
Chapter 62: The One

Chapter 62: The One

"Bye Jiwoo," Faye greeted as Jiwoo got off the car. "See you soon."

Jiwoo waved back until he was swallowed by the crowd waiting for public transport. I rolled up the

windows and started driving again.

"Where to?" I asked Faye.


"Sure thing!"

Faye talked about how she enjoyed brunch earlier that day. Jiwoo and I teamed up and cooked the

best possible fusion brunch that we could come up with. I made a pastry basket with egg tarts, mini

samosas, and fluffy brioches. Jiwoo grilled up some meats and sausages and created amazing butter

infusions for them. I made a few soufflé pancakes and paired them up with select nuts and berries,

while Jiwoo made these extremely light and crispy Japanese-inspired vegetable tempuras. Jiwoo

finished off the menu with this creamy mushroom soup that was just heavy enough to pack a flavor

punch without overpowering the other dishes.

"We should do that more often," Faye said enthusiastically.

"No way," I said. "You have no idea how hard it was to prep all that."

"But that's going to be your job now, isn't it?" Faye asked.

I chose to keep quiet, but as usual, Faye didn't seem to miss anything.

"Or you're seriously thinking of accepting Samsong's offer?"NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

"We're here!" I announced, deliberately avoiding Faye's question. "You've got reserved parking, right?

Which floor is it?"

Faye rolled her eyes. "Basement 3 – just beside the elevator."

As soon as we entered Faye's favorite branch of Dra. Bell's skin care clinics, we were greeted with an

offer of either Proseccos or mimosas. Faye and I opted for a glass of Prosecco each and were soon led

to a cozy room filled with comfortable reclining chairs and a soft, serenading music in the background.

Faye and I sat side by side and were soon given intravenous drips of glutathione, vitamin E, and god-

knows-what-else-Faye-ordered to be pumped into our bloodstreams. An attendant helped us relax on

the recliner, and lastly placed chilled eye patches on our eyes.

Several minutes passed and I was almost falling asleep when Faye attempted to ask about Samsong

group again.

"What if that Vice Chairman Lee accepts your offer, though?"

"Huh?" I asked, trying to fight the bouts of sleepiness washing over me.

"10% of their shares." Faye said. "What if he decides to give that to you?"

"Fat chance," I said. "He'd have to be insane to offer that much money. Do you know how much their

shares are worth?"

"Not exactly, but I have an idea," Faye said. "It's only 10% and the amounts are already exorbitant."

"Exorbitant?" I asked, smiling. "Big word!"

"Stop joking," Faye said seriously. Although I couldn't see her facial expression, I could feel that

something's bothering her.

"Why? What's the problem?"

"I think he's going to accept your offer." Faye answered.

"Huh? I highly doubt that." I retorted. "Like I said, he'd have to be crazy to do it."

"Yes, and aren't all geniuses considered borderline crazy?"

Here she goes again with her sudden bouts of profound wisdom. I didn't know if I should laugh or what.

But as usual, I indulged my best friend.

"Look at you and all the projects you've handled with Samsong Group – everything's borderline crazy!

That's why nobody else ever thought of doing everything that you've done so far."

Faye was being overly enthusiastic about this whole thing. I haven't done anything special, really. It's

just that my decisions and recommendations were all based on what the numbers tell, and what the

numbers weren't telling.

"Let's say Mr. Lee does agree to my demands," I started. "I still don't think I can handle it."

Faye was quiet for a moment and I could feel the cold leaving my eye patches before she started

speaking again.

"Is it because of Jiwoo?"

"What do you mean?" I said, caught off guard by her question.

"The BJ that I know would get super excited at the prospect of solving corporate issues like this one."

Faye answered quickly. "It's so unlike you to doubt yourself about this thing."

I sighed audibly. "It's not as simple as it looks, Faye. And besides, why would I want to go back to that

kind of life?"

"That kind of life?" Faye asked.

"Oh, you know – the pretend-I'm-straight kind of life!" I was getting tired of the conversation and didn't

bother to mask away my annoyance. I just wanted to change our topic now.

"Hello?!" Faye snapped back. "You were already outed by your CEO. There's no going back to that life

now. And besides, Mr. Lee already promised to start embracing diversity!"

I couldn't respond because she was right. "Do you want me to take it?"

"I want you to be sure of what you want," Faye said. "If you want to go back, I'll support you. In fact, I

already have some ideas on how we can make business with Samsong group."

"And if I don't?"

"I'll support you still. If Jiwoo really makes you happy..."

The attendant came back and announced that we were finished with the IV therapy. She removed our

eye patches gently and proceeded to undo the IV contraptions on our arms. I made a sideways glance

at Faye and saw her expression. It was something I couldn't quite interpret.

The three of us made our way to the room where we'll get the next part of the beauty package Faye got

for us. Unfortunately, the next part consisted of different facial treatments which made it impossible for

us to talk.

