Arranged marriage : Married to an unknown man



As he asked me to leave, I immediately left the office and released a breath that I didn’t know I had been holding. They must be thinking that I am a fool. But what else could have I done? I had never been interested in any business news.

When my husband offered me a job I only knew that he owned a business. He asked me if I came from another planet and then he explained to me about his company and just now when he introduced me to those good looking men, who helped me a while ago as the co-owners and his best friends, I felt like a fool. I must at least know whom I am working for.

As I entered my office, I immediately searched about the company, and what I saw shocked me. I was married to a man who ruled the business world. The company was the highest-grossing company in the USA. Oh my goodness…I was practically married to a celebrity! And I was working in the USA’s topmost company. This was beyond my expectations. Daniel and Sean were also celebrities. Well, three of them do look like models. Never in my wildest dream, I had ever imagined being working as the P. A of this huge company.

I read everything about them and the company because if I had to work without committing mistakes, I must know about the company, their regular clients, business partners, the list of products manufactured, etc.

I started reading the files that my boss gave me. I mailed the content he asked me to and sent forty e-mails in total; some to his business partners and some to the different department heads of the company. That was easy as my typing speed was good. Well, my college degree came in handy. Well, not exactly, but typing was the part of my course I chose to study.

I was proofreading a document when the intercom buzzed. I picked it up and again before I could say hello, his voice came. “Come to my office.” I looked at the clock which indicated eleven. I stood up and went to the office.

He looked up from his work and asked

“How much work is done?”

“A part of the work is done. I mean, I have sent all the emails you asked me to send and I was just going through the contract files.” I said confidently.

Anyone could tell his eyes were showing surprise at the moment although he was trying to hide the expressions. He must have thought I would not be able to do the work. But he didn’t know I liked to take the challenge. Yeah, take that.

“Okay, now bring me black coffee with one part whiskey, no sugar.” He said, masking his stunned expressions.

Coffee with one part whiskey??

I stood there for a few seconds thinking I might have heard him wrong and he would correct himself but no, he didn’t correct himself instead he just snapped at me.

“What are you waiting for? GO. I don’t have all day.”

I immediately rushed out of his office. I thought he had lost his mind because for one, who drinks coffee when it’s almost lunchtime? And two, doesn’t he know that mixing alcohol with coffee is bad for health? Though caffeine is a stimulant that can mask some of the depressant effects of alcohol, still alcohol is going in your body. He was asking for black coffee means he was trying to be a health freak and then he wants whiskey in it making it alcoholic.

I went to the kitchen; his personal kitchen on the floor. I made his black coffee and extended my hand to take one of the whiskey bottles which are placed on the upper shelf of the cabinet.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

And you know what I did? I just added two spoons of whiskey in coffee. Why? Because my mind and hands didn’t allow me to add the amount of whiskey he asked for. I knew he would be angry at me but I didn’t like the fact that he asked for something alcoholic. It means he always drinks coffee this way but he should not do that. Let’s take the chance.

I knocked on his office door and entered with a ‘come in’ and placed the tray on his desk. He picked up the cup without looking up and took a sip. Biting the side of my lower lip, I waited for him to snap at me.

He looked up and eyed me…he’s gonna snap…. be ready. He again took a sip, eyeing me. I just looked at him nervously.

He opened his mouth to say something, now he will snap.. but what he said surprised me.

“Go back to work,” And he began working again.

Yeah, I was surprised that he didn’t snap at me. I left ran out of the office before he could change his mind. I wondered why he didn’t get angry at me. Did he like the coffee? Did he not get to know the change I made in the coffee? Well, it’s good for me if as I’d make his coffee this way only to reduce his alcohol consumption. This would be my little secret, I’ll always keep it to myself. I self patted my shoulders in appreciation. Good Ari.. you did a great job.

I entered my office and was about to sit on my chair when the intercom beeped. My boss had called me again.

“Yes, sir.”

“Go and bring Sean’s signature on these documents,” he said giving me the documents.

“Okay, sir.”

I came back in five minutes with Sean’s signature on the documents.

“Sir, documents,” I said as I placed the documents on his desk. He took the documents and gave a glimpse to them.

“These documents need Daniel’s signature as well. Go and bring his signature.” He said, sliding the file on the desk towards me.

