Accepting My Twin Mates

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 67

Chapter 64 – Wanna Know?


I clambered out of my window and wrapped my father in a hug. After 23 years of stolen time, and barely having him back for two days, I needed to leave him. And in a pack he clearly held no trust of or liked, no less.

My mouth worked, trying to find the right words and failing.

“I know,” he grasped my shoulders and looked me square in the eye. “Astennu has told me.”

I glanced around him to see my sweet goober, trying his absolute best to be cool and unaffected by his rut, and not listen in on the conversation with my father.

Evva snorted in raucous laughter, ‘he’s like a little pup trying to hide how much he wants to play with a new toy.’ Despite her amusement, she licked her lips as eager to play as I was.

Behind me, Lucy climbed out, following after, closing the window behind her and handing me my bag. My father’s gaze returned to her, the two disappearing into their own little world.

“D-dobroye utro,” she bit her lips together, looking sheepish under his scrutiny.

I didn’t know what she had said but my father repeated it back to her; it must’ve meant ‘good morning’. She had taken the time to learn something just for him. Goddess, she really was the cutest.

‘What?’ She pouted, when she caught my teasing smile. ‘I spent all last night and some of this morning trying to learn that.’

She stood back, allowing my father and me a moment. However, his eyes never left her, following each movement she made.

‘Dad?’ I grasped his elbow as the only way to draw his attention. ‘I really am happy that you’ve found her. Please look after her, and make sure you try her baking. Honestly, no one can cook like she can and she loves feeding people.’

‘I promise, with my life,’ he cupped my cheek. ‘Be sure not to harm your mates. We lycans can be… insatiable.’

I almost wanted to hide behind my hands, and my wolf’s shudder was so forceful, my own spine shook.

‘I’m begging you to stop! I’m about to internally haemorrhage from cringe.’

His chest gently rumbled with laughter as he grasped my face to kiss my forehead.

‘Do not feel pressure to be marked,’ he glanced to the side, trying and failing to hold back a frown in Astennu’s direction. ‘I marked your mother during heat and regretted. My memory blurs about it. I wished I had waited till I would have remembered.’

Accepting a mark, and giving it in return, didn’t hold the same kind of dread and intimidation as it used to. The idea of being Luna was still a little terrifying; I wasn’t exactly an ideal role model to anyone. But I was in a position where I could affect change in the pack, instead of sitting in the shadows and b***h about what could be done. What piqued me was that everyone would be expecting to see me marked and fully claimed after my heat, and I didn’t want to be marked just because it was expected.

‘Plus, you know how I hate behaving like an expectant and perfect little Luna,’ Evva piped up, full of her trademark sass. ‘They’ll gossip, but I would like a final f**k you to the hierarchy of the pack before we have to act all respectable.’

The sound of a vehicle approaching crunched and squelched as it rolled off-road on the part-frozen and thawed ground. I turned, seeing a black jeep pull up, driven by Badru.

“We ready to go? Snow is supposed to blow in soon up the mountain,” he hopped out, key in hand.

Despite the slight chill in the air, his skin glistened in sweat and a held-in wince coincided with a heated wave rippling through my abdomen. The last thing any of us needed was horny Alpha driving and growing distracted.

I snatched the keys that dangled from his hand and traded them for my bag, shoving it into his arms to keep them occupied so he couldn’t make a move to grab the keys back. “I’m driving.”

“The road is gonna be pretty icy. I think one of us should do it,” Astennu tried to take the keys from me.

“This isn’t the time for waving male Alpha egos around,” I barked, digging my heels in and switching to mind-link. ‘Besides, you both look about ready to pop out of your pants and nut the nearest thing, which, let’s be honest, is me. So get the hell in and strap yourself down!’

I really should have known better than to try and berate the twins, especially Badru. All it did was have them thinly conceal a pant of arousal, and in front of my father.

“Would you let her drive?” Lucy cut in, her mom voice ringing clear. “Neither of you look as though you should be behind the wheel at all.”

The only thing missing was her hands on her hips, or a wagging finger of disapproval.

“Don’t you dare say it. I heard the tone, I know.”

‘Thanks for the assist, mom,’ I couldn’t keep my teasing grin to myself and pulled her in for a hug, my gaze darting to my father, knowing I had to leave. ‘Please look out for him? He really doesn’t trust pack, so this is all gonna be a difficult adjustment for him.’

