Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

As they walked back to their car, their arms laden with the newly acquired items, there was at palpable

sense of satisfaction in the air. Hazel, moved to buckle her children up in their seats, ensuring they

were snug and secure.

Once settled in their car seats, the kids clung to their new toys, their eyes wide with wonder and

excitement. It was as if the magic of the toy store still lingered, and they reveled in the joy of their new

toys. They giggled, played, and chatted animatedly.

Their journey home began, The city seemed to be winding down, transitioning into the soothing

embrace of evening, the end of a day. As the minutes passed, the children’s boundless energy waned.

Exhausted from the fun-filled day, the kids gradually succumbed to the irresistible allure of sleep. Their

small frames slouched comfortably in their seats, their eyes growing heavy with drowsiness.

The car pulled over gently, signaling their arrival home. Daisy, the lighter sleeper of the two, stirred

awake immediately. She yawned sleepily, her eyes blinking in the dim light, as she readied herself to

head into the house..

Nathan, with Liam cradled in his arms, led the way into the building, guiding them towards the elevator.

While Hazel, carrying the groceries in bags followed closely behind.

Once they reached their floor, Nathan carried Liam into their cozy apartment. Hazel, with her dropped

the groceries at the kitchen.

Nathan made his way to the bedroom with a soft step, conscious not to disturb Liam’s peaceful

slumber. He gently helped him remove his shoes, ensuring his comfort as he tucked him in gently.

Hazel, standing by the door, observed this tender scene with a small, affectionate smile.

With Liam comfortably settled, Nathan walked quietly to the door, avoiding any obstacles that might

cause a disturbance. He closed the door behind him, mindful not to make a sound that might stir the

sleeping child.

Nathan headed to thr kitchen where Hazel stood at the threshold her gaze locked onto Nathan, her

heart filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. She needed to express what words alone couldn’t


Thank you, Nathan,” she began, her voice laced with warmth and sincerity. “For everything.”

Nathan met her heartfelt gratitude with a gentle smile, his azure eyes capturing the essence. of his

feelings. Those eyes had an almost mesmerizing quality when he looked at her this way, and Hazel

found herself unable to break their connection. She stared back in daze.

While they stood there, lost in a silent exchange of emotions, Hazel decided to extend her appreciation

through a simple yet meaningful gesture. “Would you care for a small dinner?” she offered.

“Nothing fancy, just a light meal

Nathan, without hesitation, accepted her offer, his eagerness apparent. He wanted to spend more time


Sure, he replied, a playful grin on his face. Infact, 1 can make a mean sauce.

Chapter 32

With that, he moved gracefully into the kitchen, taking the initiative to wash his hands and prepare for

their impromptu dinner. Hazel, positioned herself as his trusty assistant, chopping and preparing

ingredients with precision.

Together, they embarked on the task of preparing a modest dinner, their synchrony evident as they

moved about the kitchen. Moments later, they were done and ready to eat.

Seated at the kitchen table, bathed in the soft, dim glow of the lights, their surroundings took on an

intimate and romantic ambiance. The low lighting cast alluring shadows, lending the room an aura of

closeness and warmth.

As they began their meal, Nathan noticed that Hazel seemed lost in thought, she kept moving her food

around her plate. Her absent-mindedness didn’t escape his keen. observation, and he couldn’t help but

inquire, “What’s on your mind?”

Hazel looked up, her smile seemingly forced. “It’s nothing,” she replied, though her eyes held a hint of

something that she hesitated to share.

He gently probed, “How’s Daisy’s health coming along?” It had been a while since he’d received an

update on her condition and the impending surgery. The last he heard was that Hazel was supposed to

meet with a specialist to expedite Daisy’s surgery.

“He’s retired,” Hazel responded with a touch of sadness. “I’ll have to find someone else.” Her voice

carried a mixture of uncertainty and sadness.

Hazel went on explaining the events that had transpired, the fear she felt and everything.

Nathan listened attentively, allowing Hazel to voice her concerns and fears. She spoke openly, sharing

her worries and doubts. “I’m sorry,” she eventually murmured, her thoughts coming back together.

She had babbled off for a long time.

Nathan was quick to reassure her. “No, it’s fine,” he said, his tone gentle and understanding.

“Thank you, Nathan, for everything.” Her gratitude was genuine, and it held a depth that words could

barely encapsulate. She knew that without his timely intervention that her twins might not have

survived. And now, he was still present in their lives, a reliable person she could trust.

Nathan nodded, his smile reflecting his appreciation for her words. Their dinner concluded, he stood

up, signaling his intention to leave. “Well, goodnight,” he said, heading to the door. Hazel followed

closely behind.

However, before he made his exit, he shared some news with Hazel. “I’ll be away for business, he

explained softly. “I’ll be back in a couple of weeks.”

Hazel’s immediate response was heartfelt, “We’ll miss you.” Her words tumbled out without. much

thought, revealing the truth of her feelings.

Nathan’s eyes widened for a moment, his surprise evident.

Hazel corrected herself with a light chuckle, “I mean, the kids. They’ll miss…” She trailed off.

