Arranged marriage : Married to an unknown man


Ariana Knight

First day at work.

Xavier, mom, and dad accompanied me to Softtech Corp. Dad introduced me to all the employees. Everyone was welcoming, all the employees greeted me with a smile. Some smiles were genuine and some were… fake. But obviously, they couldn’t say anything as I was the new boss.

“And this is your office,” Dad exclaimed when we reached in front of large double doors on the top floor of the building.



I couldn’t hold my smile when I saw my name boldly written on the door. Xavier patted my back and gestured me to open the door.

“Ariana dear, from today onwards you’re going to continue the Knight’s legacy. You will make decisions. I just want to say you that I am very proud of you. Don’t ever listen to what people say about you, they can’t be here so they’ll try their best to make you feel non-deserving. What they don’t know is that you are deserving and to shut their mouth, the only thing you have to do is prove all of them wrong with your hard work and passion. It will take time for you to adjust but I know.. you will.” Dad said and patted my head, making me all emotional. Xavier, who was standing beside me holding my hand gave a little squeeze to my hand to give me emotional support.

“Peter would have been so happy today,” Mom muttered lowly when I sat on the CEO’s chair.

Standing up, I approached her and took her hands in mine. “Mom, I never had a chance to see my father’s face, his smile when I achieved little things in my life. I never experienced parents proudness until you two came in my life.” I said looking between mom and dad. “Today I see my father in you, mom, and in you, dad. Seeing your smile and your expressions, I can now imagine what my father would have felt. Thank you for being my parents.” A lone tear escaped my eye.

“We’re the proudest parents in the world.” She wiped the tear and patted my cheek.

Dad called a girl inside the office and introduced her as my P. A, her name was Liza. When she left the office, a wacky laugh escaped my lips.

“What was that for?” Xavier asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Nothing.. It’s just..” I chuckled again. “Just a few days ago I was working as P. A and now I have my own P. A. It feels strange.” I laughed at myself. They all joined me, laughing at my crazy thoughts.

Mom and dad left but Xavier stayed. Looking at him, I raised an eyebrow.

“You aren’t leaving?” I asked.

“Yeah, I am, but I need one thing from you before leaving.” He stepped towards me.


“A kiss.” He smirked, caging me in his arms.

“Goodness Xavier, this is office,” I whisper yelled.

“So what? Office romance is more interesting than any other kind of romance. And we have done it before.” He whined.

“But that was your office and this is mine. And I have some rules for my workplace. No kissing in the office is one of them.” I teased him and smiled innocently.

“Oh, the boss already has rules? Then the boss must be aware that her husband likes to break rules.” He winked & pressed his lips on mine.

“I love you.” He whispered, touching his forehead with mine.

“I love you too.” I smiled back.

The first thing I decided to do was to go through the currently running contracts to know about the status of the company. Going through them I came up to a contract which was signed three months ago and we were already going in loss because of that.

And that contract was signed with Mr. Smith’s company to save me from them.

I rang up dad to ask for his advice on this topic. He told me to do whatever I would like to do. As a CEO I have got every right to decide for the company. So not thinking twice I asked Liza to call Mr. Smith here as soon as possible.

It’s time to get over with this because it’s now or never.

“You should have waited for some time before doing this. It’s just the start and besides, I don’t want you to meet him. I don’t want him close to you.” Xavier wasn’t pleased with my decision. He immediately came over when I informed him about my decision.

“I know I made a rash decision but try to understand me. Today or tomorrow, I have to face him so let it be today. I want to get over with all of this. I don’t want any of their thing to be linked with me.” I reasoned out. He turned his back towards me and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. After muttering something under his breath he huffed and looked at me.

“Okay. But I am staying with you.” He said firmly.

“No Xavier,” I said as I reached for his hands. “Please let me fight my own battle. I have issues with him so let me clear all of it on my own. Just this once, please let me do it.” I pleaded.

“But Ari…”


“Okay fine, but I’m not going anywhere. I’ll hide in the bathroom so that I can come out if the matter goes out of hand.”

I settled with that because I knew he won’t leave me alone.

My intercom buzzed and Liza informed me about Mr. Smith’s arrival.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

“He’s here,” I said to Xavier.

“Remember I am here with you. Okay? I’ll go and hide.” He pecked my lips and went to hide in the bathroom.

I took deep breaths to prepare myself to meet him. After I was fully prepared, I asked Liza to send him inside.

“Why did you call me here?” His impatient, frustrated, and angry voice filled the room.

“To talk business,” I responded, straightening my posture in the chair.

“You? Business? Rupert Knight may have been foolish enough to pass his legacy to you but that doesn’t mean you can talk business. It is not your forte.” He snapped irritatedly.

