Arranged marriage : Married to an unknown man



“Where are we, Sean?” I asked when Sean stopped the car.

“We’re at the ADVENTURE SPOT. Here we’ll do paragliding.” Sean smiled. My face lit up in excitement.

“Seriously, Adventure?” Xavier said in disbelief.

“Thank you, Sean. I’ve always wanted to do an adventurous sport.” I said, embracing him tightly. Goodness, they were making my dreams come true.

“I take it as you like it,” Daniel said from behind.

“Like it? I love it, Daniel.” I grinned.

“So, let’s get going,” Daniel shouted. Sean and Daniel walked ahead. I was about to walk after them but was stopped by Xavier.

“Where’s your Jacket?” He frowned.

“Umm.. in the car,” I replied. He tugged my wrist and walked me to the car. He opened the door and took out my jacket.

“Wear this, it’s chilly out here.” He made me wear my jacket as if trying to make five-year-old wear it.

“And wear these too.” He put sunglasses on my eyes and a cap on my head. “I don’t know why these stupids chose this place. There are many people here, if anyone here sees us they’ll take photos and sell it to media” He grumbled.

He then intertwined his fingers with mine making sparks tickle my body. I glanced down at our intertwined hands and smiled. It was the first time he did something like that. The gesture of holding hands is so precious to me.

“Stay by my side.” He said and started walking. Those simple four words were enough to make my heart skip a beat. I hope someday he says ‘stay by my side forever’ and I, without thinking twice will oblige to it. But will he ever say that to me?

When we went near Sean and Daniel, we found them tying harnesses around them.

“What are you doing?” I asked. Xavier still hadn’t released my hand.

“We’re going Paragliding,” Daniel said. I squealed and letting my hand free from Xavier’s grip, I ran near to Daniel and Sean.

“You can do it yourself? You know paragliding?” I asked in surprise. They replied in “yes”.

“I too want to do it.” I jumped happily.

“It’s not safe for you,” Xavier said from behind. Pouting, I faced him.

“But I want to.”

“You’re not trained, you’ll hurt yourself.” He said.

“Ma’am.” A man approached us who was wearing an ID card around his neck. “Ma’am if you want, you can also do paragliding. This is a tourist spot and many untrained people do that too. I can assist you with this. I’ll tie you with me and take you up in the sky. I’m a trained paraglider, it’s my job to make our tourists who are not trained experience paragliding.” He suggested.

My eyes lit up but I couldn’t go up in the sky with just anybody, I couldn’t let any stranger touch me.

“Thank you but, No. She’s not interested.” Xavier pulled me towards him by my waist. I wanted to experience this extreme sport. I too wanted to experience flying in the air like Sean and Daniel. The man who suggested the idea left. I escaped from Xavier’s grip and approached Daniel and Sean.

“Princess, take my phone and make a video of us paragliding.” Daniel handed his phone to me. I pouted, looking at him.

“Daniel, can’t you take me with you? Sean?” I asked hopefully both of them.

“Princess, I would love to you but your man here is little extra protective towards you and if I do that against his will, he’ll hang me to death.” He laughed, making me pout again.

“Goodness, you’re so cute. Okay, I’ll give you one suggestion. Ask Xavier, he is a trained and experienced paraglider.” Sean suggested.

“Really?” I asked in surprise.

“Yes,” Daniel said and ruffled my hair. They both said bye to me. I waved at them pouting while protruding my lower lip outwards.

Grinning, they left for paragliding. I made their video, laughing excitedly at the way they were flying in the air. When they landed, I decided to ask Xavier.

So, I turned around to look at Xavier who was by my side the whole time but was busy on his phone. I tugged the hem of his jacket, making him look at me.

“I want to do it.” I gave him my best puppy dog eyes.

“I told you, it’s not safe.” What? Puppy dog eyes didn’t work? I think I should try once more.

“But you’ll be with me, right? Please.. please… please, pretty please.” I again gave him puppy dog eyes. He groaned and mumbled something which I didn’t hear.

“What will I get?” He asked, putting his phone back in his pocket.