A wann smile graced Nathan’s features as he continued. “I’ll miss them too. And you as well

With a final farewell, he turned to leave, heading toward the elevator. Just before entering, glanced

back one more time, catching sight of Hazel still standing there. She wore a

Chapter 82

radiant smile as she waved to him, her eyes filled with genuine affection. He reciprocated her smile and

wave, a silent exchange of sentiments, before stepping into the elevator. In moments, he was gone,

leaving Hazel with a sense of warmth.

“Mommy.” Liam called grudgingly from his sleep walking to her while rubbing his eyes.

“I want to pee” He whined.

“Okay. Okay. Am coming.” Hazel replied.

Nathan lingered for a few moments in the car park of Hazel’s apartment a sense of reluctance tugging

at his heartstrings. He had just bid farewell to Hazel. As he gazed up in the direction of their flat, a quiet

contemplation enveloped him. What would it be like to have a permanent place in their lives? It was a

question he had pondered countless times in silence.

The thoughts of returning to his solitary and dimly lit home loomed before him hauntingly.

It was a place devoid of the lively chatter of children. The absence of someone waiting for him at home

gnawed at him, leaving a hollowness that was hard to ignore.

Unable to bear the weight of these thoughts any longer, he turned away from the direction. of Hazel’s

flat heading to his office. The familiar drive led him through the gates of the impressive corporate

headquarters that bore his name. The security guard, a middle-aged man who had seen Nathan’s NôvelDrama.Org © content.

comings and goings, greeted him with a thoughtful question.

“Good evening, sir, the security guard began, his eyes filled with a quiet curiosity. “Would you be

spending the night here again?”

Nathan’s expression betrayed a mixture of resignation and determination as he sighed. The question

touched upon a choice he had been making more frequently lately. His office, with its polished exterior

and vast spaces, offered him a refuge from the solitude of his home. It was a place where he could lose

himself in work, momentarily pushing aside his thoughts. and demons.

He met the security guard’s inquisitive gaze and replied, “Yes, I’ll be here for the night Timothy, Nathan

replied quietly.

Timothy nodded in acknowledgment.

“Goodnight, Nathan said as he turned to leave.

Timothy inquired, “Should I order the usual from that store?”

“No, don’t bother,” he replied. “I already ate.”

Timothy, keenly aware of Nathan’s habits and knowing his boss most times ski p p e d dinner, pressed

gently, “Are you sure?”

Nathan sighed and hesitated for a moment.

Yes, Timothy. I ate with… a friend.” The slight pause was telling, revealing that this “friend” held a

special place in his thoughts.

With that, Nathan took his leave, heading towards the solitude of his evening at the office.

As Nathan’s retreating figure disappeared from view, Timothy stood there for a few moments, a

thoughtful and somewhat melancholic expression on his face. He couldn’t help. but wonder about his

boss’s life. Nathan seemed to have everything wealth, power, and

Chapter 82

success and even good looks. Yet, he was unhappy and lonely.

He shrugged off his contemplative mood, reminding himself that at least Nathan had eaten this night

and even eaten with company this time around, a small victory. With a resigned. sigh, Timothy returned

to his duties.

Nathan set foot on the familiar grounds of his corporation, embarking on another night of work and

solitude. The contrast between the vibrant moments he had shared with Hazel and her children and the

quiet solitude of his office was disturbing.

As the night wore on, Nathan found himself lying in bed, unable to sleep and staring up at the ceiling in

the dimly lit room. Restlessness clung to him like an unwelcome companion, and he reached for his

phone on the bedside table, he dialed a number he already knew by heart due to how often he called.

On the other end, the phone rang several times before it was finally answered. “Jasmine,” Nathan said

softly, his voice carrying a hint of weariness. ‘I hope I didn’t wake you.”

In response, Jasmine, still groggy from sleep, sat up in her bed, instantly alert. “No,” she replied, her

voice clear despite the late hour. I was just finishing up some work.”

“Okay, good,” Nathan acknowledged, his tone reflecting his exhaustion. “I need you to find. Dr. Gomez

first thing tomorrow morning. He’s a retired heart specialist.” He paused, his voice sounded low and


Jasmine, well-trained and accustomed to her boss’s instructions, responded promptly with a firm,

“Understood, sir.”

The line fell silent for a moment before Jasmine bid him goodnight, her voice filled with a mix of respect

and empathy. “Good night, Sir.”

Nathan, however, remained restless and unable to find solace in sleep. Nighttime was a torment for

him, a time when the world was hushed, and his inner demons found their voice. Frustrated by his

inability to find rest, he rose from the bed and crossed the room to his laptop, the soft glow of the

screen casting an ethereal light on his face. There, he threw himself into his work, engrossed in

creating new codes for his company, the only solace he could find in the depths of the night.

Meanwhile, Jasmine lay awake in her own bed, her mind racing with thoughts and concerns. She had

been awakened by the unexpected call from her boss, and her instincts told her that it had something

to do with one of the twins. She had seen Nathan that evening at the mall while shopping for her

personal needs, with those children, and he had appeared genuinely happy and fulfilled. However, the

tone of the man on the phone had been starkly different empty, sad, drained of energy.

Worry gnawed at her as she considered the enigmatic man she served. Unable to find rest herself, she

reached for her phone, determined to research Dr. Gomez. She knew that the only way she could truly

be there for Nathan and assist him was by executing her work with precision and timeliness, ensuring

that his orders were carried out flawlessly.

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