Always Yours

Chapter 11

I kept my head lowered and my gaze on the floor. He was pissed off and bloody and I knew now wasn’t the time to run my mouth about how stupid he is for fighting with Tommy.

How could he even think that we were together? He knew I wouldn’t do that, and I wasn’t that type of girl.

“I’ll take you home”. He muttered.

I couldn’t go home. It was late, my parents would be in bed. I couldn’t wake them just to let me in. And if I’m honest I couldn’t be bothered with the million questions my mom would ask.


“Could you drop me back at Alice’?”. I lifted my head my eyes landing on his. I could already see the bruising forming under his left eye and over his cheek.

“Thought Tommy was taking you home?”. His eyes narrowed.

“He was hours ago. I can’t go home it’s too late and I don’t have my keys”. My stomach growled Blue never did come back with my burger.

“Trucks out back”.


He didn’t take me to Alice’ instead he pulled into a parking space outside the diner. “Franko I-…”.

“You’re obviously hungry so I’m going to feed you”.

“You’re going to feed me?”. I made a face.

“Are you hungry or not Aubrey?”.

I nodded. He wasn’t in the mood for my smart mouth tonight. No witty comebacks, nothing. His mood was foul all because of the fight. I unclipped my seatbelt and followed him inside.

It was dead but I expected as much at 2am.

“Pick anything you want it’s on me”.

I sat at one of the tables by the window and watched as he disappeared through the back. Did his family own it or have something to do with it? It was a question I would ask when he decided to join me.

“Hey honey what can I get for you?”. Jen smiled.

“Hey”. I glanced over the menu even though I already knew what I wanted. “Can I have a double cheeseburger, fries and a large coffee”.


“Extra pickle”. I grinned.

“Coming right up sweetie”.

I sat gazing out the window. Not that there was much to look at. For a Friday night the streets were quiet. But what do I know. I had never been out this late before.

“Here’s your coffee sweetie. I hear you are coming to work here”. She placed the mug down on the table and sat opposite me. “You Frankos old lady?”.

Old lady?

“No”. I frowned.

“Out this late on a Friday night and you’re not his old lady. I don’t believe you”. She smiled.

I wanted to know what an old lady was.

“What’s an old lady?”.

“Are you, his girlfriend?”.

I choked on my coffee. “No”. I coughed. “I’m definitely not that”.

“He seems smitten with you. Maybe give the boy a chance. You never know you might like him back”.

“Yeah, smitten. He likes me so much I caught him sucking face with another girl”. I rolled my eyes. “He’s giving me a ride home but decided to stop here first”.

“That’s a biker for you sweetheart”. She winked before getting to her feet. “I’ll go check if your food is ready”.

I would never date a guy I couldn’t trust, and she just hit the nail on the head for me. Why would anyone want to be with someone who cheats on them? How would you create any trust between you?

He placed my plate of food in front of me before taking a seat. “You still want me to take you to Alice’?”.

“I have nowhere else to go so yes please”. I wasn’t even sure if she would still be up and if she wasn’t would she hear me knock?

“Could always come back with me”. He smirked.

“Back to the clubhouse?”.

“Nah darling back to my mom’s”.

I wonder if he knew I had met his mom and that tonight wasn’t the first time meeting his dad. His mom was lovely and let’s face it I didn’t have another option.

“Okay”. I began to eat my food while he sat staring at me.

“Mind if I smoke?”. He reached his hand over stealing a few fries from my plate.

“Mind if I stab you in the hand with my fork?”. I didn’t care that he smoked but not when I was eating.

A chuckle fell from his lips. “How did the rest of your date go?”.

“I don’t want to talk about it”. I still felt guilty for bailing.

“He do something to you?”. His eyes narrowed. “I’ll break his fucking legs”.

“What, no. Ben isn’t like that”.

“You bailed didn’t you”.

It was his smirk. I wanted to wipe it off his face.

“I wasn’t feeling great, so I left”.

“Bullshit princess. You left because you were bored admit it”.

“Fine I was bored. I’m not into football. I don’t see what all the hype is about guys running up and down a field”.

He smirked. “Did you tell him you were bored?”.

Ben seemed like a nice guy and yeah maybe I should have told him the truth, but I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. “Alice told him I was sick”. I made a face at how bad that sounded. I sent Alice to tell him when I should have done it myself.

“You didn’t even tell him yourself. That’s a low blow princess”.

“Don’t”. I sighed. “I feel terrible about it”. The guilt was eating away at me.

“You’re too good for him anyway”. He winked.

I rolled my eyes. “Will you and Tommy be, okay?”.

“We’re fine princess. It ain’t the first time we’ve had a fight and it probably won’t be the last”.

“You fight over girls?”. I frowned.

He chuckled. “Not girls darling, one girl, you”.

I blushed. I could feel the heat spreading over my cheeks. That had never happened before. I wasn’t the blushing type until now.

I took a bite of my burger. What do I even say back to that? Fighting over girls was stupid even if it was over me.

“Will you mom mind if I come back with you?”. I already knew she wouldn’t, but I had to change the subject.

“Nah darling she’ll be cool with it”.

“I bet she’s used to you bringing girls home”. I grinned.

“I’ve never took a girl home. Only girl that meets my mom is my old lady”.

I didn’t say anything back. I continued to eat my food as he pulled out a cigarette and got to his feet. “I’ll be back”.

I wanted to give him a chance, but I didn’t trust that he wouldn’t break my heart. Franko couldn’t keep it in his pants. He proved that tonight with that red head. But if I didn’t give him a chance I will never know.

Was he worth the heartbreak?

I was scared. My feelings for him were growing everyday but every time I thought about us together something else would happen and it would put me off. I pushed my plate to the side my attention drawn to the door as it chimed.


Older bikers.

Wait, did they just nod at me?

I smiled before diverting my gaze.

“Your Franko’s old lady”.

I wasn’t sure if he was asking me or telling me. I looked between the two of them my eyes scanning over their cuts.

“Cat got your tongue sweetheart?”.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. “N-no”.

“Aubrey, right?”.

I nodded.

“You can call me Rusty, and this here is Taz”.


How did they even know who I was?

“Franko about darling?”.

“H-he went for a smoke”.

I didn’t stutter and yet here I was. Then again, I’d never been approached by two burly bikers before.

“You don’t have to fear us darling. You’re looked after now remember that”.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

Okay what in the hell did that mean?

“See you around sweetheart”.

I waited for what felt like ages before Franko returned. I was sat with my head on the table and my eyes closed. I was exhausted. My body desperate for sleep.

“Tired baby?”.


Maybe staying with him was a bad idea. I didn’t want to lead him on or for him to think something was happening between us. Was there something happening between us?


I opened my eyes. “Can we go?”.

“Aye darling”.


He was carrying me.

Franko was fucking carrying me.

And I liked it. I fucking liked it. This wasn’t good and yet I didn’t want it to stop. He was looking after me. My eyes opened as my head hit something soft. I was in bed, his bed?

I shot my hand out grabbing his.

“Don’t worry princess. I’m going to sleep in another room”.



“Please”. I whispered struggling to keep my eyes open.

“Fuck”. He hissed.

But I felt the bed dip beside me. His hand touching mine. I couldn’t help myself; I laced our fingers together and he let me.

“You’re going to be the fucking death of me”. It was the last thing I heard him say before I fell asleep.

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