A Night With My Boss

Chapter 43

*Unknown Pov*

Skyler was going through the plan over again, this is the third time she was explaining to David the chef.

“Do you understand now?” Skyler asked again exasperated, Alex would close from work in an hour and precious time was being wasted over a plan.

“So you’re saying all I have to do is to get into the garage, locate the car and do what?” David was scratching his head in confusion, for being so handsome and hot he lacked brains….. A whole lot of it.

“And cut his brakes you dimwit!!! Ahhhhh” Skyler has had enough now, she grabbed her car keys from the bedside drawer and dragged David out of the room.

The plan wasn’t that complicated as David makes it, it was quite simple if you didn’t look at it from his point of view. Sneak into the staff’s garage, locate Alex’s car, go under it and cut the brakes, that doesn’t sound so hard does it?.

“What’s the colour of his car?” David asked to be sure.

“It’s a blue Sedan, it’s hard to miss because of its classic look. So you know where the brake line is right?” Skyler asked him again, David claims he was a mechanic before following his culinary dreams.

“Don’t underestimate me” David squinted his eyes at the tall building as they arrived at their destination, Skyler parked the car some metres away from the building.

“Okay so you go in through there, with your overalls you look more like a mechanic than ever so getting past the security guard won’t be a problem and from there you know the rest. Meet me at that Café across the street when you’re done” Skyler made out with him in the car before going to the café wearing dark shades and a cap to avoid detection.

David entered the building after explaining to the guard what his business was, he got directions from a hot receptionist.

“Hey there pretty, I’m in a bit of a fix here I can’t seem to find the Staff’s garage and my client leaves soon” He winked at her making her blush.

“Well just go through that door then make a left till you see a flight of stairs and go downstairs, you’d be at your destination handsome” She said smiling.

“Any destination with you is my destiny” With that he left the receptionist trying to catch her breath.

David was shocked out of his soul by the size of the parking lot and the amount of blue cars there. He went to work anyway scanning from side to side for a blue sedan which was kind of hard because he kept seeing blue Lexuses instead, he finally found a blue sedan and he called Skyler to verify the plate number. The call ended quickly partially because Skyler was impatient and because it was the right car. David brought out his tools and set to work, cutting his brake line was an easy job for a pro mech like him….. even if he was retired.

David walked in the cafe, he had already changed his clothes, Skyler pretended not to have noticed his presence until he was sitting opposite her.

“Have you done it?” She asked in a harsh whisper.

“Yeah I have, now would be a good time to talk about my payment”.

“Not right now there’s something I need to do first”.

“I thought you’ve gotten what you wanted now give me what I want!” David was getting furious, so he had risked his skin for nothing.

“Hey hey no need to raise your voice at me. What I’m saying is that I need to test if you really cut his brakes, I wanna tail him a bit and see if he runs into a tree or something” Skyler smiled evilly at the thought of that.

“Oh so after you tail him-“.

“We head to the nearest gas station to use the ATM there, don’t think I’ve forgotten about you my David” Skyler looked at her watch and saw the time was drawing near for Alex to meet his doom.

“It’s almost time, let’s go!” They stood up from their seats, paid for the coffee and exited the café all in a hush-hush manner which puzzled the shop owner. They got in the car and waited for Alex to drive out, fifteen minutes passed and still no sign of Alex yet, Skyler was already starting to think he had discovered his brake problem. That’s when he drove out and she tailed him closely.

“If you’re tailing him shouldn’t you be like some metres away to avoid raising suspicion” David said cautiously.

“I wanna spook him” Skyler laughed menacingly as she stepped on the gas closing the gap even more.

Alex recognized the car as soon as he had driven out of the building but he didn’t know she was planning on giving him a hot pursuit. Alex increased his speed to 100mph trying to get away from his killer ex girlfriend, he saw a pedestrian crossing and tried to slow down but his brakes weren’t responding, he stepped on them harder than before but still no response.

‘Skyler what have you done?’ he thought as he swerved dangerously to the right dodging the pedestrian, he swerved again to dodge a SUV on the side of the road.

‘it’s too dangerous to drive out here with no brakes I’ll have more space on the freeway’ Alex knew what he wanted to do when he was on the freeway and it seemed like his best option but he had only one shot.

“He’s heading towards the freeway,” David told Skyler, because he could recognize this part of the city.

“I know that idiot! I want to see where he’s headed” Skyler manoeuvred past different cars at top speed, David’s heart pounded like the car’s piston.

Alex was looking for a body of water so he could crash into it, at least it’s better than running into a tree at this speed. He scanned the sides of the freeway and he saw a lake on his right, he steered his car left and right pretending to be out of control then veered his car off the road and he crashed into the lake causing a big splash. Almost instantly some cars stopped and the drivers were rushing to the lake to help because the car was sinking at a rapid rate.

Skyler saw Alex’s car veer off the side of the road and crash into the lake with a big splash, she wanted to go to the lake and confirm if he’s dead but passersby were already rushing to the scene of the accident, besides Alex was driving at top speed a crash like that would definitely kill him or incapacitate him at least.

“Let’s go to that gas station shall we?” Skyler said as she turned the car around.

“Damn that was cold Skyler, you didn’t even look at his face for the last time?” David was surprised at Skyler demeanour, ever since the chase started she had turned into somebody else as if she had been possessed.

“What for? I’m done with him since he chose that stupid slut over me!!” She gripped the steering wheel tightly and David saw her rage.

“I was just airing my opinion sheesh”.

“A word of advice Dave if you want to be alive to spend your payment money…… Keep your opinions to yourself”.

Alex’s car was finally brought back to the surface but his body wasn’t found.NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

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