Alpha Loren

Chapter 5 Stupid Decision Number Three

Chapter 5 Stupid Decision Number Three

October 10th

Leo sat me on the comfy mattress, exhausted I lay my back on it. He started to take off his t-shirt and I

turned around.

"Woah, we've just met. Don't get naked," I said.

"Don't act like a child."

"I am a child," I replied looking back at him. "Legally, I am a minor."

He cocked his head to the side and narrowed his eyes a little. He then slowly walked up to me and

lifted my head so that I was forced to look into his eyes.

"Most mates sleep together on the night they meet," he said. "Why are you so different?"

"Don't you dare try and make it out like I'm the different one in this. I'm as ordinary as mud not the most

infamous Alpha in the world," I replied.

"I'd have sex with you tonight without a second thought. It's you that's resisting our obvious connection.

Why?" he asked.

"I'm a virgin," I said

"I am well aware," he replied. "Are you scared of me? Is that why?"

"No," I answered.

"Then why do you struggle to look me in the eye?" he asked.

I suddenly realised I'd been staring at the floor the whole time. It annoyed me because he was right so I

slapped his hand off my face and shuffled to the other end of the bed.

"You don't have to pretend to be brave for me, Ella," he said before walking into the bathroom. I heard

the faucet turn on and heard him going through the soaps by the shower. After a few minutes the tap

turned off and Leo came out.

"I ran you a bath," Leo said.

I nodded.

"Get the wretched smell of stale alcohol off you and then we'll talk," he added.

I got up and headed straight for the bathroom, locking the door behind me. On the toilet seat were a

neatly folded white fluffy towel and a clean t-shirt which I assumed is his. The bath was a milky pink

colour with dark red rose petals. The entire room smelt of the gorgeous bath mixed in with Leo's scent.

It was heavenly. I took off my dress and slowly dipped into the bath after quickly tying my hair in a bun.

After the bath, I dried myself with the towel and slipped his t-shirt over my head. When I came out he

was carrying another pillow and a blanket out of a closet.

"Are you still sleeping on the floor or...?" he asked.

I looked down at the hard wooden floor and then to the bed. The softness and warmth was too hard to


"The bed," I said quietly.

He smiled before putting the extra pillow and blanket down on the mattress.

"My brother will still be worried about me," I said. "Can I-"

"No," Leo interrupted.

"Why not?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest.

"I've sent one of my men to tell him," he replied, "Now sit down."

"But I want to talk to him," I argued, refusing to move.

He stepped towards me, "In the morning. For now, I want you to sit down and rest. It's late."

I stood and stared at him in disbelief for a few seconds.

"I have to speak to him," I said firmly.

I noticed his jaw clench in frustration as he looked out of the window for a moment. A few seconds

after, he brought his piercing eyes back to me.

"Get in the bed," he said in a low, deep tone.

I scoffed, "No."

He raised an eyebrow, "This doesn't have to be difficult, Ella. Just get in the damn bed before I lose my


With my arms still folded, I just stood in front of him, staring into his eyes.

You could taste the tension in the hair, heightening with every second, before it shattered with

Leonardo lurching forward, grabbing my shoulders and throwing me onto the bed.

I wriggled and squirmed but he was soon on top of me, grabbing my flailing arms and easily pinning

them to the mattress.

"I thought you would have learnt by now to not disobey me," He snarled.

"And I thought you would have learnt by now that I don't do what people say, especially if they don't ask

nicely," I remarked.

"Oh sweetheart, you seem to be forgetting who you are talking to," He growled in a demonic room-

shaking tone. "I am in control here. You will obey me. Understand?"

I still fought against his hold, already panting and out of breath as I frantically flexed my shoulders and

twisted my wrists, trying to free my hands.

He just sat straddling me, looking down in amusement as he held me in place effortless. He waited

patiently until I gave up, breathing heavily and throwing my head back down to the mattress in


"Are you done?" he asked.

I said nothing so he brought his thumb to my lips, pulling the bottom one done as he ran it along it.

He then brushed the hair that had dishevelled over my face away before grazing his fingertips along my


My heart was beating like crazy as I just looked up into his eyes, unable to do anything.

