A Contract With The Lesbian

His Alpha Queen Chapter 82

**Kataleya's POV**

The past four days, the rogues have gone back and forth trying to assault me and I have fought back each time. Once my heat dies down, they back off, knock me out, and then leave. Usually, by the time the wave has started to wear off, they have to go and attend to the wounds that I have left on them.

Each time I woke up to them being in the room. While they are in the room and they think I am asleep, I listen to their conversations.

I have gathered that they have two informants in my pack, but they are always careful not to say their names.

I have learned the name of the three brothers that have kidnapped me. The oldest is Tristan, the middle is Tyler, and the youngest is Titan. Titan is the one that is obsessed with me. He was pissed when he realized that I had fully mated with justin and even went as far as to tell me that I had “cheated on him." He punched me in the face when I told him that it is hard to cheat on someone when you were not in a relationship.

None of the brothers liked that response.

The closest they got to touching me were forced kisses, grabbing my boobs, and one tried to shove his finger in me. I did manage to break that one’s finger.

I have not heard from Justin or anyone in my pack. I realized the one-time I heard someone's voice in my head was Justin calling me through the bond.

I tried reaching him, but there was a block up. I hope he is okay too. I know this was his biggest worry was them taking me and him not being able to get me back.

I have kept my promise though. I will fight. I am not that same weak little girl that they had raped when I was I8...

I heard clattering as someone walked into the room.

I looked up from where I was strapped onto this damn table. They did this to me after the last heat wave. Titan had tried to put his dick in my mouth and I nearly bit it off. It was after that heat cycle they realized that I might be a little bit crazy... Tristan walked into the room, followed by his brother. He spent half his time taunting me, telling me that Justin had f***d Anna and that he was not concerned about me. I just had to tune it out. I knew where Justin's loyalty lied..., also, knew deep down that I would have felt Justin's infidelity...

I felt a lingering presence in my head and realized that someone was trying to push through, so I slowly let my barriers down, justin! It was Justin coming to talk to me and hopefully to help me out of this situation.

I told him everything that I knew and everything that I had overheard, including what some of the rogue women had told me. A sudden thought occurred to me...f I felt Justin's infidelity, then he would have felt what those bastards were trying to do to me...that thought scared me...he knows that I have not done anything against him? Right?

I slowly let those thoughts drift away... cannot let myself go down that rabbit hole. That would not be good for either one of us.

The cell doors opened again and one of the women came in with a tray of food and a bucket of water and a sponge.

“Bathe her! Then bring her out to us!” Tristan snapped at the women.

The three of them left as the woman knelt near my head. She grabbed the keys that they kept hung up and began to unfasten the chains and metal barriers that were holding me to the table.

“I am sorry about this,” the woman whispered

I looked at her inquisitively. “What are you sorry for? You have nothing to be sorry for..You are not the one holding me here.” She blinked tears away. “You are right. I am not here holding you captive, but..the water that they want me to bathe you in has monkshood and water hemlock in it. They commanded me to make the water with it..they told me that they wanted to make sure they could hear your screams and cries as punishment for nearly taking off Titan's dick,” she whispered, “I don't want to hurt you. You sound like a sweet girl..just caught up in a very sticky situation..”

This poor girl is going to be so upset if she causes me this pain. “Just do it’ I tell her, “Help will come. My pack has not abandoned me. My mate will come for us. When he does, I will make sure that all of you are saved...”

She let out a quiet sob before she placed long, black gloves on her hands. She placed her hand in the water and used it to pull out the sponge, bringing the sponge to my body. The moment the sponge made contact with my skin, I let out a scream with tears rolling down my face.

Fuck, I knew it was going to hurt, but I did not realize it was going to hurt this much.

She started whispering she was sorry each time she dipped the sponge in the water and pulled it out, letting the water drop on top of me.

I could smell my flesh burning and the smell was making me nauseous. I could feel my head was spinning, which was causing the room to spin. I was not going to give them the satisfaction of passing out from their new form of te.


justin. How was he able to reach me? With the use of the monkshood and the water hemlock, it should have blocked off my links from everyone...

I was barely able to make a sound through the link. The pain was starting to become overwhelming. I was going in and out of consciousness..from pain alone, there has to be more than water hemlock and monkshood in it..that is the only thing that would explain this pain and my skin burning.

I have been exposed to so much monkshood over the past several days, you would think that my body has started to grow something of an immunity to it...

I mean some parts of the monkshood were not affecting me...I should not be able to link anyone and they should not be able to reach me.

“We are coming, my queen. Just give us time. Stay strong and know whatever they have done to you, I will inflict on them I00 times worse.

His voice was fading out as if he was in a tunnel..maybe I was the one that was in the tunnel.

The woman takes the sponge and starts to wipe my face. I screamed in agony from the pain. My vision was blurring and I was seeing stars. I could feel the tears washing down my face.

I don't know what they put in that water, but there was more than monkshood and water hemlock. I was definitely sure of that.

Once she finished washing my body, she pushed the tray of food to me. “Alpha said that you needed to eat. You have been losing weight and his Luna will not be a twig”

I shook my head quickly, refusing to eat anything they fed me.

The woman shook her head sadly, “Titan told me that if you refused the food, then I would shove it down your throat. He, also, told me I would have to feed it to my toddler...he just turned three yesterday”

I was not going to let her make me feel bad for not wanting to eat the food that they had poisoned, just to keep me weak. If she had any balls, then she would tell them to get f*****¢ bent and she was not going to feed this shit to her children.

I slowly opened my mouth to speak and even this was a bitch to do. “If you...w-w-were against feeding this f-f-fucking shit to your son, then y-y-you would tell the bastards to get bent...no Alpha, should ever have that kind of control over their pack members” I was barely able to finish my statement above a whisper.

I closed my eyes, still trying to fight against the constant pain I was feeling. My entire body was aching from the water she was placing on me.

I wanted it to end. I felt my body starting to heat up again and the pain in my abdomen was telling me that I was about to witness my next round of heat.

I opened my mouth to say something and she took it as an opportunity to shove the first bite of food into my mouth, causing me to gag and choke. She took her hand and used it to hold my mouth shut, refusing to allow me to spit the food out.

“am not feeding this crap to my son,” she whispered, “You will eat it, even if I need to force you to eat it”

When the first bite went down, my head was spinning and I cried out from another jarring pain in my abdomen.


This is not what I f****g needed.Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

My eyes were getting heavy and I was struggling to form coherent thoughts.

The last thing I heard before everything went to black was the sounds of fighting and the doors to the dungeon being swung open.

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