“Anything… I’ll give you whatever you want.” I jumped excitedly. Wait? Did I just say I’ll give him anything? But he has everything, what else he wants?

“Wait, what do you want?” I asked a little suspiciously. He grinned and stepped closer to me.

“Not something you can’t give. As you agreed to give what I want, I’ll give you what you want.” He pecked my cheek.

I bit the corner of my lower lip. Did I do something wrong agreeing to him? Whatever it was, I would think of it afterward as at the moment I just wanted to go Paragliding.

“Let’s go.” He then led me to the area where crew members were preparing people for paragliding. He asked one of them to bring a safety suit, Xavier wore it but I didn’t know how to tie it.

“Ma’am, let me help you.” The man who passed the safety suit said.

“No, it’s okay, I’ll do it,” Xavier said and made me wear the safety gear. I was glad that Xavier helped me, I couldn’t just let anyone touch me purposely.

Then Xavier gave me strict instructions on what to do and what not to. He sternly made me memorize the instructions by repeating them at least ten times. Then he tied me with a safety belt against his body with my back pressed against his chest. I waved to Sean and Daniel who gave me thumbs up. Crew members helped us tie the glider to Xavier then he asked me to run. And just after a few minutes, we were in the air. I was laughing my heart out. We were going up and up in the clouds. The view there was so beautiful. It was cold over there but the excitement was more than the cold. After about ten minutes of flying in the air, we landed.

As soon as we were out of our safety suit, I hugged Xavier by snaking my arms around his neck.

“Thank you so much, Xavier. It was the best experience of my life. Thank you for making my dream come true. I always wanted to fly in the air like a bird.” I mumbled against his neck. His body was stiff. Then I realized what I did. I loosened up my arms around his neck to back away but he stopped me by snacking his arms around my waist.

“Anything for you.” He whispered in my ear, his lips touched my ear and I tightened my arms around his neck.

I don’t know for how long we were standing in that position but I didn’t want to back away. I wanted to stay in his arms but someone’s clearing of the throat make us pull apart. It was Daniel. I blushed. Goodness, what was I doing? We were in public.

“Your phone. I recorded the video.” Daniel handed me my phone. Xavier took my jacket, cap, and sunglasses from Sean’s hand and gave them to me. They too wore a cap and glasses to hide from people.

Then we went to stroll in the street market around. Many small shops were there for tourist attraction. I and Xavier were walking together as our fingers were intertwined. Daniel and Sean were behind us. Girls walking around didn’t forget to steal a glance at the three men with me.

I was walking, watching different shops when someone bumped into my shoulder and walked past me making me stumble on my steps. Xavier’s hand instantly circled my waist balancing me.

“Hey watch where you’re going.” He shouted looking in the man’s direction.

“It’s okay, Xavier, I’m alright,” I said, touching his arm. He looked at me and calmed a little then he made me walk on his other side where no one could bump into me as there was a wall beside me.

We went inside a huge clothing showroom. Xavier didn’t let go of my hand and dragged me into the women’s section.

“Pick whatever you want.” He said, making me look at him.

“No, I don’t want anything I have enough clothes,” I said.

“I’m not asking, Ariana.”

“I haven’t brought my wallet,” I said, I had just a few dollars in my pocket.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Did I ask you for money?” He asked.


“Aren’t you too stubborn? Did you forget what I told you I’ll do when you act stubborn?” He smirked.

I’ll kiss you when you act stubborn. I remember his words.

I nodded my head, blushing at the same time.

“Good. Now pick up the clothes if you don’t want me to do that in public.” He said and started searching for clothes. I too started searching the racks. Xavier handed me three pairs of jeans, five t-shirts, two pairs of shorts, and a crop top.

“Go, try them.” He said.

“I d.. don’t wear sh.. shorts or crop top.” I stuttered. I hope he doesn’t force me to buy them I can’t wear shorts because of scars on my thighs and lower stomach.

“There’s always the first time for everything. Go and try.” He said nonchalantly. My eyes went wide. No, I won’t. I can’t let him see my marks.

“Uh… Xavier.. please…I c.. can’t.” I lowered my head. He raised my head by putting his index finger under my chin. I saw his eyes softened.

