Accepting My Twin Mates

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 63

Bonus Chapter 1 – A Second Chance?


I had walked the shoreline of Reflection Lakes since dawn, unable to sleep any longer. The air wasn’t as frigid as it had been for the last few weeks and the warmer air had begun melting the covering of snow on the lowlands. Up in the mountains, it was visibly white over and would remain that way till summer.

The cool air blew and I pulled my woollen wrap further around my shoulders, feeling that same shiver run down my spine. It had been growing since yesterday and did nothing to help my already jittery mood. Ever since Finley had finally left my life for good, I couldn’t help looking over my shoulder, expecting to see someone there. Him? I didn’t know. Just… someone.

I had tried to put on a brave face after the rejection, despite the slicing agony in my soul; a stupid and unfair symptom of the process forced upon me. If I told everyone I was fine, maybe it would simply happen.

‘With him gone, someone better can come into our lives,’ my wolf, Lobelia, soothed. ‘Just you wait, I know he’s out there.’

Strangely, she had never cared much for that man. As soon as our bond snapped into place and our eyes met, when she uttered the word ‘mate’, it was uttered with disappointment.

The night Finley came to my door, I would ashamedly admit for a brief second, I was happy to see him. Unlike my wolf, in that fleeting second before he opened his mouth, a deep part of me was ecstatic that he came to me, that he came just for me… but not once in his spiel did he say sorry.

“I want you back, Lucy.”

“I want this to work, I can change.”

“If I can get past the fact you’re an Omega, surely you can forgive me for making a mistake.”

He hadn’t changed and he never would. In his eyes, I would always be some Omega that should be grateful I had his attention. If Evie hadn’t come at that moment, I don’t know what he would have done. I should have mind-linked for help the second I saw him, not given him the benefit of the doubt to hear him out.

How Evie’s mates had comforted her afterwards, twisted a silly and petty stab of jealousy within me. I wanted what she had so badly, a man that could show he was better than the mistakes he had made. And she had two of them, Alphas at that. Not once did they care that she was an unshifted Omega. Her wolf, Evva, could never have appeared and they would still have fallen head over heels like love-sick puppies for her without the mate bond.

That was all I ever longed for. Someone who looked beyond a title or status. I wanted that man of my dreams that would make me feel safe and wrap me up in big arms; not a hard feat considering how tiny I was compared to most others.

And instead, I had been given a man like Finley.

My wolf was convinced a second chance mate would come our way. I needed a little more convincing. One mate only saw me as an Omega. Why would the second think any differently?

Another small gust blew my way from the mountain, but something about this breeze was delicious. The mountainous air scent was crisp yet warm, clean and simultaneously earthy… it smelt of home, a familiar home that had Lobelia springing to attention.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

I stared at the treeline, where the faint wafts of the scent emanated from. Its source was a man… and dear goddess, what a man. Huge, broad, rugged, with a thick full beard that matched his long dark blond hair and, even though there was a distance between us, I could spot his beautiful grey-blue eyes.

‘…Mate,’ Lobelia virtually sobbed in relief, as though she had waited for this for eternity.

“I do not think I could ever accept another, not after Heathe-” he froze, spotting me.

My heart broke in an instant. I couldn’t even bask in the moment of hearing his deep, huskily accented voice.

“Dad?” I only now noticed others were with him. Evie, shaking his arm and her mates just in front.

Dad?… The man… my mate… was Evie’s father… the lycan?

What, in the moon, was fate playing at?!

The gentle gust carried over a rumbling sound of his growl, a sound filled with hunger, and the word ‘mate’. My lips formed the words automatically but my voice had vanished and my vision blurred. I wanted to run, to vanish, to crawl into a black pit and be done with it all, and yet, my body refused to move.

I couldn’t do this again, be thrown away and left unwanted.

A fat painful tear slipped down my cheek, followed by another. I finally found the control of my legs… and I bolted. I didn’t care where I went, as long as it wasn’t here.

“I do not think I could ever accept another…”

That is what he said.

Was I destined to be alone and unloved?


5 months ago

I was practically skipping in my step heading into our town, a short walk from the packhouse. Tonight, I wanted to splurge and celebrate my shift as best as I could. That called for some drinks and some fancy snacks with Evie. Tamlyn and Suzanna, unfortunately, couldn’t join us because of their patrol duties into the night.

I took the forest path past the training centre, hearing the chatter of the pack warriors meeting up for the morning session in the field under the warm summer morning sun. I spotted Tamlyn laughing with her squad and mind-linked her hello, excited to actually be able to. Her mate, Suzanna, turned her in my direction and the two of them waved, congratulating me on my shift.

My exhaustion from last night’s shift still sat heavy in my limbs, but I felt as though I could run the borders for days. Such a strange combination of wired and tired all at once. My new wolf, Lobelia, twirled, delightedly in my mind, overjoyed to be free. She may have been a petite wolf, but she was perfect to me all the same.

