A Touch From You

Chapter 3

He made his way towards his room to draft out what he going to say when he addressed the Marines later that day. There was so many things going on and with SSgt Rodriguez planning to make an appearance soon, it was up to Jason to conduct the whole thing based on the trust Sergeant O’Neal had for him.

Later on, Jason was satisfied with the plan he had drafted. It was going to be effective, that he could tell and he couldn’t wait to put it into action.

Just then, his best friend and roommate walked into the room, looking tired but in good spirits.

“You look like you were ran over by an ammo tank”, Jason laughed.

“Worse than that”, David groaned.

He dismantled his weapons, a precautionary measure that was taken by all the marines should there be a cause for attack within the barracks. He dumped it on a nearby couch before climbing into his bed without removing his shoes.

“Your shoes David”, Jason laughed.

“Just leave it there. I’m too tired to remove it”, David groaned.

“Is the record department that bad?”, Jason asked.

“You have no idea. I ended up sorting a total of five thousand records of Marines that were here since the inception of this barrack”, he said.

“Wow, that much?”, Jason said.

He took the couch, popping open a can of soda. He sipped slowly as he listened to the breakdown of everything David had said.

“Yeah, I’m telling you man. I don’t know why we had to do that boring work but I guess it’s still connected to recent news”, he said.

“Sergeant O’Neal met me at the cafeteria shortly after you left”, Jason said.

David sat up, he was now interested in what Jason had to say. Hardly anyone withing the barracks would pass on a juicy gist especially when it had to do with a senior Marine officer.

“What did he want?”, David asked.

Jason told him everything that had transpired between them. Talking about it now, he knew that whatever was going on was a bit serious.

“Dang!. I knew it”, David said.

“I think so. But for now, let’s keep all these under hush”, Jason said.

“You got it”, David said.

“I really can’t wait to get to the outside world once I get the opportunity”, Jason said.

“Me too and I heard there’s a way”, David said.

“You know, we usually go out but what I’m yearning for is a total freedom”, Jason said.

“Yeah, I get you”, David said.

“I want to begin my life properly, you know with a wife and kids… Someday”, Jason said.

“Really?”, David asked.

“Yeah, you sound surprised. Why?”, Jason chuckled.

“Well, I just thought you’re a marine to the core and would want to spend all your life working for them”, David said.

“Don’t get me wrong corporal. I love the Marine and everything it stands for but sometimes, I just yearn for what I could get on the outside world. I want to love and have children”, Jason said.

He couldn’t believe he was saying this but recently, he had began examining his life and how it used to be just before his mother died. They were one big happy family full of love until everything came to an abrupt end when death took her.

“Your parents… You don’t talk much about them”, David said, quietly.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

He knew that the subject of his family was a touchy one and he wasn’t about to be an insensitive man and pressurize him on it.

“What’s there to talk about… Nothing really”, Jason sighed.

“Whatever it is, know that you’re loved by someone out there. You might not know who it is but it’s a known fact that someone out there has our best interest at heart and soon, we’ll find them”, he said.

“I never counted you to be someone philosophical corporal”, Jason laughed.

“I’m not. It’s a fact and it’s the truth”, he said.

Jason stared at him, his drink forgotten. From the way he talked, Jason knew that he was serious about what he said because David wasn’t one to say things he wasn’t sure about.

“So, what about you?. Your family?”, Jason asked.

He barely knew anything him and wanted to know more just in case he didn’t see him again.

“Well, my parents are pastors and they head our local church. My father is actually a retired Marine Corp and when he retired after thirty five years of meritorious service, he dedicated the rest of his life to serving God”, he said.

“Wow, that’s… Nice”, Jason said.

“Thank you. Ever since I was a little boy, I’ve always wanted to be a part of this and serve my country and I’m just glad I got the opportunity”, he said.

“Lucky for you. My dad was rarely home due to the nature of his job as a federal judge. The few times I saw him was just for hurried visits and gifts before he took off again”, Jason said.

“Oh… Wait. Your dad was a federal judge?”, David asked.

There was a look of inquisitiveness in his eyes and Jason knew that he was up to something.

“Yeah… What’s wrong?”, Jason asked.

“Isn’t he judge Smith. Judge A. B Smith?”, David asked.

“The one and only”, Jason said dryly.

“Wow. Your dad is kind of like a hero in my town. He got popular especially when he defended that girl who was accused of murdering two men. Could you even believe it. A ten year old murdering two grown ass men”, David scoffed.

“Well, he’s not a hero to me”, Jason said.

“I was about six or seven when it happened. Can’t really remember the rest of the story but at the end, your father was able to prove to the whole world that the girl was innocent and it was her stepmother who did it”, David said.

At that moment, Jason was proud of his father and what he had achieved.

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