrapped her hands around his neck for support.

“My day was pretty okay. I didn’t do much work and stuff, so it was cool. I even had enough time on my hands for lunch. I’m happy that I did most of the work before I resumed today. If not, I might still be at the office.”

“I can imagine, you look fine. Did anything weird happen?” Blair asked.

“Uh, not really.” Dylan didn’t want to tell her about the encounter with his father. He didn’t want to add to her pressure or make her feel bad or sad.

“Sure?” She asked him again.

“Yeah, sure.” He kissed her deeply.

She kissed him back, holding his neck.

Blair broke away from the kiss first.

“I’m almost done cooking, now leave so that I can finish. Go, take a shower before you come back.” She pushed him away slightly.

“That’s what you say after you’ve used me. You had no issues kissing me like that huh?” He smirked.

“Haha, whatever. Who cares how you see it?” She smirked back.

“You have grown wings under my care.” He chuckled.

“Whatever, Dylan. Go take a shower, you reek.” She wrinkled her nose at him.

“Woah, take that back.” He said dangerously.

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