"I do not tolerate disobedience," he said eventually, "Do you understand?"

"Mates are supposed to be equal," I spat.

He laughed before he brought his mouth slowly to my ear so I could feel his breath on me, "Not when

your mate is an Alpha," he whispered as he slowly released my arms to bring both of his hands to rest

around my neck.

He dragged his hands slowly from my neck across my shoulders to my chest as I lay immobilised.

His lips then trailed to my cheek, where he pressed a firm lingering kiss as I felt his fingertips brushed

over my breasts.

With that, I couldn't take it anymore. Before you could say 'stupid decision number 3' I slapped him

hard across the cheek. So hard the sound filled the entire room.

"Do not fucking touch me," I growled as he froze, maybe in shock, maybe in utter fury.

He brought his eyes slowly up to me, his body shaking slightly as every muscle in his shoulders and

chest tensed.

"You are going to regret that," was all he said before he grabbing my hands, plucked me from the bed

and slammed me front first into the wall.

He pressed his body hard against mine, his crotch rubbing against my ass as he pulled my hands Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

behind my back.

"If you ever dare hit me again, there will be consequences," he growled, "Do you understand."

I said nothing as I swallowed, wincing at the discomfort he was putting me in.

He let out a grunt before pushing me harder against the wall, "I said do you understand."

"Yes," I said.

With that he immediately let me go.

I turned around and shuffled away from him as he took a deep breath.

"I am not used to having to control my temper," he said, "You do not want to provoke me."

"You said you wouldn't hurt me," I replied, looking down at my wrists which he had squeezed so tightly

they throbbed.

"Well let's keep it that way," he said, sitting down on the bed, "Control your mouth, don't disrespect or

disobey me and we won't have any issues."

I literally couldn't control what came out of my mouth. I had a severe case of verbal diarrhoea.

"Come," he said gently yet commandingly as he lay down, "You need rest."

I perched on the edge of the bed next to him.

"I've seen you before," he said suddenly as he lay on his back, playing with a lock of my hair.

"That's not creepy at all..."I mumbled. "Why? How? What? Where? When?"

"You work in the diner on the edge of Kellington," he said. "You would have been too young for either of

us to feel the mate bond but I caught your scent and it intrigued me. I listened to you argue with your

boss and then him threaten to fire you until you begged him that you needed the money."

"I remember that day. Someone left a thousand dollar tip and Connor and I used it to pay for groceries

for months," I said before looking at him and realisation hitting me. "...oh God. That was you... wasn't


He smiled, "I followed you home too."

"Why?!" I asked. "How did I not notice!?"

"You were alone and it was dark."

"Is this what you do in your spare time?" I asked a slight smile dashing across my lips, "Lurk in the dark

stalking women?"

He rolled his eyes.

"Now you think I'm a pervert," He sighed.

"And on that note, I think I'll go and find another room to sleep on," I announced trying to sit up.

"Hey!" he said with a smile, grabbing my hand. "I don't often care about anyone so you should feel

honoured. And my weird feelings towards you fucking messed me up in the head."

"Awee," I cooed. "You're cold heart didn't know how to deal with emotion."

He let out a laugh before resting his head on the pillow.

"But seriously, I didn't even notice a man as big as you following me? The walk from the diner to my

house is like forty minutes!" I said. "That is terrifying."

"You weren't in any danger. I followed you because I wanted to ensure you got home safe. I would

never have hurt you," he explained. "I may have a bad reputation against my name but I draw the line

somewhere. Please understand that," he added with a genuine look on his face.

I nodded although not entirely sure what he meant.

"You've killed people though, haven't you? Innocent people?"

He rolled over and looked up to the ceiling without a word.

"So the stories are true?" I asked,

"What does it matter? You're my mate whether you like it or not," He murmured as I felt his arms wrap

around my waist and pull me into his chest.

"Is this really necessary?" I questioned my voice muffled by his chest.

"Yes," He stated sounding as if he was already dozing off,

Since I had had my quota of disobeying the Alpha already today so I decided against hopelessly trying

to break free from his arms. Besides, I was oddly comfortable.

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