Alpha Dimitri By LS Barbosa

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

Chapter 76 Aurora:

| stood in the living room, watching as the maids and concierges prepared the delights that | asked them to set on the tray for our guests this evening. Considering the fact that our gathering was going to be here and outside, | knew to prepare things accordingly. Plus, | didn’t know where most of the guests would prefer to stay; therefore, | knew to be prepared for both situations.

Natalia entered the living room, noticing the calm aroma in the house. And though | had to admit, | was somewhat nervous about how the night was going to go, and | was somewhat worried that things might backfire, | knew to be optimistic.

“Someone is in a good mood.” Natalia stated, making me laugh. She stood by my side, watching as the maids worked and watching as | arranged a few samples for the maids to use as references to what | wanted the dishes to look like.Exclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

“You are right, but the last thing that | would want to do is jinx it. And therefore, | am going to seal my I*ps. Plus, | doubt that the two of us should be talking about my good mood when | have a bride to be standing by my side.” | said, nudging her with my shoulder. Her eyes brightened, and | knew that she was more than happy to be called the name.

Having told me the other night that she couldn’t believe that she was going to be lvan’s wife, | knew to be happy for her about it. The woman had gone through a hard time with her father, and | knew, somehow, that had it not been for Dimitri being an ally, both a strong and close one to her father; the man wouldn't have allowed them to be eloping if it cost his life.

Thankfully, both men were lucky to know how to negotiate with the man, and wanting his daughter's happiness, regardless of how much he might have had a small side of him being against it; he chose to accept the marriage. But that didn’t mean that he didn’t sometimes give the two of them a hard time, and that was something that happened here as well, unfortunately, it even happened in front of


“You know that | am never going to be tired of hearing of both your and your husband’s conflicts. And considering the fact that | am drama free, | am living my life through you.” She teased, making me laugh. My cheeks reddened, and she winked at me, silently letting me know that she was teasing me.

It was true though, Dimitri and | had to be the couple that fought most in this world. | doubted that this was how arranged marriages normally worked, but the fights that we had were endless. Hell, it took us almost nine months of marriage to. be able to sit in one room without wanting to rip one another's heads off. But then again, judging by the circumstances that we were in, | was actually thankful that we didn’t do that.

“Ha, ha, very funny.” | said, shaking my head at the woman. | didn’t mind the maids listening to such conversations. It was a known fact that Dimitri and | had our conflicts, like every other husband and wife would. What | didn’t want them. to know was the fact that the two of us despised one another. And though | knew that Dimitri disrespected me in front of them a few times, especially more than ever when Charlotte was around, | knew that it was something that was eventually solved as things grew better between the two of us.

“What are you preparing right now?” She asked, changing the subject, knowing not to press on a same topic. Being this one, she still knew that it was a sensitive one to me no matter how much | didn’t speak of it. And though we did joke about. it to lighten the mood, she often knew to change the topic quickly when it came around. Plus, | didn’t prefer to live in the past when it came to this as well, and that had its own beneficial reason for me.

“For now, the cold dishes are mostly done, | am going to start the juices soon enough before we turn to the dessert. You know, we still have a few of them, and | want to decide what to keep inside and what to choose for the tables that are outside without neglecting one side. And considering the fact that it is winter, | don’t have to worry about any of the cold dishes warming up.” | said, and she nodded. It was a week into the new year, and with everything that we have been going through, | didn’t have enough time to prepare for it. But then again, with at wedding coming up in two weeks, | doubted that we would have time for that


Plus, there was also the fact that | knew that the maids have been working day and night between preparations for this gathering and for the wedding. And though we have been paying them extra for their hours, | knew not to exhaust them more than we already were. It was going to be inhuman, and the last thing that | wanted was for them to grow too tired in the end.

“Alright, how about | help out? You know an extra pair of hands is always going to make the job a lot faster. And considering the fact that even you need to go and get ready, | do believe that me helping would come as beneficial to you,” she said, her voice softening. | didn’t even know how | was going to thank the woman for everything that she was doing for me.

