Alpha Dimitri By LS Barbosa

Chapter 97

Chapter 97

Chapter 97 Aurora: | put Angelina back inside her crib when her nursery door opened, taking me off guard. It was Dimitri.

“She slept?” He asked, his voice above a whisper, and | nodded. He didn’t say a word as he approached, and | watched as he extended his hand, watching as she gently wrapped her small hand around his finger despite being asleep. My heart swelled at the sight and his eyes softened as he looked at her.

| took a step back, allowing him the moment with our daughter, and noticing that, he removed his hand from inside the crib as he turned to face me. Our eyes met for a second, and | looked down at my feet before turning around to fix the blanket that | had on my lap as | was putting my little one to sleep.

| folded it and put it back inside the closet before walking to the bedroom. | knew that Dimitri would be calling the maids when he left the nursery, but the last thing that | wanted was to have another argument after a long day.

He walked to the room a few minutes later, and | could tell by just looking at his reflection through the mirror that tonight wasn’t going to be one that he was going to ignore me in. It was nights like this when | wished that we never did try to make things right between us. | believed, somehow, that it would have been easier if we didn’t have to deal with false hopes or lies.

“How long is it going to be before you have chosen to try and listen to me?” He asked, not waiting for me to turn around and face him.

“What difference would it make? Is it going to change the facts?” | asked, and he scoffed, shaking his head. “It would help YOU look at me in a way that doesn’t have me looking as an enemy.” He said, and | turned around to face him.

“To be an enemy would mean that | have a feeling toward you, be it love or hate doesn’t make a difference. | share no emotions other than the fact that you are the father of my daughter and the man that was chosen for me to mate with.” | said, and he looked down at his feet.

“You know that you just gaye Charlotte exactly what she wanted, and now | understand why she chose to play you rather than come to the hotel in the first place.” He said, making me frown in confusion. “I am not going to try and explain something to you that | have been speaking about for a while. | am not the type to have the patience for that nor do | have the time in the first place. But | want you. to know that you are being fooled and if you are going to allow her to play you at your weakest point, to look at you in such a small way that you are believing it; then you are not fit to be in the position that you're in.”Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“I never wanted it,”

“And yet, here you are.” He said, looking me dead in the eye. “You carry blood of nobility. Our daughter is going to need her mother being strong, if you are going to act the way that you are, | am very curious about how you are going to educate. her to be the heir of not only this pack, but of your adoptive parents’ pack too.”

“How | raise my daughter...”

“Will concern me until my last breath because it would not only depend on HER fate, but also the pack’s. Neither one of my ancestors built this for you to come and destroy.”

“It is you who chose to destroy it when you broke an oath.” | said, and he raised an amused eyebrow. My heart ached, and for a second, his amused expression told me that this was not going to take the path that | wanted it to. It was going to turn against me and the worst part about it; | didn’t know whether or not | was going to be able to handle it.

“| don’t want to hurt you more than you already are. | do not want to affect our ‘relationship’, more than it is. But know one thing, you gave not only Charlotte, but every other woman what she would want to approach me. Charlotte is a sensitive topic to you and | respect it with everything that | have in me. Notice that | am giving you time to cool down and try to think straight. That is not something that | would have done for anyone else, but | am respecting that the woman not only played you the other day, but also managed to look you in the eye and hide the fact that she was my consort.” He said, taking me off guard with his words. “My point is, Aurora; you are far too naive for your own good, and if you are going to believe every lie that a snake like her tells you; you are going to end up throwing yourself in a dark pit that you won't be able to get out of.”

“And you are not wrong in anything that you have done? I am not only reacting to what | felt?” | asked, and he shook his head at me.

“| never said that | was a saint. | have done my mistakes and if | put myself in YOUR shoes, | know that | wouldn’t have accepted being with me.” He said, looking me dead in the eye as he spoke. The anger that | saw in his eyes reminded me of how it was when | first saw him and Charlotte. The way he was arrogant, and though | wanted to end everything, | knew at the time that it was not something that | was going to be able to do. The man was going to have his way and | was going to be patient, | was going to have to do what benefitted ME in the end. It was a lesson that | learned the hard way that night. “I am not going to touch you or lay a finger on you unless you allow me to. | am not going to cross your vision in a way that you will find disturbing unless you allow it. But IF | see that something within my pack and family is being affected because of you; then | am going to have to step up to you. And believe me, malyshka, | am the last person that you are going to want to find yourself against.”

“lam going to burn you and walk away, and when or IF anyone asks; my pack comes first and that includes my child. Anyone, and | mean it, anyone who disturbs that is going to regret it.” He said, taking a step back. “Il am going to go and take a shower, | hope that my words can sink in deep enough for you to join

us, as my woman, on the dining room today. You know, you still are this pack’s Luna and you have a figure to present...”

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