A Contract With The Lesbian

His Alpha Queen Chapter 91

**Kataleya's POV**

I rolled over in bed and tried to stretch my muscles, realizing how sore I was. F**k, it hurts to move. I tried to roll out of the bed and Justin grabbed me around the waist, pulling me back to him, encasing me in his strong grip.

“No...stay. Sleep more. The world will be waiting in a few hours," Justin mumbled, with sleep evident in his voice.

I giggled under my breath. He is right. The world could wait, but I was anxious to get up. I had a lot to take care of today... including a conversation with Justin that he wouldn't like. It is either we talk about it or I do it anyway and ask for his forgiveness later, but I would rather ask him and talk about it before I did anything rash.

We have barely had any sleep the past three days. When my heat was in full swing, it was like Justin and I were constantly on top of each other. I am sure that we had sex in every part of this room and a good portion of the hallway too. The heat is unpredictable. You never know when it is going to flare up until the pain starts and the arousal starts flooding the room. Each point when my heat abated, Justin would receive a mind-link from the head Omega, Nancy, informing us that she was coming up with food. There is a slot in each of the doors that opens that allows for food or other necessities to be pushed through. So, that was how we received our food for the past three days. During the time when my heat was abated, we would spend that time eating, talking, sleeping, or showering. Granted, there was only a couple of hours between each round if we were lucky.

I rolled, so that I was facing Justin and kissed his lips. He moaned as he parted his lips, causing me to laugh.

“Baby, we need to get up. I hate to break it to you, but this room and the hallway needs to be aired out. It reeks of a brothel in here”

He grunted, rolling onto his back, pulling me on top of him. He pushed my head down on his chest. “Sleep” he mumbled. Fine, we are doing this the hard way. I rolled off him and he grunted, rolling back on his side to continue sleeping. We can oth play this way, I laughed silently to myself.

I walked out into the hallway being as silent as possible. I walked into what is normally my parent's room, or just reserved for the Alpha and his Luna, and went to the kitchenette. I looked under one of the cabinets until I found what I was looking for. He is going to be so pissed off.

I walked back to our room and crawled back on Justin's lap, which thinking about it now probably was not going to be a very good idea. I took the two metal lids and banged them together.

Justin's eyes flew open and he started flailing around. He sat up quickly and I did not have time to react before I was thrown off him, landing on the floor. I was laughing hysterically to the point I was struggling to breathe. Justin scowled at me, causing me to laugh even harder. I was laughing so hard that I accidentally peed on myself.

“This wasn't funny, asshole he grumbled.

it took me several more minutes to calm down my breathing and stop laughing.

I got up from the ground and hesitantly walked towards Justin, who was fully sitting up with his legs hanging off the side of the bed. I stood right in front of him, wringing my hands in front of me and gave him my best sad /remorseful face.

“Baby, could you ever forgive me? I don't want you to be mad at me."

justin laughed at my half-sincere apology. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me towards him.

“I could never stay mad at you," he said as he nuzzled his face into my neck, nipping at my mark. The moment his mouth touched my mark, I moaned hornily.

I smacked him in the head. “Hey, now! Stop that. We don't have time for any of that. We have to get ready."

He laughed as I stepped back out from between his legs. He stood up, stretching his muscles. I grabbed a pair of leggings, one of his shirts, a pair of black lingerie, and a matching bra before heading to the bathroom to shower.

Both of us showered quickly before we took the time to get ready.

I was waiting on the bed for Justin to finish getting ready as I contemplated what to say to him. I wanted to talk to him before we in front of everyone. I knew this was going to turn into a fight. He is dead set about not putting me in danger and everything about what I wanted to do screamed danger, but it was the only way I could see.

“Hey, babe,” I called as he was finishing shaving, “Can we talk about something before we go to meet up with everyone?”

He said something that sounded like an agreement.

He walked out of the bathroom and came over to the bed and sat next to me.

“What's wrong, my queen?” he asked.

I was quiet for a moment, thinking about the best way to approach this topic. I did not want to upset him.

“o...about the rogues... know you do not want me in the same vicinity with them, but if they tell us who the traitor is without us having to go through and interrogate my full pack, then would it not be worth it? Even if it meant that I had to deal with them by myself for a few, short minutes?”