“Whose forte it is and whose not, let’s leave it on time. First, take a seat, I have a very important matter to discuss.” I said calmly. I was trying my best not to stutter, he always intimidated me and I never had a long conversation with him that I was going to have now.

“Don’t waste my time. Just tell me why you called me here?” He didn’t sit on the chair.

Okay then…

“The money invested in your company by Softtech Corp is drowning,” I said, resting my elbows on the desk.

“What are you getting at?” He clenched his jaw.

“I’ll get straight to the point. Softtech Corp will withdraw the investment if we don’t see valuable results in the next two months.” I said with finality in my tone.

“What? Are you even listening to yourself? This is not your plaything, this is an official contract. First, read the terms before barking rubbish.” He yelled. I almost flinched but I controlled myself. I can’t lose today. I can’t turn weak again.

“I read them that’s why you are called here. I think you didn’t read them. Here have a look.” I slid the file on the desk. He didn’t pick it up instead he glared at me.

“Okay. I’ll tell you what it states. The terms in contract states that Softtech Corp can withdraw the investment made immediately after three months if results don’t turn in our favor.” I stated, standing up from the chair.

“You can’t do that. You don’t have any right.” He shouted glaring at me.

“Oh? Well, I am the CEO and I have all the rights.” I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

“Don’t forget that all this you have is because of me. If I wouldn’t have married you off to Xavier you would have been rotting in hell. All this luxury is because of me and you are threatening me? The one who gave you shelter and food?”

A humorless laugh escaped my lips. Now he’s counting the favor he did to me.

“Yes, I know…I know everything you did for me and everything you did to me. And I am thankful to you that you married me off to Xavier. Trust me when I say I am the happiest person alive. That’s why I gave you two months to show results otherwise I would have asked you to return all the money that is wasted on your company.” I said.

“You slut. How dare you!” He shouted and strode towards me. He raised his hand to slap me, as a reflex action, my face automatically turned sideways, a few seconds passed but I didn’t feel anything. To know what was happening I slowly turned my face to see extremely angry Xavier holding Mr. Smith’s hand mid-air in a tight grip.

“Didn’t I warn you not to ever raise your filthy hands on my wife?” Xavier gritted his teeth. His grip on Mr. Smith’s hand was getting tighter.

“This slut can’t threaten me like that.” Mr. Smith snapped angrily & earned a tight punch on his face from Xavier. I gasped out loud, my hands went to cover my mouth.

“Don’t you fucking dare say that to her.” Xavier spat angrily. “You have done enough damage to her. Not anymore.” Saying that he raised his hand to punch him again but I grabbed his arm in order to stop him. When he glanced at me I shook my head slowly in no. He closed his eyes and sighed frustratingly.

“Remember, She is the boss now that means You are under her mercy. And you better behave if you want to keep your company intact.” Xavier gave him a deathly glare, pulling him by his collar.

“She is kind enough that she gave you two months. I wouldn’t have done that. Now get the fuck out of here.” He shoved him away harshly.

Mr. Smith gave me a deathly glare before heading out of the cabin.

I let out a breath I never knew I was holding. The strength I tried to give to my legs in order not to tremble in front of him left my legs. I stumbled and before I could steady myself, Xavier did it for me. Lifting me up, he made me sit on the desk and engulfed me in a tight hug.

Snaking my arms around his neck, I sighed in relief. This is all I want at the end of all the chaos. To be in my love’s arms. His embrace makes me forget all the bad things.

“You okay?” He asked. I nodded my head on his shoulder.

“Come on, we’re going home.” He said pulling away.


“Why? You’re trying to act all tough but I know you are not okay.”

“Xavier, I am perfectly fine. See, I didn’t even cry.” I said pointing towards my eyes. Yes, I didn’t cry. That vile man isn’t worth it, I have learned it.

“Good, your tears are too precious to be wasted.”

“That means I can stay?” I asked tilting my head.

“The things I do for you.” He huffed. “Fine, you can stay.” He furrowed his eyebrows.

I smiled and kissed his furrowed eyebrows. This time he stayed with me in the office. I read a few more documents under his distracting stares, touches, and kisses. The whole time, I was sitting on his lap while he was sitting on the chair. It was hard to concentrate on work but anyhow I did it.

When one hour was left to leave for home I received a call from Liza.

“Ma’am a lady named Jade Smith is insisting to meet you.” She said.

What? Really? Mother? Wow…. What made her realize about my existence? Oh! Who else, it’s Mr. Smith. He must have sent her to beg for more time.

Let’s get over with this too.

“Send her in.”

“Who’s that?” Xavier asked.

