Alpha Of Darkness And The Half-Breed Healer

Chapter 30 A royal child

GAEL’S POV “This had better be a fucking joke!” I yelled, feeling my veins pop. “How did this happen?” Sarah stayed quiet on her knees, staring blankly at the ground like she intended to burn holes into it. “I am sorry, Alpha. I had a miscarriage.” I hissed loudly, “are you even listening to yourself? How could you miscarry a royal child? Is this some joke?” I exclaimed. Pulling at my hair, I growled in anger. Even though I had been conflicted as regards the pregnancy, that didn’t mean I wanted to get rid of my child. I was beginning to fantasize about the idea of having a mini-me running around. Be it from a concubine or Luna, and I don’t intend to love any child of mine better than the other. “I only left you aside for two weeks, Sarah. And you come back to me with an empty belly? What am I supposed to do with the news? I can have you strangled to death right now.” I rambled, feeling my eyes sting. “But it’s not my fault!” She retorted, looking up at me with tears hanging heavily in her eyes. “I fell sick, and then I lost it.” “The pups from the Alpha lineage are always strong. If anything happens to it, it’s all because you are weak and useless. I don’t know what I was thinking to be delighted over your pregnancy. When you felt sick, why didn’t you go to the doctor?” “I almost lost my life, Alpha Gael! If not for the healer, I won’t be here talking to you. Why does everything have to be about you? I’m a person, too. One with feelings. Not your puppet.” Sarah let out with a shaky breath. I blinked in surprise at her. That’s the first time she would talk back at me. “did you just raise your voice at me?” I queried, intimidating her with my stance. The tears rolled down her face uncontrollably now. “yes, what would you do except have me locked up, beaten to death, or tossed out? I’m tired, Gael. I hate being here with you. I have had enough of being treated like trash. I never begged to be with you!” “You should have known better before your hungry family took my money. I bought you, Sarah. You are mine to do whatever I please, and if that includes becoming a fucking baby factory, then that is all you will be!” I gritted “Get the fuck out, and don’t show that face of yours to me if you don’t want to find yourself six feet down.” I threatened. She didn’t wait for me to finish my threat before scampering away. My wolf seems to disagree with me, but I shut it out. How dare that damn healer let my pup die? That stupid half-breed must think she is something now that she has become a healer. If not for the sake of my pack members, why would I allow someone as trashy as her to take up an essential space in my council? That would have been over my dead body. Standing up, I stormed out of the chambers. If she can’t do her job right, what’s the use of her wasting my resources all in the name of being a healer? Isn’t a healer supposed to heal even the most broken? I am not going to sit back and act oblivious. She has to attest to her crime of killing the Alpha’s heir. I made my way towards the clinic. To my utmost shock, she was seated outside with some guy who was staring at her like she was some shining diamond. I feel like punching his guts out. The second they noticed me, their laughter waned, and they got up to bow. “Good afternoon, Alpha Gael.” They chorused, which only got more on my nerves. “Hey, you. Leave here right this minute.” I snapped at the man. He was reluctant, but with one cold glare, he was off. Returning my icy gaze to the damn half-breed, she looked scared, and that soothed my boiling insides by one percent. “I thought you said you are a healer.” She snapped her head up quickly, “Yes, Alpha. I’m a healer.” My eyes twitched as I took dangerous steps closer to her. “if you truly are, how could you not save my child? How dare you handle it so loosely. If anything, you are suppose to die in my child’s place. You stupid half-breed. My bastard child is worth a thousand of you!” Her breath hitched as she stared at me with glazed eyes. “With all due respect, Alpha Gael, don’t refer to me as worthless.” I scoffed in irritation, “Oh, you have found your voice now. Don’t forget I own everything here and can bring you back down! It’s your fault that Sarah is no longer with child.” “You blame me?” She flared her nose, obviously throwing caution to the wind. “Why don’t you check yourself well and be certain you aren’t the reason behind her pain? Please, Alpha. I don’t want to cross your path as you have instructed before. Let’s refrain from being this close ever again. I’m sorry for your loss. But the goddess decides who lives or dies. Please excuse me.” With that, she walked away from me, not sparing me a glance. What the fuck is wrong with all these tacky women walking out on me? I grabbed a fistful of my hair, cursing loudly under my breath. My eyes twitched, and goosebumps went on the rise on my arms. I feel like punching someone’s guts out badly. Ezra walked towards me just in time with a smile that I wished to wipe off his face badly. “What’s up, man!” He grinned. “Don’t you dare say a word to me! It is all your fault! I bet she would never have been able to hold a candle next to my bonfire. That bitch!” I bellowed Ezra looked around like someone about to commit a crime. Lowering his tone, he moved close to me. “Control yourself, Alpha. Why are you boiling so much?” I wanted to believe his concern bad, but the twitch in his eyes was so apparent that he was mocking me. “Fuck you!” I spat. Leaving him behind. Fuck every damn person in this pack ******************************* NIA’S POV I slapped the table hard, feeling my heart clench together. I have never met someone as callous and insensitive as the doomed Alpha of Sunset pack.  I thought my adoptive parents carried the crown, but he is in every way the most splendid asshole of our time. I am never going to understand how uncouth he is as a leader. His parents sure did a terrible job at raising him-a supposed leader with no manners. I don’t think I have ever been this angry in my entire two decades of living. Not only did he call me terrifying names, he accused me of murder! Murder! How dare he? Even if I am a half-breed, I still have as much right as any complete wolf in the world. Why should I be ousted for being born? The world is probably not this cold, only shallow-minded people like him who treat people like playthings. He doesn’t even know my name. I’m sure he does and desires to demean me. I hate that I have to cringe away at every attack on me. My life is sure different now, as Perry always says. I don’t have to condone their disrespect and insult. I’m just as deserving of it as any other person.