He was quiet for a moment, which was something that worried me. He slowly shook his head. “Baby, please don't go there with me. I want to know who the traitors are as much as you do, but I will not have it done at the risk of your health and safety. I don't care. We can interrogate the entire pack for all I care, but I don't want you alone with them...they had you for several days, torturing you... am not leaving you alone with them.”

I sighed softly. I knew he was going to say this. “Fine, if you will not allow me to be in the room with them alone. What if bring King Lucas’ guard, Ashton? The one that had the ability to make him invisible? What if he was in there, but gave the illusion that I was all alone?"

He growled. I can't believe he actually growled at me. “No! Baby, I do not care who is in the room with you, but I am not able to physically handle it if you go to him. I need you safe. I need to know you are safe. I cannot do that if I am not in the room with you. I know they will be chained up and weakened, but there are other ways of hurting someone. We underestimated them once. I am not doing it again, especially when it comes to your safety, baby. You cannot and will not ask that of me." “shouldn't you just be grateful that I decided that I would have this conversation with you, besides the alternative of sneaking out and going to do it on my own? I was at least going to have an adult conversation with you, baby. I am trying to get you to understand my side,” I growled at him, “Why can’t you see that I do not need to be watched or babysat? I am perfectly capable of going on my own. They would not be the first rogues that I have been alone with. They will not be the first ones that I have questioned or tortured! I need this, so that I can move on! Can't you see? I have to be able to move on and right now, I am just not able to, at least not when I know they are right here, under my nose, and I still have no way to put them in their place! I need to know they are done! Ever since they attacked me, I have never felt truly safe. No matter where I was at or who I was with. I was constantly having to look over my shoulders, never being able to fully relax for fear that they were going to pop up...baby, please understand where I am coming from. I love you, I really do, but this is something that I need for myself too”

I watched as his eyes softened. “My queen, I did not realize you were feeling all of this. I know that it is hard to feel safe with them roaming free, but I don't have the peace of mind to allow you to go in there alone. I went through hell those days when you were not by my side. In the beginning, I did not know you were okay. All I could tell was that they were trying to touch you while you were in your heat... know what I am feeling is nothing compared to what you were feeling and going through, but please, for my sanity...I know that realistically there is no way for them to actually harm you now, but I cannot sit here and idly let you walk into the wolves den...and even if I did and allowed someone to go in there with you, it would not be the same as if I was in there. And as for your other point, I am incredibly grateful that you trusted me enough to make sure that we had this conversation, instead of making any rash decisions that would have ended with anyone worrying about you rashly...plus you never know what they might try to do to off you.”

I could tell he was frustrated and upset, but I truly did not feel safe and I am not sure if I ever will unless I am physically present when they are killed. I understood where he was coming from and I could understand where his anger was...but, shouldn't this be my decision?

“Baby...we clearly aren't going to agree on this, so how about a compromise? I will agree to have Ashton and you in the room, but you have to use some descenter and you will have to covered in Ashton’s ability. You can't do anything though unless I am in pain or danger. I want them to have the illusion that I am alone and vulnerable. They will not speak unless they think that I am vulnerable and alone... is a game for them. We have to play the game to get what we want with them. Please agree with this, my love? I am ready for this to be behind us... I am ready to be able to move on”From NôvelDrama.Org.

He closed his eyes for a moment and I could tell that he was struggling to remain calm. “Fine, I will agree to that...but the moment that they say something inappropriate to you...the moment that I feel your fear and scared, I will come forward... will not have them harming my mate and upsetting her. I give zero fucks about how strong you are... need you to be safe and happy. I know that you are strong and resilient and that you do not need a man to take care of you. You have proven that to me over and over again, but please for my sake? Please allow me to take care of you..allow me to be there for you and to, overall, help with your trauma and pain."

At least we were finally getting somewhere. He was slowly coming around and if I had to have him in that room to give him some piece of mind, then at this point I would do it. I know that I am stubborn at times and all he truly wants to do is protect me, but sometimes I don't need protection, but for him, I will try to allow him to take care of me in the way that he wants too. “Fine, baby. I will agree. The moment the fear sets in, I will allow you to step forward and help take care of me. just promise the final blow will be delivered by me?”

He nodded his head, pulling me in his arms and squeezing me tightly. “Of course, my queen. I never would dream of taking that away from you. You ready to go take care of business now?”

I nodded my head, “First, just give me a few minutes to calm down. Is that okay?”

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