A Second Chance With My Tribrid Alpha King



He giggled loudly as I tickled him, trying to push my hands away. “Auntie Audrey, pleeaaassseee stop!” He begged.

“Auntie Audrey would stop after you give her a kiss!” I dropped chaste kisses around his wonderfully scented neck, making him stretch his hands to caress my face.

“How did you get here, you little brat?” I looked up to see Layla at my doorstep. Oh no. Was she angry that her son was here?


“Hello Audrey.” She smiled, stepping into the room. “I’m so sorry if he intruded your privacy. He has this nasty habit of not knocking before going into someone else’s room.” Oh, great! She was fine with him being here.

“Not at all. I had actually hoped to see him today.” I gently ruffled his hair as he leaned back onto my body. “He actually made me feel better after a stressful day.”

“I heard about it.” She sighed, a look of sympathy on her face. “I wouldn’t judge, without hearing the story from you.”

“Thank you so much, Layla. You can’t imagine, but your understanding means a lot to me.”

“You have a story to tell? I want to hear it.” Litlle Logan grinned in anticipation. His grinned disappeared the next minute, because his mother just wasn’t having it.

“Hop down that bed and go locate your papa, now!” Layla was stressing this little boy so much. I wanted to laugh out, but was careful as not to make Logan sadder.

“Yes mama.” He muttered sadly, turning to give me a last look of longing, before going out like his mother had asked.

“Goddess! I can’t believe how smitten he is with you.” She shook her head in disbelief. “He hasn’t felt that way towards any other adult, except my mother, who visits once in a while. He’d never believe when I say she is my mother. He always thinks she’s my younger sister.” Layla chuckled.

“I can only imagine.” I smiled. There was an awkward moment of silence between us, before she took slow steps towards my bed. She sat opposite me, and released a deep sigh.

“What happened?”

“I’m not sure.” I answered truthfully.

“Explain it all to me.” She requested, and I nodded.

“During the meeting, one of the vampire officials had stated the fact that Logan had found his mate, which would make him stronger.”

“Okay.” Layla nodded, paying me complete attention.

“I expected Logan to outrightly counter the official’s words, but he didn’t. I was happy about that, before I suddenly started to feel this gnawing pain in my chest.”

“Right in the meeting?”

“Yes.” I nodded. “It felt like someone was forcefully trying to infiltrate my mindlink.”

“Oh my goodness!” Layla sighed, as if realizing something.NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing, I’m sorry. Please go on.”

“So, this person eventually gained access into my mind, and started spewing annoying words. Telling me to go away from she and Logan’s life. She also told me Logan belonged between her thighs alone.” I whispered the last part, hot tears stinging my eyes at the thought of that.

“I’m so sorry.” She took my hand in hers, a genuine look of worry etched on her face.

“All I wanted to do was stop whoever was saying those things. So I forcefully blocked the intruder off my mind, only for Heather to go flying off her seat and hitting her head against the wall. That was all that happened.” I finished. “Logan said mean things to me, regardless of my explanations.”

“You explained all these to him, and he was still mad?” Layla asked in confusion.


“I really cannot believe him right now.” She muttered underneath her breathe. “Listen, Heather is a very strong she wolf, with a unique ability.”

“What is it?” I asked.

“She has the ability to infiltrate the mind of anyone, whether you’re a part of her pack or not. I’m sure that’s why you may have been confused, seeing as you both aren’t linked in anyway. And that is also why you felt so much pain.”

“Are you trying to say that….”

“Yes, Heather was guilty.” She glared into space. “And I really don’t know why my brother didn’t own up to it. He knows she has the ability to do what you said. That’s really low of her, and even him.” Layla sighed. “And I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine Layla. I definitely knew that things were going to be far from smooth when I returned to the palace. And when I realized Logan was my mate again, I knew things were going to be tougher.”

“Audrey….. father told me about your psychological trauma all these years.”

“I’m fine now.” I shrugged, but she shook her head disagreement.

“I’m sorry.” She muttered. “I also heard you lost your brother, but it was only yesterday that father really explained to me what happened. It must have been such a traumatizing experience for you.”

“I’m fine.” I blinked back the tears that constantly tried to fall.

“It’s okay to cry, Audrey. Stop bottling it all up. And I promise to teach my brother a lesson or two.”

“No no no!” I rushed out. “Please don’t interfere. I don’t want hin to hate me more than he already does.”

“Audrey, I know I promised not to ask, but I can’t help it now we are in this position. I’m so close to you, and it feels as we used to be 5 years ago.” She smiled sadly, and I felt my heart squeezing lovingly, when I saw the tears in her eyes. “I missed you. Does it even make any sense?”

“It does, Layla. It does.” I finally let the tears fall as we held each other in a tight embrace.

After a while, we pulled away and she carefully cleaned the tears from my face.

“You know you were the first person I told about my pregnancy, right?” She asked, and I was truly surprised. “We were beginning to bond and so suddenly, you were gone, leaving a bad feeling in my heart towards you.”

“Layla, I truly did change!” I cried all the more. “I wanted to let Logan know about the queen and Sebastian’s plans, but I just wasn’t quick enough.”

“Audrey.” She firmly called me, holding both my hands in hers. “Did you really do that to him? Did you sleep with Sebastian?” At her question, I went mute. “I’m sorry!” She suddenly rushed out. “I shouldn’t be asking you this. Let the past remain in the past.” She rubbed my arms endearingly. “I am glad you’re back, regardless of what happened before. You’re back and better, and I’m proud of you for being so strong through all your pains.”

“Thank you for thinking that I deserve another chance.”

