Alpha’s Virgin Stripper

Chapter 134

The day after the party was free for all of them. It was a public holiday in Ten, so Valerie did not need to worry about school. In remembrance of the death of the former of alpha of Ten pack, shops, schools and other business centers were required to be closed. Jojo had dropped her mother in the hospital after holding her and crying for what seemed like forever. After that, she returned to the beach house where she had a breakfast of roasted marshmallow and greased bacon, specially prepared by Mrs Smith herself.

It was hard to deny the fact that the woman owned every meal she ever set out to prepare. When Mrs Smith cooked, she cooked with her heart and for the love of cooking. No matter where you were in the world, her meals always had a way of making you feel at home.

“Can I get an extra plate?!” Jojo called out from the dinning, as she carried her empty plate into the kitchen.

“Me too!” Valerie called out, running behind Jojo while clutching her empty plate in her hands.

Mrs Smith had her favorite cherry colored apron tied around her neck and waist. She looked into the pan of bacons and stared down at Valerie’s cute puppy dog eyes. Her gaze traveled to Jojo’s elderly face, before she shrugged her shoulders.

“Only Valerie gets more food, you can eat the rest of your for lunch and only for lunch. Besides, you should be eating more of vegetables. I’ll make you spinach salad for lunch instead.” Mrs Smith spoke, feigning a strict look.

She took Valerie’s plate and watched the little girl do a celebratory dance, whike her sister slouched her shoulders and pouted her lips.

Mrs Smith served Valerie and watched the girl’s round eyes sparkle in excitement.

“Thanks Mrs Smith!”

“You’re always welcome darling.”

“This isn’t fair. I’m really hungry.” Jojo cried out, feigning a displeased frown.

“There’s cake left in the fridge, you could always have that, besides you’re always hungry” Mel called out, stepping into the kitchen. She dropped her plate inside the sink and hugged Mrs Smith tightly.

The woman seemed taken aback for a while, before she eased into the hug and parted Mel’s back gently.

Jojo’s fake frown deepened.

“Whose side are you on?” Her question was directed at Mel. Mel released Mrs Smith and turned to her best friend.

“The side that makes delicious meals.” She retorted, earning her a frown from Jojo.

“I don’t like you…”

“It’s fine! You can have your bacon. But it’s for the baby, and not you.” Mrs Smith called out, laughing gently. Being with these girls felt like having three daughters of her own. There was not a day where she was not grateful to the goddess for bringing them to her. All three of them, from the oldest to the youngest, made her feel less lonely. She could barely imagine what Ten would have felt like without their radiance and positive energy.

She served Jojo three slices of bacon and put three marshmallows in her plate. The girl danced all the way to the living room.

Mrs Smith served herself her own portion and walked to the living room. She settled into a small couch and crossed her legs on the arms of the chair.

The three girls looked at the woman. They had never seen her so at ease with them before. Mel and Jojo smiled to themselves. This was how they always wanted her to feel.

“Can I watch the network news now?” Emerald asked, staring at the cartoon characters on the screen.

“Sure!” The three girls chorused.

Emerald narrowed her eyes on three of them and stretched her hand to take the remote control from Valerie’s hands.

Once she had it in her possession, she stretched it toward the LED TV and changed the channel.

The network news came on immediately. Emerald and the girls watched as the newscaster spoke of the mood in Ten and how the citizens of the city honored the remembrance of their alpha from home in many ways.

“Next up, we have foreign news.” Emerald adjusted herself in her seat after placing her empty plate on the center table.

When she looked up at the television screen for the second time, Lake’s face was on it. He was being rushed into the hospital on a stretcher, while a man stood behind him.

Jojo’s eyes widened as she felt her jaw drop to the ground.

“It is now confirmed that Alpha Lake Rush, Alpha of Rush pack was severly injured after a mission to capture and conquer the outlands and rescue packs in the western district from the terrorist rogues. While their mission was successful, the alpha was severly injured and is currently undergoing treatment in one of the best hospitals in Rush pack.”

Jojo’s mind drifted back to the day Ashley spoke of warriors. Perhaps that was what they had been training for all along! They had successfully stopped the rogues. The people of the outlands would surely be calm for another ten to twenty years, she knew that. She could only hope that Ashley was okay.Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

She did not bother to turn, but she could feel Mel’s eyes on her, and she knew why. She had just seen the father of the child growing in her belly on the screen.

Jojo swallowed hard, while trying to keep a straight face. She knew that she was a fool to wish that they would meet again someday, but she did wish that. No matter what, he was still the father of her child and no matter how much he had hurt her, the least she could do was wish him well. At least, for the sake of the baby.

But was it really for the baby alone? Or was there a part of her that still yearned for him.

Emerald stared blankly at the screen, refusing to say a word. Lake had been severly injured and no one was saying if he was okay. If anything happened to her son, she was not sure she would be able to stand it. Bloody Cole! How could he let Lake go on such a dangerous task? Yes, her ex-husband had also gone when he was the alpha, but it did not matter to her.

She had to find a way to speak to him. Emerald did not know she was sweating profusely until she tasted her salty sweat on her lips when she thinned her lips to stop them from quivering.

She did not want to turn to the girls. She did not want them to see her cry.

Quickly, she stood up from her couch and disappeared out of the living room, to the staircase.

Mel’s eyes followed her as she briskly walked away.

There was something wrong with Mrs Smith, something she wasn’t telling any of them. The woman had always been hyperactive around the alpha. Now, the news of the attack seemed to have thrown her over the edge. Something was not right, Mel could almost feel it.

When she looked away from the stairs and fixed her eyes on Jojo, she could tell they shared the same thoughts and worries.

What relationship did Mrs Smith have with the alpha?

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