“If you don’t want then it’s okay. I won’t force you to do something you don’t want.” He said softly. I nodded my head and went to try the clothes. Xavier gave me more clothes to try. He also made me try some casual sundresses which weren’t revealing and were full-length. I liked them. After he made me try many clothes and gave his review of them, he turned to the sales lady who was standing with us.

“We’re buying all.” My eyes went wide.

“No Xavier, these are too much.”

“But they look good on you,” Xavier said emphasizing every word, and walked me to the cash counter. He passed his card to the cashier. I didn’t know how much all of that cost because Xavier didn’t let me even see the bill receipt.

Then we the men’s section. He started searching for something for himself. My eyes landed on an off-white printed t-shirt.

“Try this,” I said, handing the shirt to him. He gazed into my eyes and without looking at the shirt he grabbed it from my hand and handed it over to the salesman who was assisting us to pick up clothes.

“Pack this.” He said to him.

“But you haven’t even tried it. What it if doesn’t look good on you?” I frowned. He gave me his most beautiful smile and stepped closer to me.

“There’s no need to try. You chose that for me, without any doubt it’ll be good.” He said, adjusting my cap on my head. I blushed.

“Hey, Princess look at this. Is it good? Should I buy it?” I looked in Daniel’s direction who was approaching us with a belt in his hand.

Belt? No.. no.. no..

My breath instantly became ragged looking at the belt. I felt my palms getting sweaty. Fear crept inside me. He was holding the belt. The belt that gave me the most dreadful memories. The belt that gave me scars on my soul. I started trembling. I started panicking.

I felt like they were approaching me to give me more scars. No, they.. they can’t come near me. They have done enough damage to me. No…

“Hey, what happened Ariana?” Xavier’s voice pulled me back into reality. I sighed in relief. That wasn’t real. I was free and safe. I was with Xavier.

“You okay?” He asked, cupping my face, the worry was evident in his voice.

“Y.. yes… I’m okay” I said rubbing my sweaty palms on my jeans.

“What happened? Why did you zone out?” Sean asked, who I didn’t know was standing with Daniel.

“Princess, you okay?” He asked touching my arm, the belt was still in his hand. I averted my eyes from the belt.

“Yeah… I’m fine.”

“Then why were you shivering?” Xavier asked. Oh no. I have to come up with something.

“Um…I suddenly felt cold. Maybe that’s why.”

“Then you should keep the buttons of your Jacket closed.” Xavier scolded me, buttoning up my jacket. Then he pulled me into the embrace of his arms. Safe… that’s what I felt. Warmth… that’s what I found in his embrace.

“Okay now?” He asked. I nodded my head in his chest. He kissed my head and pulled away. He was making me fall for him more and more.

“So, should I buy this?” Daniel asked.

“Y.. yeah you should,” I said, not looking at the belt.

After shopping, we went for lunch. We decided to have lunch in a small diner which was near the clothing shop as we all were famished and couldn’t wait to eat. We didn’t remove our glasses and caps to make it a little difficult for people to recognize us.

“What you wanna eat, princess?” Daniel asked me when we all sat in the farthest corner of the diner. Xavier and I on one side of the table, Daniel and Sean on another side.

“I want Pizza and chicken nuggets,” I said excitedly. Chicken nuggets are my favorite.

“No junk food. Eat something healthy.” Xavier grumbled.

“Pizza isn’t junk food,” Daniel argued. Good, my bro.

“It is. You too should start eating healthy.” Xavier commented.

“Where is fun in that?” Daniel grinned which made Xavier roll his eyes. Daniel and I decided to have pizza. Xavier ordered pizza for me and baked salmon for himself. I didn’t order chicken nuggets since Daniel had already ordered enough.

After eating, we all went out of the diner.

We were walking on the street. I and Xavier walking together, Sean and Daniel ahead of us. After walking for a few minutes Sean and Daniel stopped in their track and turned towards us.

“What is he doing here?” Both of them mumbled making me frown.

“Who’s here?” Xavier asked.

“Trent and he’s coming in our direction,” Daniel said.