“Umm.. Mom” I replied, biting the corner of my lip.

“Mom? Why is she here? She didn’t inform about her arrival.” Xavier furrowed his eyebrows.

“Xavier… Umm.. it’s my mom.” I said in low voice fidgeting my fingers. He was about to say something but stopped when he heard the knock on the door. Mom stepped inside.

“Can I talk to my daughter alone?” The first thing she said looking towards Xavier when she entered.

“No. Whatever you have to say, say it in front of me.” Xavier said, crossing his arms.

“Xavier..” I whispered touching his shoulder. He turned around to look at me.

“No. Ariana, I listened to you once, not now. What if she hurt you?” He whispered, caressing my cheek with his thumb.

“She won’t. Please.” I pleaded. He scrunched his face and looked away. I cupped his face and made him look at me.

“Xavier, it’s been three months she came to see me, to talk to me. Let me listen to what she has to say. I have to clear many things with her.” I explained.

“I am waiting outside.” He went out with a scowling face. Uh.. he’s now mad at me but he won’t be for too long. I’ll make sure of it.

“You look different.” Mom commented after both of us sat on the couch. I kept a reasonable distance from her.

I didn’t reply to her comment and also refused to look at her. Obviously, I was looking different because I never wore the types of clothes before that I wear now.

“How are you, Ariana?”

My face shot to her at fast speed. Did I hear it right? Did she ask about my whereabouts?

“Really? Are you aware that this is the ever first time you asked me that?” I asked sarcastically.

“There’s no need to exaggerate it. You’re my daughter, I gave birth to you. I always worry about you.” She scowled.

“Daughter?” I laughed. “I am not your daughter…never was,” I said in a low tone. “Scarlet is.” All my emotions started getting heavy on me.

“And giving birth doesn’t give you the title of mother. You have to act like one to earn the title. You never became my mother.” I tried hard but failed to control my tears.

“What? I never did anything for you? Only because of me you had a shelter to live, food to eat, you were able to study just because of me. If I hadn’t married Andrew we would have been living in a hell hole. Your father didn’t leave anything for us, he left us to live in dirt. I gave you luxurious life and you’re blaming me that I wasn’t a good mother?” She said angrily, standing up from the couch.

“These are the things that I never wanted. I just wanted you. You didn’t give me luxuries, you just gave me pain and agony. And my studies? I worked hard for that. It’s not because of you, it’s just because of me. You were never there when I needed you, you never listened to me. I have gone through a lot just because of you. I was traumatized just because of you. And what you did? You just ignored your own daughter. You left your daughter with those cruel people who tortured your daughter every single day. Tell me did you ever listen to me? Did you ever call by yourself to know about your daughter’s well-being? Did you ever ask if your daughter had eaten or not? Did you ever praise me for any of my achievements? Were you present at my graduation ceremony? NO. YOU DID NOTHING. I am even ashamed to call you my mother.” I yelled. Tears were streaming down my face. Thankfully my office is soundproof otherwise it would have become a scene.

“I see, you have got your voice.” She said unaffected by what I said. She came and stood close to me.”But you’re forgetting that no matter what, I am your family, Smiths are your family.”

“Family? You never became my family.” I cried. I wiped my face with the back of my hands. “You know what? I never had a family but I have now. I am with someone who is proud to have me.” I said.

“And your new family is also given by me and Andrew. Everything you have is just because of us.” She shouted. Not again, I am not gonna listen to this rant again.

“What are you here for?” I asked crossing my arms.

“You can’t do that to Andrew. You can’t threaten him. It’s business, you know two months are very less.” She gritted her teeth.

“Are you talking about the business that was saved by me?” I mocked. “Well, if I can save his business then I surely can make him lose it too,” I said sternly.

“How dare you!” She tried to slap me but this time I didn’t flinch and grabbed her hand mid-air.

“Not anymore. You have lost all your rights.” I said, swatting her hand down.

“Your husband has only two months. Now you can leave.” I stepped aside and pointed at the door.


“I said leave,” I shouted.

When she left, I collapsed on the couch. I covered my face with my hands and cried.

I felt myself being engulfed in a hug. I didn’t have to think twice before leaning in because I knew who he was.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry for crying. I couldn’t hold it.” I sobbed.

“It’s okay. You needed it.” He kissed my hair.

“Are you mad at me for not listening to you?” I asked, slightly pulling away but I was still in his arms.

“I am mad but not at you. I am mad at those who made my cute Ari cry.” He said wiping my tears. I smiled and again rested my head on his shoulder.

“I don’t wanna see her again,” I mumbled.

“I’ll make sure of it.” He said tightening his grip around me.

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