In other words, I couldn't answer back after Faye insinuated that I'm once again throwing myself head

over heels over a guy.

It must have been at least four hours since we started because I'm starting to feel hungry, but at last,

we were told that the facial treatments were finally done. Another attendant escorted us to the third part

of the package which was a back scrub, a full body massage, and whatever latest technology Dra. Bell

brought into the country to make our skin look younger and fresher.

I thought it would be my chance to continue the conversation with Faye, but we were led to separate

rooms because I was still biologically male and Faye was still biologically female. I wanted to argue that

I'm gay and that I've seen Faye's body several times and never had a reaction to it, but ultimately gave

up and just enjoyed another two or so hours of getting my taken care of for me.

After the whole session, I was positively famished. Apparently, getting rid of all your back's dead skin

cells was enough to rile up my appetite. I was taken back to the lobby where I saw Faye already sitting

down on plump armchair.

No sooner after my butt landed on the chair next to hers, several attendants came with finger foods and

an assortment of drinks. I munched a lot of them and drank my way to two glasses of iced tea while

Faye busied herself with the manager to finalize whatever last treatments we were getting in the clinic.

The clinic manager clapped once and the attendants with all the food suddenly started bowing

themselves out. I was still staring at them longingly when Faye grabbed my hand and dragged me to

the last stage of our package.

We were asked to lie down and spent just about an hour having different stuff plastered on our faces. It

was a pretty boring way to spend time, to be honest, but I'm not complaining. My skin looked and felt

absolutely amazing.

After that, I thought we were finally going home, but the clinic had a team of hair and make-up

specialists and they spent just a bit over thirty minutes breaking my face into—

"Wow," Faye exclaimed. "You should wear make-up every day, BJ. That faint smoky eyeshadow and

that eyeliner contrast does wonders to your face."

"Shut up, Faye." I said. "If I don't get something to eat, I will you!"

Faye chuckled and started walking towards the exit as soon as she was handed back her card, without

even looking at the amount billed to her.

"No tips?" I asked, already opening my bag for my wallet.

"Don't bother," she answered back. "They already know to include that in the bill. I gave them more

than enough."

Typical Faye. She doesn't hold back when it comes to people handling her skin. I felt my stomach

grumbling in hunger again and I walked faster towards the direction of ultra-fancy restaurant at the

ground floor serving all sorts of Singaporean street dishes.

Faye was reluctant to eat here when I first invited her here years back. Just like many rich people who

know nothing about good food, the description of the resto being Singaporean street dishes totally

turns them off.

Well, they're a bunch of idiots! Singaporean street food is simple one of the best in the world! I'd say it's

tying for first place against Thai street food. And the chef here elevated what's already amazing food

into something out of this world! It's no wonder this place has got two stars from Michelin.

"Hawkers' Kingdom!" exclaimed Faye as soon as we were seated inside the tropical-themed


Faye let me order our usual array of Singapore's best dishes – from mixed satays in beef, chicken,

pork and mutton in their heavenly peanut-sauce, to a plate of Sambal Stingray which never failed to

blow the shit out of our tongues with its spicy, smoky, and tangy flavor combinations, a full order of their

famous Hainanese chicken rice served with slices of locally grilled Betamax (coagulated pork blood),

an order of Chilli Crab paired up with an amazing pair of Roti Prata instead of the usual curry, and a

bowl of wanton mee to finish everything up!

This is one of the things that bind Faye and I as close friends – excellent food! However, Faye had to

ruin everything by manuevering the conversation back to Samsong group.

"I just want to know what your decision will be, BJ." Faye explained defensively.

"I'm not going, okay?" I answered back. "And yes, maybe it's because of Jiwoo. Happy now?"

Faye was quiet for a bit, took a sip of her Singapore Sling, before talking once again.

"It's your happiness that's important BJ," Faye began. "This is your chance to really make it big. This is

your chance to prove everyone that one's sexuality has zero effect on one's performance at work! This

is your chance to give the world the middle finger!"

"I don't know, Faye." I answered. "I'm really confused."

"What's the matter?"

"What's the use of all that?" I said, shying my eyes away from Faye's knowing gaze. "I mean, what

good will it give me to do that – to prove to the world that gay guys like me are worth so much more?

What good will it do me if..."

"If what?" Faye asked.

"Never mind..."

"If you'd just end up like majority of the gay guys out there? Sponsoring straight guys to feel loved?"

This bitch never misses anything. "Yeah," I nodded, ashamed to hear myself admit it out loud.

"And you think Jiwoo is the one?"

I met Faye's gaze head on for the first time since we started this conversation, and yes, I feel ashamed

to still be held in chains by what society thinks of us queers, but I feel like I owe it to Faye to admit the


"Yes, Faye." I answered back. "I think he is."

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