Alpha Dimitri By LS Barbosa

Chapter 87

Chapter 87

Chapter 87


| walked out of the house, frowning when | caught the scent of the one person that | didn’t want to see.

Her eyes met mine as she sat on the front porch’s couch, and | let out an involuntary low growl, making her laugh.

“My, my, it seems to me that you have fallen for his trap and his ‘kind‘ words, harder than you shouldn’t have, haven't you?” She asked, and | clenched my fist. Her eyes were fixed on mine for a few seconds as she stood up, and | shook my head at her.

“The audacity that you have....” “Believe me, beautiful, it is you who is being taken for a fool. However, | doubt that

you are going to be smart enough to understand that, would you? You would have been smarter to know that there would never be a relationship between you and Dimitri, and yet, here you were, believing that the man would look at you.” She said, and | frowned.

! “He is my mate, my chosen mate, and the two of us have...”

“Has he marked you?” She asked, stopping me. Her eyes landed on my exposed. neck and shoulder blade before she let out a low laugh. “Mind you, it wouldn’t have healed in a few days, and | am not the elders that would have been fooled by that temporary bite that he gave you. So, considering that the answer is no, what makes you so sure that he wants anything to do with you? He could still be thinking of me, or even better, the two of us could still be meeting behind your back. You never know,”

“Charlotte, get out of my sight,” | said, glaring at the woman. She laughed, and |Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

get under my skin. The last thing that | needed was to find myself in conflict with my mate because was choosing to be the way that she was. The

that she was. The two of two of us have barely fixed things, and | knew that she heard of it. took a deep breath, doing my best to not allow her, “man. She laughed, and |

“Why? Far too afraid of what | am going to tell you? Or are you scared that | have proof that | would be meeting with Dimitri. That Ivan is waiting for me to pick me up in case you chose to send someone behind me, and that he would be taking me to Dimitri?” She asked, taking a step toward me. Her eyes were fixed on mine for a few seconds, and | shook my head, refusing to believe that her words were true. Dimitri was not going to want to meet up with her. | knew that for fact.

“You are lying because you know that you were kicked out of the...”

“About that, Dimitri and | talked. It seems to me that he didn’t want the two of us causing a problem, and while he knew that | was no barbarian to cause a problem in front of the elders. | was educated as an Alpha’s daughter, and | come from an Alpha bloodline. You are nothing but a mere bastard who was thrown out of her

pack in front of another, an omega, a slave, and nothing more than the lowest of ranks within all the pack members. For some reason, you were lucky enough that the Alpha and Luna took you in, believe me, had they had their own heir, you would have been cleaning their toilets, shit, and if you were lucky, maybe dusting their closets.” She said, making my chest tighten.

It was at that moment that | wanted nothing more than to tell her that | wasn’t who she thought | was. | had wished that | could burst in front of her, but | knew that | couldn’t. Whatever it was that had everyone hiding who | was, | knew that | wasn’t going to burst it out now. The Lord Alpha didn’t even know who | was or if he did, he didn’t know that | knew of this. And | wasn’t stupid to put myself in

such danger because | was angry. “Get out of my home...”

“Do not get used to things, Aurora.” She said, stopping me. “It is only a matter of time, very short time, that you are going to be kicked out of this house when | come back. Dimitri will be mine, the little girl sleeping in that room is going to be calling me mother, and you are going to be nothing but a mere memory that. brought her into this world. Do not worry though, | am going to be sure that she doesn’t remember you. You know, the last thing that we are going to want is for her to be upset over a bastard who spread her legs...”

| slapped her, stopping her from what she was going to say. Tears fell freely from my eyes, and | knew that she was surprised by my action. Her eyes met mine and she nodded as she tried calming herself down by taking deep and slow breaths. Her heart raced, and her eyes turned into a deep shade of golden before she pulled her phone out of her pocket. She texted for a second before putting the device back inside it. The fact that she wasn’t carrying a purse was something that | noticed.

“If you do not want to believe me, go to the garden at the beginning of the road, and you will lvan waiting for me.” She said, making my chest burn. “As for Dimitri, he is staying in Le Contessa, it was a hotel that he bought for me when the two of us first decided to become lovers. It made me a little more independent in case | needed anything, especially considering the fact that | lost a lot to be with him.”

“You are lying...”

“Go ahead and check, ask them who owns the hotel, and ask to head to the executive floor. The suite is where Dimitri and | stay when we want to be together. You can see yourself whether or not | was wrong, and | doubt that you are going to be able to look me in the eye as confidently as you are when you see the result.” She said, handing me a card. “It opens the door, you won't even have to knock.” She turned to leave, and my heart raced as | held on the card for dear life, and she looked at me over her shoulder with a dark smile on her I*ps. “You don’t need to show me out the door. It is my pack anyway, and | know how to show myself out. Goodbye...”

My heart raced against my chest, and | couldn’t help but find myself feeling the air around me tighten before one of the pack members approached. His eyes met mine and | looked away before he walked toward me.

“Luna...” “You're Damon, aren’t you?” | asked, and he nodded. “Is Le Contessa far from here?” “Should | call Alpha Dimitri?” He asked, and | shook my head. “You look unwell, Luna.”

“lam going to him, | just need to go somewhere first.” | said, looking away from him. “Thank you....”

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