She was the sister that my mother didn’t give birth to, and | knew that she saw met that way as well. At least, it was what she told me. | didn’t know whether or not she would end up being another person who hated me like Charlotte. But | saw more love in her eyes and | saw more respect that | would have seen in anyone’s in my life. And the feeling was also mutual. | treated her with the same respect, and | learned a lot more from her than | could even mention.

“The more the better. And | am sure that with your help, we are going to have the best pastries that anyone has ever tasted.” I said, and she smiled. It was true. Anyone who tasted her pastries often asked where we got them from, and even when she wasn’t the one who initially baked them, her designs and additions. often made a big impression. And | had to admit, | did wish that she would try

making her own business out of it.

Natalia wrapped her arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to her, and | couldn't help but smile at her. The woman knew that | believed that | owed her a lot. Had it been only me, | knew that | wouldn’t have been able to answer the elder that night. And though it has been a while since | have seen any of them, | knew that she was slowly helping me break free of a trauma that | went through with a person that | believed to be my friend. | knew that | might not have been able to do so had it not been for her patience with me as a person.

“Alright, ladies, it is time to get things ready. Most of the cold dishes and desserts. have been prepared. And | want them all placed as instructed. Juices and wine are to be passed around the tables at all hours. And if anyone doesn’t want any of them, make sure that each table had a clean glass for water. Most tend to get tipsy and might not want that in a child heir’s introduction.” | said, and the maids. nodded. “Mariana, you show the girls where to put the food outside, | will be out once these pastries are done to check on them. Rose, you are to take care of things in here. | want the dim lights to be ready and checked for them to light up the second the sun sets. Heaters are to be turned on if needed as we might have human guests as mates of other wolves too.

| looked at Natalia who smiled as | noted the last part out. But it was true, considering all the factors, | knew that there could be humans amongst the guests. and the last thing that | wanted to do was freeze them in December's cold weather.

“And what do you need from me?” Natalie asked.

“| doubt that | am going to tell the queen of pastries that | want her to help me out with them,” | teased, and she laughed and nodded. | knew to be happy about. how things were going so far. To say the least, almost everything was done and was going according to plans. We mostly needed to get ready, and then having our guests over should be the easier part, hopefully, if things were to go well.

“Alright, | will tend to them.” She said, as she tied her hair. The two of us washed our hands before wiping them with napkins. And | watched as she turned to the counter of pastries while | turned to the shrimp bowls to fill with sauce. “Who is going to help you with Angelina? You know, she is going to be the center of attention, and we are going to have to make sure that she looks as cute as a little button. Well, she is already, but we want her to look cuter.”

| had to admit, | couldn’t help but laugh at her statement, and | couldn’t help but find myself wondering what she would be doing when she had her first child. The woman was amazingly sweet and she spoiled my little one even more than | did. Hell, | didn’t even have to worry when | was buying things for the even today. Natalia genuinely offered to take care of Angelina, and | knew that | would be doing the same, if not more, when she had her first little one.

“Let us get things ready here, and we can go and get her ready.” | said, making sure to use the word WE as | knew that she would want to come with me. “You know, that is, of course, if you want to help me with getting her ready.”

Natalia’s eyes brightened and she smiled before nodding.

“Of course, | do. Just because you gave birth to her doesn’t mean that she is your child alone. She is our little one, and |am going to forever help you with her.” She said, making my heart well. “And | know for fact that you are going to be doing the same when | give birth. To say the least, having one person as a family. member is always good when it comes to the situation that the two of us are in.”

| knew that she meant the fact that we were often alone here and | couldn't help but smile as my eyes softened, understanding her underline meaning. Just like me, she wasn’t going to have her family members by her side in situations like this, and having someone in the house being your family did indeed make things a lot easier.

“Always and forever,” | said, smiling at her. “Now, let us finish up here then we can go and get our little angel ready. You know, we still need to get ready too...”

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