A Contract With The Lesbian

His Alpha Queen Chapter 66

“Justin's POV**

I enjoyed being able to see Kataleya in this setting with my family. She gets along well with my family and I could tell my sister and her hit it off well. Kataleya and Jessica have been chatting all night. It is more Kataleya telling Jessica all about what it means to be a female Alpha, while Jessica was eagerly devouring everything she was saying.

They even talked about her schooling and what she was studying. I have never seen Kataleya smile as much as she did in that moment. She was happy. Peaceful.

Even my parents seem to be fond of Kataleya. They were fond of her when they learned that she was taking Michael's spot as Alpha. They thought the “trial” the Elders had put her through was ridiculous and my father voiced his opinion on it many times. Learning that Kataleya was my mate had just put the icing on the cake for my parents. My mom asked me how I would feel about being called Luna and I just laughed and told her that I would do anything in order to remain by Kataleya's side, including allowing myself to inherit the Luna title.

After all, itis just a title. How can we say that it is okay to have an Alpha female, but not have a male Luna? The titles don't signify specific genders. Anyone can have those titles, just like anyone can take the role of Beta, Gamma, or even Delta.

Now, we are sitting on my parents’ couch, watching a movie with Jessica. My parents and Jessica asked us if we would stay the night. Jessica wanted to have a movie night and had demanded that I be here for the movie

My arm is around Kataleya and I just realized Kataleya had fallen asleep. I move to shift her and pull her into a laying position, so that she can rest her head in my lap and get comfortable. She shifted a little and then rolled onto her side, so she could face me and bury her head into my shirt.

She looked so cute curled up into me, breathing peacefully.

jessica glanced over at us. “I like her. I am glad the Moon Goddess chose you for her. Do you think you love her?” she whispered.Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“tam glad you like her. I don't just think I love her though; I know I love her. We have had such a difficult journey and it has not been easy to be with her sometimes, but, you know, I would not change a moment of it. She has easily become the most important person in my life”

“I can see it, you know. I always thought it was funny when we first moved to the pack and I could see the little infatuation you had with Kataleya, even though she was a few years younger than you. Even as you two got older, I could see how you drifted towards her. If someone said something negative to you about Kataleya, you would lose your shit. Even if you could not admit it, you liked her. You gravitated towards each other. I thought you two might have been mates. I am glad to see that I was right.”

She smiled at me again, “You know, she also brings out the best in you. I have never seen you this happy before either, but I could tell she can press your buttons too.”

I glanced down at her sleeping face. “Yeah, she does push my buttons sometimes, but I would not change it for the world. I love her so much that sometimes it hurts.”

“I have a serious question, Justin. Did you mean what you said to mom and dad about becoming Luna if that is what Kataleya wanted of you? Are you not worried about what people in the pack will think or even some of the warriors making fun of you for not being a Luna?”

I sighed. I knew Jessica would eventually ask me this question. Jessica and I were super close growing up and we told each other nearly everything, even with our age gap. As I got older and I started going through puberty, it sort of changed. I still talked to her and we were still incredibly close, but I kept more and more to myself, for good reason. My younger sister did not need to learn about my sex life or some of the shit I would get into with some of the warriors.

“Yes, I meant what I said, Jess. I love her and would do anything to be with Kataleya, including becoming her Luna if that is what she asks of me. She is my world. My everything. Being a Luna, does not generate your gender. The titles of Alphas and Lunas are not gender-based. Just because most Alphas are men does not mean that there cannot be a female Alpha. It would be facetious of us to say that we can have a female Alpha, but we cannot have a male Luna. There needs to be change. Change is necessary, especially if we think about everything that my mate has to go through to claim what should be her rightful spot as Alpha to the White Fang pack. It would be an honor to stand by Kataleya's side in whatever capacity she allows me to. I will submit to her as my Alpha because I love her”

“Do you feel that it takes away your masculinity, by submitting to your mate?” she asked me quietly.

“sometimes it feels like that, but then I realized that there had to be some reason that she paired me with Kataleya. Since meeting Kataleya, I have realized that my masculinity is not that weak to the point where I would be offended standing by my mate or even submitting to her. When you think about it, we all submit to our Luna and Alpha, so why would it be any different for me to submit to my mate? I don't think she will demand that I submit to her in front of the pack, but even if she did, I would accept it and I would do it for her”

jessica smiled at me, “Good, I was hoping you would say that, brother. I am glad that you have Kataleya and I am glad that she brings out the best in you. If you excuse me, I am going to get ready and go to bed. Goodnight, Justin”

She gets up and heads to her room on the second floor. I glanced down at Kataleya and decided that I should go ahead and get her up to my old room too. I shifted my position again and carefully lifted Kataleya in my arms. She sighed in her sleep before she cuddled her face into my neck.

I walked up to my room and gently laid her down on my bed. I took her shoes off her and pulled the blanket over her. I sat on the edge of the bed for a minute thinking about the conversation that I had with Jessica. I know she wanted to see if I was truly serious about Kataleya and becoming her Luna if I had too....I meant every word that I said about her and about becoming her Luna, if that was what she so chooses.

I laid down next to her and wrapped her in my arms.

“I love you, Kataleya,” I whispered.

I felt her stirring in my arms, so I started to gently rock her back and forth, in hopes that she would not wake up fully.

Once I feel that she is in a deep sleep, I kiss the top of her forehead and allow myself to drift into oblivion.

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