A Contract With The Lesbian

His Alpha Queen Chapter 85

Deadly nightshade. My heart thundered at what this meant. If left in her system for too long, this will kill her.

Deadly nightshade was worse than monkshood and water hemlock. With deadly nightshade in her system, it will start to shut down her organs.

just as I was about to ask the woman how they got hold of this plant, I turned around as I heard the door open to the dungeon and a rogue walked in. Just as he walked in, a wonderful, glorious scent filled my nostrils.

Fuck, her heat. Her heat started back up. This was not good. Before I could pull out the pack that had the heat suppression syringes, the rogue was already making his way towards me.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

I had to fight my instincts to turn around and mate her as the rogue that had entered the room lunged towards me.

Ares was struggling, trying to remain in control of his urges as I fought this rogue. He had the urge to mate her, but he couldn't. Not yet. Not until she was safe and out of danger and preferably had seen the doctor.

The rogue aimed a kick at my throat and I ducked, dodging his attack. “Ares, we will be able to fight better if we shift, but you have to control yourself. For Kataleya.

Ares whimpered in my head as we shifted. The rogue shifted as well and my wolf towered over him. He lunged again and this time he went for a simple kill, aiming for my throat. I twisted my body, dodging out of his body, aiming for his hind legs. was able to grab one of his legs and bit down. I listened to his bones crunch under my teeth before I moved backwards. He howled in pain as I let go of his hind leg.

My goal is to move him further away from Kataleya. Her scent was potent and it was spreading to the entire dungeon.

I normally want to draw out fights. What can I say? I love fighting, but I knew right now was not the time to draw this out. This time I wanted to end it as quickly as possible. I went in for the quick kill before he could recover from the pain in his leg. I lunged for his throat, wrapping my jaw around his throat tightly and biting down. His blood squirted over me and I waited until he went limp and stopped fighting me before I let his body slide to the floor.

I turned back to Kataleya and watched as her body writhed on the table, wracked with heat. I grabbed the pack with the syringe and pulled it out. I walked to Kataleya and injected her body with serum that was given to me by the doctor.

I watched as the heat suppression took effect. I felt her forehead and her temperature was finally lowering, her scent was no longer perfuming the room, suffocating me, her heart rate was finally slowing and she stopped thrashing on the table.

I gently caressed her cheek before I called for Aziel through the link.

Aziel walked through the door and I watched as his eyes flashed to black as he registered the scent of her lingering heat. “Down boy. I gave her the heat suppression medicine. I need you to watch and protect her for me. I need to see if there is anything I can do out there to help them.”

“Aye eye, captain! But you should know they probably don't need the extra help. The King and Alpha have pretty much taken care of it all. Unfortunately, the middle of the rogue triplets has died, but they were able to capture and sedate the other two for you. They are mostly cleaning up now, burning the bodies and a few have been talking to the women and children.”

I looked out the door that he left open. I could no longer hear the fighting, but that did not mean anything..and truth be told, I did not want to leave her here. I wanted to carry her with me and make sure that she was alright.

I nodded my head at Aziel and thanked him for the information. “I guess then I will prepare her for transport. She is going to need a doctor immediately. She has ingested deadly nightshade.”

I watched as his face paled and he glanced at my mate, swallowing audibly.

“Oh no..Justin go ahead and head back with her. will take care of everything else here and I will let the Alpha and King know about the predicament that you are in"

I mouthed my thanks and gathered Kataleya in my arms, inhaling her heavenly scent.

it will be alright, my queen. Everything will be alright.

laid her back on the table and decided that it would be quicker to run. I shifted and had Aziel lay her on Ares's back, making sure that she would not fall from me.

I will make sure that you get better, my love.

it took me about three hours to get back to the pack and I immediately made my way to the hospital.

As soon as they saw Kataleya on my back, the staff immediately sprang into action. They pulled out a gurney to lay her on and rushed her to a private room.

I shifted back and was handed a pair of clothes that I hastily put on. Dr. Leigh came rushing out of the room to ask me what had happened to her, so she would know how to effectively treat her.

I explained the little bit of information that I knew and as soon as I mentioned the deadly nightshade, she took off running to Kataleya's room to begin flushing her system of the deadly poisons.

She told me I had to wait in the waiting room, but the wait was killing me. I had been separated from her long enough and I was struggling to allow myself any more time away from her.

After another hour of waiting, Elijah and Luna Isabelle walked into the room. Thank Goddess I did not have to endure this wait alone any longer.

Luna Isabelle gave me a big hug and thanked me for saving her daughter.

“The pleasure was mine. After all, she is my mate. I was going crazy without her. And now... am not even sure she is going to survive” I finished, my voice cracking at the end. The tears started running down my face as everything from the past couple of days finally caught up with me.

The Luna wrapped her arms around me and held me tightly, “You, my future son-in-law, are incredibly brave and strong. I know my daughter will be proud of you. I am proud of you. I linked your mother and she is on the way. I want you to have some of your family here too...t will help you. And I know your sister has become quite fond of my daughter, and so have your parents.”

When the Luna let go of me, Elijah walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. “Thank you for getting her back,” he whispered, “I don't know what we would have done without her”

He let go of me and quickly turned, trying to inconspicuously wipe the tears from his eyes.

A few minutes later, my mom, dad, and sister walked in the door. Jessica nearly attacked me, sobbing into my neck and telling me how grateful she is that Kataleya is now back.

After that, we waited in a calm silence, waiting to hear what the doctor was going to say about her condition and how she was doing.

After another few hours, the guys that had been with us to retrieve my mate had come in. Aziel walked next to me and just sat down. Not saying anything. He knew what was going through my mind right now.

After they arrived, Oliver arrived, followed by the rest of Kataleya's family and his family.

it was the middle of the night before anyone came to update us.

“We have officially siphoned all the poison out of her blood stream. We are currently working to fix some of her internal organs. A few of her organs have shut down since being injected with the nightshade. We are thinking that if Justin was near her, then it would speed up the healing process, until we are able to awaken Kataleya. We are trying to find a way that will awaken her wolf so that she can heal Kataleya. We are currently limiting the guests that are allowed in the room as we fight against the heat that is coming and going on."

I nodded my head and stood to walk with the nurse to the room they had her in.

When I walked in, I was not prepared for what I saw. Kataleya was hooked up to a total of I5 machines, with tubes coming out of her in a number of different places.

I walked to her bed and took a seat, making sure that I was comfortable. I laid my head on her stomach, careful to avoid any of the wires and tubes sticking from her.

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