He even chased my poor brother, Kingston, away. I really should call him. But I must admit it feels good talking back at him. The most exciting part is, he couldn’t do anything to me. I had walked away unconcerned about what became of me later on. But here I am, still breathing and not locked up. I’m genuinely not just a maid or mere half-breed anymore. Not even Alpha Gael can bring harm to me. That made me feel relief a bit, but I am still not convinced. I will have to wait until the end of the day to see what he does. A light knock came from behind the door, and my heart raced incredibly. The guards are probably here to get me. Swallowing hard, I asked the person to come in. When the person turned out to be Ezra, my mind was at total peace. “Boy, am I delighted to see you? Definitely!” I huffed, spreading my arms out for a hug. It does seem unlikely. However I have been able to maintain a close relationship with Ezra in the past few weeks. Perry is probably just being a child, refusing to acknowledge her brother’s affectionate personality. We have shared our family histories, and I realized the only difference between us is the mixture of our parents. We both have had our share of life. He ruffled my hair. “How is our healer doing?” I smacked my lips, settling into the chair. “I have been good. And it’s been a bit hectic around here. Are you just returning?” “Yup! The reason I despise the current position I am in is how many things I get subjected to do on behalf of the pack, and I definitely can’t refuse.” “Sorry about that. How was the trip?” “Not bad. Anyway, what happened between you and Gael? I saw him raving mad on my way in.”

I sighed, rubbing at my forehead, “If I tell you, you promise not to tell Gael or confront the person involved, please.” Ezra had a look on his face that meant he wasn’t making any promises. “Let me hear it first.”Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

I tapped the table, smacking my lips. “I don’t think I should tell you.” “Don’t make me snuff it out of you.” He threatened. I snort, “violent much. Anyway, Gemma brought the Alpha’s concubine to me to get rid of the baby she was carrying.” His eyes rounded in shock, “that should be Sarah.” “Why am I not surprised that you know? It turns out she already fed the poor lady poison. I was intimidated by her and close to losing Sarah. She left me with her, and I had to do all that I could to save her. But the pup didn’t make it.” “I guess Gemma threatened you both into keeping your mouth shut.” “That’s correct. The Alpha thinks now that I wasn’t competent enough and killed his child.” I don’t know why. But remembering his words had me feeling very hurt.

Ezra inhaled sharply, “You shouldn’t mind whatever Gael says. He knows nothing.” “Do you promise not to tell him anything or confront Gemma?” I said with my eyes pleading.

“I would have loved to for the sake of peace. But then, it might sound cold, but Gael sure deserves it, and Gemma on the other hand, won’t stop at my interference. The only person I feel sorry for here is Sarah.” “I heard she is the child of one of your maids back at the house.” “Yup! Sweet girl at heart. Her life dived when she came here. Sometimes, I wish I could do something. But it’s really out of my control. Gael might appear savage, but he has never forced anyone down here. They get sold out by their family, and he on the other hand, has money to pay.”

“Is he meant to seek the family or the individual’s consent? It’s not like the family is the one he ends up screwing.” He snickered, “No one has ever refused Gael. Don’t let them all fool you. They had at one point accepted to be his concubine, hoping he might fall in love with them in the long run. Only if they know how coldhearted he is.” I rolled my eyes, “I never wanted anything to do with him from the beginning. I was on the verge of eloping that night at the party. My devilish sister had dragged me back to him.” He laughed, “I heard the story. It’s no surprise you both don’t flow well. Perry also doesn’t fancy him much. I think you both are the only females immune to his charm.” “I just hate how much he and his girlfriend get to me.” “Why?” “Are you making fun of me? They are powerful and have more class than I do. They can toss me around whichever way they want.” Stretching his neck close to me, Ezra clasped his hands together. “I will say this only once to you because I realize you need the advice. You are no longer a slave under the Alpha’s wing, Nia. Yes, you work as the healer here in the pack house. That is because it’s a slated rule. The Alpha must ensure the pack’s healer lacks nothing. The moon goddess ordained you, which implies you are in the same class as the Beta, Gamma, and head of clans. It’s safe to say second best to the Alpha. Our lives lie in your hands now. Though it does not mean you should become aggressive or full of yourself. I am only saying this to enable you to hold your head high and never let anyone take advantage of you or make you feel less of yourself. Someone like Gemma and Gael will come again and try to intimidate you. Please do not allow them. Or else you will never be able to free yourself.” His words hit me differently, causing my eyes to water. I have been trampled on all my life. It feels good to hear for the first time that I am free and can live on my own without fearing what others might say. “Thank you, Ezra.” “You are always welcome.” He smiled, patting my hand in reassurance. “I should go report to the Alpha now. I just had to pop in to say hello.” “Thanks so much for coming. I will see you later. If you don’t mind coming by the house later, I will love the company.” “Will you cook?” He asked, grinning sheepishly. “If you want me to.” I winked. “Are you flirting with me?” He teased. I burst into a fit of chuckle. “Whatever! See you later.” Tapping my chest gently, I reached for my phone and dialed Kingston.

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