‘I’ll take care of him, I promise.’


I sulked in the back seat, staring at the back headrest of my nour el-ain. Astennu looked the smug ahbil (asshole) he was, sitting up front. Apparently, I wasn’t to be trusted to sit shotgun, as I had ‘wandering hands’, whatever that meant.

‘Like he’s any better. Look at him twitch,’ Baniti grumbled at the unfairness.

I might have been a complete horny mess, but at least I knew what to do with it. Astennu just sat there, next to the most divine creature to walk the planet smelling of heated and addictive vanilla, and squandered his chance to caress her full curvaceous thighs. His hands were agitating to do it and his eyes swirled jet black, the same as mine, whenever a wave of hot vanilla erupted. But zen monk here, somehow, found self-restraint.

If my twin wanted to flaunt his control like it was some impressive feat, then he could. My control had flown down the drain the moment I pressed my nose to Evie’s neck and tasted the sweetness of her skin. Goddess, I had nearly marked her there and then, wanting my pup well and truly put into her; and that was with parenthood terrifying me!

I snuck my hands around the seat, a finger brushing through the gap in her blouse and my other hand grazing the swell of her breast. The contact of her bare flesh, no matter how tiny the amount, scorched my skin, igniting a flare of intense desire.

“This is exactly why you don’t sit up front!” She slapped my hands away, a hint of a snarl in her words. “Quit it, or I’ll come back there.”

“And spank me?” Excitement flooded me at the prospect of experiencing her wrath.

“I was thinking more like kicking you out and making you run in the snow to cool off,” she hit the button to zoom the back windows open, allowing the crisp mountain air to flood the cab of the jeep. “Next time your horny-ass starts feeling handsy, stick your head out of the window.”

My wolf perked up at the idea, ‘that actually sounds good! Shift, so I can do my thing.’

“Uh, what’re you doing?” Evie glanced in the rearview mirror when she heard the rustling of clothes.

“Nothing,” I tried, not so innocently, to avoid her question.

“Are you actually about to jump out?!”

“No,” Astennu sighed, wiping his hand down his face. “He’s about to do something infinitely more embarrassing.”

“I can’t help it,” I shot him an annoyed look. “My wolf’s begging me.”

Once black fur had claimed my skin, Baniti teetered our huge body around, barely able to fit on the backseat. He stuck our head out of the window and took in a huge gulp of the fresh air to saturate our lungs, diluting the potency of Evie’s scent, our ears and gums flapping in the breeze.

A snort of laughter arose from the driver’s seat. “Is this how you ride into battle too? Like a slobbering Saint Bernard?”

‘What? No!’ I nearly choked. ‘The pack warriors would see.’

My brother quickly grabbed a pen and paper from the glove box, scrawling something on it, and shoved it in our face.

Sarcasm, it read.

Baniti growled lowly, snuffing at the piece of paper. He had the nerve to show it to our mate, the two of them sharing a laugh over it.

‘These two are going to gang up on us forever,’ Baniti pouted.

‘He can be the funny one all he wants. We’re the hot one and we know it.’

“I keep hearing how you’re this mighty Alpha warrior that everyone fears, and yet you’re drooling down the car door,” Evie spared us a last glance in the mirror, turning onto the private road that led to our lodge.

Baniti twitched our nose in the stream of air. ‘Hey, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.’

At the end of the private road, the large wooden gate marked our getaway. Astennu pressed the fob, our jeep rolling to a halt to allow it to open.

“This is it?” Evie leant forward in her seat, taking in the small log exterior. Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

“Just wait till you get inside,” my twin hid his knowing smile.

Our lodge looked like a single-story tiny log cabin from the front. This was just the entrance. On the other side, the level dropped, revealing the cliff face the lodge was built against, with panoramic windows which looked out onto the entire mountain and valley below. It wasn’t huge, built just for our family, not for guests.

Baniti barked for attention, whining to come out with our head poking out of the still-open car window.

“There you go, Alpha,” Evie shot me a sly look when she let us out, arching her brow when she strode away and slapped her thigh. “Be a good boy and heel.”

‘Iilahat ‘aelah (goddess above), I love her,’ my wolf spun us in an excited circle and rushed after our mate.