“Whose Tren-” Before I could ask, Xavier dragged me away towards the car.

“Sit inside the car and don’t come out.” He ordered, making me sit in the car.

“What happened?” I asked adjusting myself in the seat.

“Trent is an old friend, and is not a nice person. So you’ll sit here till we talk to him. Okay?”

I nodded my head then he went away, shutting the door. Sighing, I leaned against the backrest of the seat.

The day out was full of fun, I really enjoyed it a lot. Especially the paragliding. I never thought that I would be able to fly so high in the sky. I always wanted to feel like a bird. I felt free. Being free is a whole new world for those who used to be trapped in some way or the other. I was also trapped. I just hoped for the day I would be set free from the trap. When I was forced to marry Xavier, I thought my life would be worst but totally opposite happened. Marrying him was my first step to freedom. He made me understand what freedom actually was. Though he gave orders, still, it’s a totally different feeling. It didn’t feel like he was binding me.

And by his acts, he was making him admire him more and more.

I opened my eyes and looked out of the window. My eyes fell on an old man sitting across the street wrapped in a blanket. He was looking at the people who were enjoying food standing near the food truck. I think he’s homeless and hungry.

I got out of the car, bought two sandwiches and a hot coffee from the food truck with the few dollars I had with me, and went near the old man.

“Excuse me,” I said, he looked up at me.

“This is for you.” I smiled, offering him what I bought for him.

“Thank you.” He snatched them from my hand and started eating. He indeed was hungry. I sat beside him on the street.

“What’re you doing? Don’t sit here, your clothes will get dirty.” He said.

“I’m giving you company and if my clothes get dirty, I’ll wash them” I shrugged and smiled at him. I don’t like people treating homeless people like dirt. They too are humans just they don’t have money or a home to live in. It doesn’t mean that should be ignored like nothing.

“Why are you sitting here?” I asked. I know it’s not my business to ask but I know he must be lonely and surely wanted to talk to anyone.

“Oh, just waiting for my son to take me home.” He smiled. My heart dropped. He was waiting for his son? His son abandoned him?

“Since when are you sitting here?” I asked, my heart started beating fast.

“Two weeks. My son said he’ll come to take me when he’ll be free from work.” He said hopefully. Tears prickled in my eyes. He was living on false hope. His good-for-nothing son had abandoned him. How could anyone do this to their parents? Many people in the world are dying to feel their parents’ love and some people are so cruel that they abandon the one who brought them into the world. People really don’t know the value of what they have. Humanity is really lost from this world.

“Your son…” I almost cried.

“Don’t cry, my child. I know what you trying to say. I know my son won’t come.” He smiled sadly.

“You should go to an old age home. If you don’t know the place I’ll help you.” I said. Xavier, Sean, and Daniel could help me with it.

“No dear. I don’t want to go. I know I’m living with false hope but I still have hope. What if one day he changes his mind and comes searching for me?” He said hopefully. A lone tear escaped from my eye.

“But.. still living on streets is not the only option,” I said.

“My child, don’t cry for me. If not for my son, I’m waiting for my death. My days are almost near. And I want to live those remaining days with positive hope. Don’t cry for me. Dear, you’re a very kind girl, you are not like others who treated me as filth. You made me realize humanity is still alive in this world. Keep up with this. This money-hungry world needs people like you. Live your life to the fullest and spread love. For the remaining days I have left with me, I’ll pray that you, my sweet child, get all the happiness in the world.” He smiled, patting my head. His words made my vision blurred. I almost cried but I stopped myself. He was smiling on the worst days of his life, I couldn’t cry in front of him, it would only make him feel sad. He didn’t want any kind of help but I could help him buy food. I could give him money.

I stood up and searched for money in my pockets. Then I realized, I hadn’t brought my wallet with me and the few dollars I had, I bought food for him. Uh oh! What to do now?

I could ask for money from Sean or Daniel. Xavier had already paid for my clothes. I couldn’t ask him.

“Wait a minute, I’ll just come.” I stood up turned to search for them, but as soon as I turned around, my eyes landed on Xavier who was standing a few feet away from where I was standing.

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