“Everybody does.” She smiled. “Have you had anything to eat? I didn’t see you down for lunch?”

“After what had happened at the meeting, I definitely lost my appetite.” I sighed.

“You would be fine, Audrey. I know my brother may be a literal asshole right now, but please give him some time.” She begged, and I nodded. “I really want things to work between you both. Logan has never really been as happy as he used to be, before the coronation.”

“He now shields his feelings and emotions behind a facade. You were the first girl he ever really loved, and your love meant everything to him. I believe things could be fixed, Audrey.”

“But he isn’t even ready to let us work things out.”

“Audreeeyyyy….” Layla trailed off with a small smile. “You remember how much you loathed him when you first got to the palace?” She asked, and my face instantly fell.

“No no no!” She rushed out. “I’m not saying this for you to feel bad. I’m just trying to let you know that there is hope.”


“It took Logan only 1 month to make you fall for him. Deeply, might I add.” The fact that Layla believed I truly loved her brother, meant a lot to me. “I think it could take you just as little time as that, to make him fall for you again.”

“How?” I asked.

“I don’t know.” She shrugged with a small smile. “Just do your thing. Love always finds a way after all. But in all you do, never let them mess with you so much. You’ve already been through enough.”

“By them, you mean?”

“Logan and Heather, of course.” She nodded. “I had truly expected Heather to step aside, after realizing you were back into Logan’s life. But then, her refusal to let him go, only goes to show how selfish she is. And Logan probably feels too guilty to break her heart.”

“But I do feel for Heather too.” I tried to reason.

“Don’t get me wrong, Audrey. I mean, considering the fact that their relationship is only 11 days old, I expected better from her.”

“11 days old? For real?”

“Yeahhhh.” Layla nodded. “They had been friends for a couple of years now, but I figured she had always had the hots for him.”

“Then why did they only start to date now?”

“Reasons best known to my brother.”

Why did I suddenly start to feel like I did have a chance? Layla’s words had boosted my spirit and now, I was determined to fight for what was mine. The fact he also hadn’t rejected me when I asked him to, showed that there was a little part of him that still wanted me. I just had to plunge my hand deep enough into his heart, and pull that part out.


Later that evening, I decided to go for a stroll in order to clear my head. I made me way through the familiar gardens, and while I was walking, I heard someone sniffling. Whoever it was, had obviously been crying. I took stealthy steps towards the part of the garden I heard the cries, until I came to a stop in front of a really pretty lady. She was dressed in a white floral gown, her brown hair swept to the back and most definitely reaching her waist. She looked like a goddess, regardless of her tears.

“Hello.” I muttered, and she looked up at me. She was clearly surprised to see me there.

She hesitated for a moment, but finally answered my greeting.

“Hi.” She whispered, trying to clean her tears.

“No.” I rushed out and held her hands. “I might be a hypocrite for saying this, but crying makes you feel better. So just cry as much as you want to. I would patiently watch, until you feel better.” It seemed like my words had further provoked more tears to fall from her eyes. She got more serious with her tears, and I was forced to remain there, truly feeling sorry for the unknown woman.

After about 10 minutes, she had finally ceased her tears and looked up at me.

“I’m mated to a man old enough to be my father.” She sighed.

“And who is this man we are talking about?” I asked.

“First, who are you?” She asked, and I smiled as a result of how she pouted her lips like a baby.

“I am Audrey Chadwick, and you’re?”

“Wait….” She suddenly gasped. “Audrey Chadwick? As in ‘the Audrey’?”

“Yes, I’m Audrey.” I chuckled. “Do we know each other?”

“We don’t have to know each other before I know you! You are literally the strongest she-wolf there is! It’s so nice to meet you.” She grinned, the initial sadness on her face, instantly disappearing. Goddess! She had the heart of a child. It was beautiful.

“It’s nice to meet you too….”

“Emily! Emily Rogers.” She introduced.

“Rogers? As in…. Rogers of Woodland?” I asked unsure, but she nodded in agreement.

Oh wow! Her father was at the meeting today. Alpha of the woodland pack. He was the oldest Alpha amongst us, and it made me wonder if his sons weren’t yet of age to take over from him.

“Emily….” I called. “Can you tell me about yourself?” I bent and sat next to her on a large stone.

“Sure.” She nodded. “I’m the only child of my parents; The Alpha and Luna of the woodland pack.” Explains why her father is still Alpha. “I’ve never really left my parent’s side since I was born. This is the first time I’m away from home.”

“11 years ago, when I became of age to find my mate, I didn’t.” I did a quick calculation in my head. She was currently 29. “I had always hoped to find my mate, so I could birth an heir that would take over as Alpha from my father. That has been my father’s greatest fear. Ending his family’s generation of Alpha bloodline.”

“I can only imagine.” I sighed, sympathizing with her.

“I had attended the previous king’s birthday banquet, only to find out he was my mate.”

“You’re king Xavier’s mate?!” I asked in shock, and she nodded. Ohhhh….

“And now, I can’t give my father the heirs he had always desired.”

“Why?” I asked in slight confusion.

“How could I ever let him come close to me? It’d almost feel like I’m sleeping with my father.”

“Hmmm…. I totally understand you.” I nodded. She smiled, clearly happy that I saw reasons with her.

“I knew you would. Moreover, we have both agreed to part ways after the war.” She shrugged.

“Emily, would you love to be friends with me?”

“Absolutely.” She muttered.

“Great!” I smiled. “Do you like a game of chess?”

“Trust me, I’m a pro.”

“Excellent!” I released a wide grin. I had a new mission.

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