I shifted back to our human form and scooped her up in my arms, not caring I was naked in the deep snow. “Does good boy get a treat?”

‘Not unless you help unpack the food,’ Astennu hissed. ‘Quit thinking with your d**k and let’s get settled first.’

‘It’s below freezing up here. The food isn’t gonna spoil,’ I reasoned. ‘And my d**k is about to explode. We can settle once we’ve exhausted our mate.’


I didn’t fight being in Badru’s arms, running my hands across the heated and velvety skin of his back and pecs. A throaty purring growl rumbled in my chest, inhaling the maddening scent of nutmeg and cinnamon which ignited the throbbing heat between my thighs.

“So… what do you think?” Badru murmured in my ear, struggling to keep his voice level, and indicated our surroundings I hadn’t paid any notice to.

“Huh?” I shook out of my daze and stumbled out of his embrace. “Woah…”

It wasn’t anything I was expecting. I knew what their Alpha wing looked like, modern and slick with a little rustic feeling here and there. This, the lodge, was much more to my taste; cosy and homey, rustic and warm. The kitchen, dining room and living room flowed into one. The entire far wall was one panoramic window looking onto the snowy mountainous valley below. Just beyond the lounge was a lowered seating area around a firepit encased in a circular window, just what I wanted and had envisioned when the twins first mentioned their lodge. I just hadn’t thought it would actually be here.

‘Not exactly the view to focus on,’ Evva yanked my attention back.

“Uh, yeah, it’s something… it’s-”

“Beautiful,” the electric tingles from Astennu’s lips caressed down my neck from behind.

“And delicious,” Badru grasped my wrist to kiss my palm, walking backwards and pulling me along with him.

He was still naked and made no effort to hide his stiff c**k swaying with his footfalls. Nudging open the door he was leading me to, down the short hallway at the bottom of a small staircase, I was hustled into a sizable bedroom, another panoramic window lining the wall. One pane of the window was a French door leading to a narrow deck.

Behind me, Astennu kicked the bedroom door closed and threw down my bag with another, stripping his shirt and wrapping an arm around my waist.

“You packed some interesting items, there, ammar,” he chuckled into my neck, jutting his head at my bag that had spilt onto the bed, much to my mortification. “Did you think two Alpha males in a rut would struggle to keep up with your needs?”

Of all the things that could have rolled out, it had to be my toys. The hot pink vibrator and rosebud lay clearly on the bedspread, along with a couple of items of clothes.

“I wasn’t joking about this thing,” Badru growled in a deep timbre. There was nothing playful in its pitch, it was a growl of possessiveness, jealousy even.

He grabbed hold of the pink device and marched to the French door.

“What do you think you’re-”

But before I could say anything else, he opened the door and threw it like a javelin out into the wild yonder.

“I am not sharing you with a poor excuse of a fake,” he slammed the door closed, rattling the glass, and stalked back to me, backing me up to the huge bed. “You want d**k? You got two any time you wanna ride them, even if it’s 3am. And that includes outside of heat, as well.”

He spun us around and pulled me with him to the bed, landing me on top of him.

I yanked free of his grasp, kneeling above him. “I can’t believe you did that! What if someone finds it?”

A snort of laughter sounded behind me, along with large hands snaking around my waist to pop open my blouse.

“Sorry,” Astennu composed himself. “It’s just the image of someone minding their own business and finding a random hot pink dildo lying around on a mountain.”

“They’ll probably think it’s your mom’s,” I took satisfaction in seeing them both freeze and grimace. “There’s no other home around here. What else are they gonna think?”

“I don’t think our mom uses anything like that,” Badru mumbled, trying to convince himself.

I patted his cheek. “I think, little nugget, you’ll find she does, and your dad-”

“That’s enough outta you,” Astennu clamped his fingers playfully over my lips. “Before we’re scarred for life.”

His hands slid down my shoulders, taking my top with them, and released the clasp of my bra. He took my hand in his, raising it to his lips to feather light kisses across my knuckles. Badru sat up, popping the top button of my pants open and pulling them down my thighs, leaving me in only my dark purple lace thong.

“This, we kinda have an idea in mind,” Astennu growled into the nape of my neck, twirling the rosebud in front of my eyes.

Badru dipped his fingertips into the waistband of my underwear, skimming to and fro against my skin. “Wanna know?”

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