I had settled for my pale yellow sundress with a floral print. All I knew was that I wanted to look my best, to reflect how I felt inside.

The elated excitement I felt only grew until my gaze fell on the reason why. Coming out of the cafe, opposite the park where I stood, Finley Jacobs with his arm draped over the shoulder of a very beautiful she-wolf.

Oh no. Not him. Anyone but him!

He was a player. He went through women faster than some people changed socks. And despite all of that, I continued to harbour the stupidest and most nonsensical crush on him that wouldn’t leave me


‘Mate,’ Lobelia uttered, hanging her head, the same thoughts and realisations crashing down on both of us.

This was a living nightmare unfolding in slow motion. His pale blue eyes met mine and he looked about as thrilled as I was. The she-wolf on his arm was all but forgotten, calling after him only to be completely ignored. Like an i***t, I remained rooted to the spot as he approached.

“Not here,” he hissed, a growl slipping out of him that only served to anger my wolf into wanting to swipe at his face.

His hand grasped my wrist and a warm electrical pulse weaved up my arm, settling in my chest. This was it, the mate bond that I heard every werewolf speak about who were lucky enough to find their other half.

I wished the feeling would have lasted longer, but deep down, I knew it. Lobelia knew it. Whatever bond was between Finley and me, would end.

He pulled me into the park and caged me between his arms against a tree, a warring expression raging across his features. His scent, this close, of fresh ginger made me sigh in a fleeting moment of calm. He tucked a stray lock of my red hair behind my ear and, for a blissful second, I thought he would accept me, that he would show me a side of him that could be wonderful.

What a foolish thought.

His fist clenched at the side of my head and he pushed away from me, his fingers raking his pale sandy hair back.

“An Omega… all these years waiting for my mate, and you had to be an Omega?!” He rasped, thick displeasure lacing his tone. “What the hell am I supposed to do with a wolf like you for a mate?”

‘What he can do is shove his bond up his ass!’ Lobelia snarled, threatening to tear loose and set her anger raging. ‘Reject him now, you know you want the same. He’ll only do it to us instead. Steal his thunder.’

I couldn’t believe my own wolf would want something so drastic, that she would agree to go against her every instinct of preserving the precious gift of the mate bond. I thought for sure she would fight me on the matter.

‘This isn’t the mate we’ve waited for,’ she forced her voice to a calm and level pitch. ‘Finley will never truly love us.’

‘If you’re sure, then I’m sure,’ I tensed my jaw.

I knew my worth and what I wanted. I wanted real love and affection and Finley had just confirmed, I would receive none of that from him.

Taking the upper hand, I did what I knew needed to happen. A sharp breath punctured my chest and twisted deeply. I focused everything I had on our bond, forcing it to break, willing it with every fibre of my being. The twist expanded, swelling into a white-hot slashing knife plunging deeper than my heart, stabbing my very soul.

“Ngh,” Finley wheezed out.

I opened my eyes to see him doubled over, clutching his chest and shaking.

“…Stop,” he muttered so quietly I thought I had imagined it. “Stop!” He repeated with more force, shoving me into the tree at my back and fighting against the bond’s rejection.

I winced, and I could have been fooled into thinking a pang of guilt flashed in his eyes.

His breaths came with edges of growls and snarls; his wolf was pissed, as equally as mine. The air, in the small distance between us, was charged with pure and raw emotion. I began to wonder, would he actually hurt me?

“Someone like you, doesn’t reject a wolf like me,” he punched the tree next to my head, but I kept steady, meeting his eye with a furious glare and refusing to show any submission or fear. “You’ll regret this.”

And with that, he stormed off, his legs not looking entirely stable under him.

I shook my head, holding in my sob. If I was going to break down anywhere, it would be under my blanket in bed, where no one could see. I ripped through my sundress, shifting with some difficulty and ran, my small red paws kicking up dirt and debris behind me. I never wanted to see that dress again anyway.

The Omega wing door came into sight and as I shifted, I almost collapsed, the toll of everything weighing too much for me.

I didn’t care if anyone saw me naked, I had much more pressing things to worry about. No sooner had I crawled under the thin sheet of my bed, did I feel it, a sense of betrayal.

My wolf knew, our mate was being unfaithful.

Our bond was frayed and damaged, but intact nonetheless. I tried again, screaming out in agony to force the bond to break, to force the rejection and set me free. It was no use. The feeling of betrayal continued, for how long, I couldn’t be certain. The pinch in my heart wouldn’t leave until wherever Finley was, had finished.

‘W-we’ll be ok, little goose,’ Lobelia whimpered, her voice dim from howling.

I didn’t feel as though anything would be ok. I felt ashamed. Ashamed that I couldn’t free myself. Ashamed I would be at his mercy. And ashamed that I wasn’t good enough for the very person I was meant to be created for.


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