A Contract With The Lesbian

His Alpha Queen Chapter 61

I laid with Kataleya and we watched a movie until she was fully asleep and I could hear her soft snores and her breathing evened out.

“Alpha..what happened in that interrogation room with Kataleya?' I reached out to the Alpha and asked

tis going to be a semi long story, so that I can give you some background. Try not to judge me too harshly when you hear it... he paused for a moment before continuing, “Before we had kids, Isabella made me make her a promise. She didn’t want to have to raise her children the same way that I was raised. From a young age, I was taken everywhere with my father when he was doing his visits and completing his tasks as Alpha, including interrogations and tortures. She did not want her children to be subjected to the darker parts of the role of Alpha until they were able to make the conscious decision to be apart of it. I agreed. None of our kids would see any of the darker sides of being Alpha until they were of age. With Michael and Elijah, I kept to that. Elijah has not seen the inside of any of the interrogation rooms and Michael did not see them until he turned I8.

With Kataleya, there was a mistake. Isabella sent her to find me and she ended up in the dungeons in one of the rooms with a prisoner. The rogue that was in there said some less than savory things to her, so she taught him a lesson. We came in to his screams and he ended up telling Kat everything that he refused to tell us. From that moment forward, I made the executive decision to keep it from my Luna of what transpired in that room and what we had witnessed Kataleya do at the age of I6.

Whenever we had a particular difficult rogue that we could not get information from, we would turn to Kataleya as a last resort. Sometimes she could break them and sometimes she couldn't. So, we decided to do it this time, especially since she is so close to taking the role of Alpha. She made everyone promise after the last interrogation that none of us would ever tell you about this side of her. She was embarrassed of it and thought that you would see her differently. I could tell she enjoyed the torture. She enjoyed their screams. Skye enjoyed it too, which I think just fueled her desire and need for it more. We made the promise and we kept that promise until today. This rogue triggered Kataleya like I have never seen before. He, at first, would only tell her that his Alphas were after her, but she couldn't understand why any Alphas would be after her. After all, she did nothing wrong to any other Alphas. I could tell by the look on her face that she did not think she did anything wrong besides be a femle Alpha. Then, the rogue told her that his Alphas wanted to make her their bitch and whore, just like she was always meant to be since the first time. It was at that moment; I saw her make the connection to the bastards that had attacked her. I saw the fear in her eyes. The rogue kept talking and something in her just snapped and that is why she ended up attacking him and punching him, ruthlessly. As Alpha, I should have stepped in sooner, but I didn't. I wanted to see how it was going to play out. Then, it reached the point that all of us were worried that going in there could end with one of us getting injured. Kataleya was not in her right mind, so Oliver had suggested doing the one thing we promised her we would not do, which was calling you. We could tell she went into fight mode...with you being her mate, your scent should have calmed her and your touch should relax her, so I told Michael to go ahead and do it. I would face her wrath for calling you later; he paused for a moment before asking, “Can you tell me how she is doing now?

I paused for a moment. My fists clenching. The fucking bastards. I refuse to let them lay another hand on Kataleya. She is mine and no one will take her away from me.

“Kataleya is doing okay. When we got back to the room, I gave her bath and took her to the bed and laid her down. We talked for a litle bit. She told me a little of what happened, nowhere in depth like you gave me. Then, she slowly fell asleep in my arms, while watching a movie with me. I don't know how else to help her. I have told her countless numbers of times that I will not let anything happen to her!

know, Justin. It is hard with Kataleya. One moment she will be happy and content, then the next it is like she is thrown back into the memories of what happened to her and you have no idea how to help her. She is trying, Justin. I never want to see her go through what she went through when she did not think that you would make it. She was terrified and I could see the wheels turning in her head when she marked you. The thought of marking you scared her, but the thought of you not surviving scared her even more. She does love you, Justin, and what she needs right now is your love and support. I am happy that you have been there for her all this time, even when I know it is frustrating to not be allowed to claim her or mark her. I can only imagine how overbearing your wolf is being about it too!’

Thank you for your words, Alpha. I know she is struggling. I could sense her fear when I learned that she had marked me. Like I told her, I have wanted to bear her mark since I learned she was my mate. I do love her and I will remain by her side. I know she will eventually allow me to mark her, which makes my wolf and I happy. It, also, is enough to calm us when we remember the fact that she is walking around without our mark. We know Kataleya can handle herself, but that does not stop our instinct from wanting to be there to protect her and love her!

“I know you do, Justin. I am glad that the Moon Goddess chose you to stand next to Kataleya in her journey. You have been good to her; he said as he cut the link with me,

I laid there holding on to Kataleya, contemplating what her father told me. How dare those bastards think they have any claim to my mate?! She is mine and they will never be able to take her from me. I would rather die before I let anyone touch her again.