Huh? He could have told me when I went to the down at fifty-eighth floor to bring Sean’s signature, I would have taken Daniel’s signature too on my way back. I knew that he did it on purpose. He was so wicked. He was testing me. So be it.

“Sure sir,” I took the documents and left his office.

I came back with Daniel’s signature on the documents.

“Sir documents; both of their signatures are there on the documents,” I said, placing the documents on the table again. Taking the documents, he placed them in the drawer of his desk and started working on his laptop.

“Go back to your work.” He said without glancing up at me. I left the office.

I entered my office and was about to sit when the intercom beeped again. I sighed and put the receiver to my ear.

” Make a reservation of VIP table for five in Cenare nel sapore restaurant.”

“Okay, sir.”

I sat on my chair then took the number of the restaurant from the telephone directory and made the reservation.

I sat doing nothing for a few minutes, looking at the intercom in case he calls again. When he didn’t call, I started doing my work. I was in the middle of work when someone knocked on the etched glass door. I looked up to see Mrs. Miller peeping from the door.

“Hope I am not disturbing you, Miss Jones?” She asked politely.

“Oh, no, no, Mrs. Miller, you are not disturbing me, and please call me Ariana,” I replied quickly.

“Okay, Ariana, so…umm… I was heading for lunch and I thought I should ask you as you are new here and don’t have a company. Would you like to come with me? If that’s okay with you.” She asked hesitantly.

“Mrs. Miller, it’s absolutely okay with me. Actually, I am famished right now. And it’s so sweet of you that you came to ask me to accompany you for lunch.” I said, smiling at her. I wouldn’t have asked anyone on my own. Besides I needed to put back my insecurities if I had to socialize and make friends. It’s really important to work for this company.

“Okay then let’s go.” Mrs. Miller grinned.

“Okay, but let me inform Mr. Knight first,” I said closing all my files. We left my office together, I entered my boss’s office while Mrs. Miller waited for me outside.

He crocked an eyebrow while looking at me.

“Sir, I came here to inform you that I am heading for lunch,” I said.

“You don’t have to inform me while going for lunch. If I ever want you to stay back during lunch I’ll inform you beforehand.” He said monotonously.

I came out of his office saying ‘okay’. Mrs. Miller asked me if I wanted to eat at the cafeteria present in the building or if I wanted to have lunch at any restaurant outside the building. I decided to go to the cafeteria.

We reached the cafeteria; took our lunch and sat at a vacant table. We were talking while eating our lunch when a man who seemed to be in his late twenties came to our table with a food tray in his hand.

“Hello, Mrs. Miller. Oh, you have a new company today?” He questioned looking at me.

“Hello, Kevin, and yes I have a new company today. Meet Miss Ariana Jones, new P. A to Mr. Xavier Knight.” She said introducing me.

“That’s you? Finally, I get to see the face of talk of the day.” He said with shocked expressions which made me look at him in confusion. Talk of the day? What did he mean by that?

“Oh, I am so sorry. It’s like… since the morning everyone is talking about Mr. Knight’s P. A as he never had a female as his P. A, so, I was also excited to see that person. Oh! Where are my manners I am just blabbering and haven’t introduced myself! Hi, my name is Kevin Reed and I work in the marketing department.” He said with a cute smile on his face.

“Hello, Kevin, nice to meet you. I hope you don’t mind me calling you Kevin?” I asked.

“Not at all. And may I call you Ariana?” He asked hesitantly.

“Yeah sure,” I replied. To continue the conversation I asked about one thing which gained my attention when Kevin was talking about me.

“Umm. I had no idea that Mr. Knight had never appointed a female as his P. A. before.”

“Yes, Ariana. This is the thing that surprised all the employees in the company.” Mrs. Miller replied. Then why did he appoint me as his P. A.?

“Yes, that’s why you are the talk of the day, Ariana. Today you created history by becoming the first female to work as Mr. Knight’s P. A.” Kevin replied playfully.

A small laugh escaped my throat after listening to his statement. He’s really funny and easy to talk to. I had got one more person to talk to.

“You are really beautiful, Ariana,” Kevin said out of nowhere making my cheeks go red.

“Umm…thank you,” I replied shyly. I was not used to hearing compliments about my looks or my face. I always heard how ugly and plain I look… Scarlet used to say this to me which had made me more insecure about myself.

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