As I tried to sleep, I had decided that I wanted to do something special for Kataleya. I think I had the perfect idea. Let's just hope the Alpha can be on board and will not tell Kataleya what I have planned,

Once I had a full plan in place for what I wanted to do for Kataleya, I tried my hardest to go to sleep. I wanted to be awake before Kataleya, so I could talk to her father about my ideas and pray that he was on board. As I laid there for what felt like hours before I finally fell asleep, holding her in my arms.

**Kataleya's POV**

I woke to Justin's scent hanging in the air, but I could tell he was no longer in the bed with me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a tray sitting to the side of the bed with a steaming plate of food on it. I listened closely and heard the shower running. He must have woken up before me and decided to take a shower.

I heard the water shut off and within five minutes Justin was walking into the bedrooms, with only a pair of shorts on.

I quickly turned away as I felt my cheeks heating. I could only imagine how red my face was.

“Good morning. I had the kitchen send you up some breakfast, since I imagine you did not eat anything yesterday."

“Thank you," I whispered.

I could tell that he was happy, but I could not figure out what put him in such a good mood.

“Why are you in such a good mood,” I asked him.

“No reason. I am just happy that you marked me and that I will get to spend the rest of my days by your side” he chirped.

I looked down at my plate and I could feel the blush spreading across my face. I felt as red as a tomato and I am sure that I looked equally as red too.

“Come on. Finish eating. We have stuff to do today”

“Really now? Like what?"

“Well, I have to make up for nearly dying on your birthday, so we are going out. We are probably just going to go for a walk through the territory. I am ready for all these bastards to know that you are my mate."

I laughed. “Really now? What sparked the need to make sure that everyone in the pack knows that I am yours?" I teased.

He walked closer to me, “These damn guards and warriors. Yesterday when I was trying to get to you, one of the guards tried to keep me from you. He did not realize I was your mate. Another guard came and told him I had clearance, before I allowed Ares to kill the bastard for trying to keep me from you. Ares felt the guard was challenging him. When I tried to link you and you did not respond, I freaked out. I could feel your panic, anxiety, and your growing rage. I just knew that I needed to get to you as soon as possible. I knew that you needed me. I cannot explain the fear and terror that funneled through me at the thought that you needed me and I was not there to help you. I was ready to plow through him and take him and the door out, just so I can get to you. I needed my eyes on you to make sure that you were safe and alive. You, also, promised before all this, that we could let it all out in the open. There is no longer a reason to hide what we are, especially since I bare your mark”

I sighed. I know he is right. He is right about everything that he said, but the fear that I am feeling will not simply go away just because he tells me that everything will be alright.

I nodded my head. “We can let them know that we are mates, if that would make you feel better, I paused before continuing, “And now that I have marked you, I no longer have to worry about anyone trying to take what is mine. You are stuck with me.” I giggled.

“Now, I just have to worry about everyone wanting to take what is mine,” he grumbles.

“Justin, no one looks at me that way. It is a surprise that the entire pack does not know we are mates by now. Fuck, I haven't left your side since the attack. I figured it would have spread by now that my mark now lies on your neck. Some of those women at the hospital love their gossip”

justin laughed. “Love, you really underestimate the way you look and your pack members. I cannot tell you the amount of warriors that were hoping they were your mate. Shit, Aziel wanted you. I don't think he necessarily wanted to be your mate, he was more or less wanting your body. Yes, I kicked his a*s when I found out. Since that day, none of the other warriors had mentioned wanting you only for your body, but by the Goddess, you are very well wanted. And Aziel apologized for me, since he thought he had offended me with what he had said. He did not offend me, he fucking pissed me off. Typically, when we go out together, I have seen the way some of the men look at you and I want to kick their fucking asses. I was protective of you before I found out you were my mate and now, the need to protect you consumes my being. All I want is your safety. Your happiness and I would fucking do anything for it"

I was quiet for a moment before speaking again... did not know all that. I could tell the affect that not being able to mark me has had on him. I know the affect that it has been having on his wolf too. I already know that he is mine and I am his, so what is holding me back? Nothing, but my fear is holding me back. Justin has proven time and time again that he is there for me. That he is willing to do absolutely anything for me and that he is not going to run when shit gets hard. He has proven over and over that he will not hurt me. He is not capable of hurting me. He loves me and I love him. Why do I keep making excuses for the inevitable? Am I scared to complete the mate bond? F**k yes. All I have known is pain and that scares the f**k out of me. Don't I at least owe it to him to trust him and prove that I can open up to him and let him love me?

I looked at Justin before choosing my next words carefully, “You are right, Justin. It is not fair to you to have to wait around for the perfect opportunity to make sure that the pack knows that I am yours and you are mine. I am sorry that I have not been fair to you and your needs. I promise I am working to change that... love you, Justin. Make me yours. I want you to mark me.” Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

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