A Contract With The Lesbian

His Alpha Queen Chapter 58


“Well, look at what the cat dragged in?" the rogue said to me. I stared at his figure, as he hung on the wall. His greasy black hair hanging down in front of his face. His eyes were a dull green and they appeared lifeless. He cheeks were sunken and I could see his bones protruding from his sides. He looked like he was already half-dead, like there was not much left to him. I looked at him and smirked. He has no idea the hell that he is in for. This man is part of the reason that I almost lost my mate. He was one of the four that attacked him. He was the one that caused the giant gash that nearly killed him. I will not go easy on him.

“Just who I wanted to see. My Alpha’s want you and they will get you” the rogue paused for a second, turning to my father, “decided that you needed a woman to come do what you were too much of a p***y to accomplish? I will not spill any of their secrets. If I am good and do not speak to you, then maybe they will let me have a taste of your Alpha whore."

I heard a loud growl coming from behind the two-sided glass. I chose to ignore them. This was now my interrogation.

I picked up my I0-inch knife and a pouch of a mixture of crushed mountain ash and monkshood.

“You will talk to me;” I murmured, “Oh, the plans that I have for you if you choose not to speak.” I held up the knife and mixture. I watched as he gulped noisily and I smirked at him. This will be fun. Well, fun for me, probably not so much for him. “Have you decided if you are going to speak first or shall I show you what this “woman’ is capable of?” He shook his head no. I guess this means more fun for me. I shrugged my shoulders, “Your choice, I guess”

I walked towards him and raised my knife and slashed him from the top of his shoulder, all the way to right above his pants line. “This particular injury is going to be for my mate,” I murmured, as he screamed at the incision that I just made. I love it when they scream and his screams were about to get that much worse. I opened the pouch with the mixture and pinched some of it between my two fingers.

“Are you going to tell me why you attacked my pack?” He shook his head no, adamantly.

I took a handful of the crushed mixture and grinded it into his wounds. I heard the sizzling of his flesh as he screamed his pain and frustration.

I made sure his entire wound was covered with the monkshood and mountain ash. His flesh continued to sizzle with the more of the mixture I continued to add. The smell of burning flesh filled my nostrils.

Vuck. I hate the smell when their flesh is burning, but the end result is usually worth it.

I walked over to the table that my dad had laid the different sorts of t*****e devices on. Hmmm..what should I use next? Perfect! One of my favorite methods! One of my favorite devices is known as the Spanish Boot, which is similar to having a “rack” for your legs. Your legs are placed into a set of tightly fitted wooden or sometimes iron boots. We use silver instead of iron or wooden, since the silver is harmful to wolves. Wooden wedges are inserted between the boot and the victim's skin. Traditionally, mallets are then used to drive the wooden wedges in, causing abrasions, lesions, and breaking the bones. However, ours has spikes that help to worsen the effects. Usually, when I know that I am going to be in the “interrogation” room, I have them dip them into liquid monkshood and mountain ash for a more painful experience.

I remember one day I was talking to Michael about this particular device and I referred to it as just “the boots” and one of the younger teenagers were walking past us. She heard us talking about boots and thought I was talking about the new Doc Marten sale. These are definitely not the kind of shoes you would want to buy during the March Madness sale! After that, Michael and I started switching those types of conversations to the mind-link.

I placed the thick gloves on my hands, so I could pick up the device without burning my skin and walked over to him.

“Do you know what this is used for?” He shakes his head, “Good, today will be a learning experience.” I placed the device on the ground and used the lever on the wall to slowly lower him, inch by inch, so he was closer to the ground. Perfect. “I will place both of your feet right here, one by one, and you see these pretty beams right here?” I motioned towards the beams as I placed his feet into the stalks and he screams, tears running down his face. “These will sit between the “boot and your skin. Once, I close the boot, these beautiful silver spikes that are coated in monkshood and mountain ash.” I watched as his face pale and I started to close the boots.

He screamed in anguish and my father turned away.

“Brutal, Kat. Remind me never to piss you off! Oliver joked through the link.

I silently laughed at Oliver.

“Are you ready to talk yet? Or should I go grab a rather special device that I like to use for the fingers? I could also take some crushed monkshood and feed it to you. I was told that you have not eaten in a few day.”

I watched his eyes as the fear settled in. This is usually how it started with the ones I interrogated. They usually gave me some type of hell because I was a woman until they are with me in an interrogation room.

“Iam going to leave him in your capable hands. We will be watching. Link if you need someone; my father linked as he left the room.

“You cannot be seriously leaving me in the room with her?! She is fucking batshit crazy!” the rogue continued to yell, as if someone was actually listening to him.

I laughed, “You think someone is going to come in here and save you from me? You would have been better off answering the questions when they asked you. I promise you do not want to be left in a room with me..they at least would have made your death quick if you answered their questions.”

I grabbed the crushed monkshood and walked back to him. “Now, I am going to ask you again. Why did those rogues attack my pack? Choose your response wisely. If I do not like the answer, you are going to get monkshood for dinner”

He refused to answer my question. “I am not telling the filthy Alpha whore anything” He finished by spatting in my face.

I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed a big handful of monkshood. He clammed his mouth shut. I gripped his jaw and forced his mouth open and jammed the monkshood down his throat, holding his jaw closed until it was in his throat.

When I let go of him, he sputtered and was gagging. I backed up a few paces, just in case he decided to vomit all over me.

I watched as his flesh continued to burn from the monkshood.

I walked to the table and sat atop it. “I have all day, love, 50 I would get to talking. You really do not want to piss me off further. So let's start with something that we know. Your name is Carmichael and you have multiple Alphas. Am I wrong?” He shook his head no.

Good. He is being honest.

“Why did you attack my pack?”

He stayed silent, refusing to answer my simple question.

I grabbed my long knife again and poured liquid mountain ash over the top of it. Next tactic itis then.

I walked to him and grabbed his thumb.

“You either being answering my answer my questions or I will begin to chop off each of your fingers until you do and if you still choose not to answer, I will then move to your toes. Why did you attack my pack?”

He still refused to answer.

I sliced his thumb off and listened to his blood curling scream for ten minutes. Such a wimp.

Once he was quiet, I asked the same question again, but once again, he refused to answer.

I grabbed the next finger and sawed it off, making sure to take my precious time.

I continued this process until I had cut all the fingers off his left hand. I moved to add more monkshood to my blood and then proceeded to move towards his right hand. He screamed in terror as I picked up the thumb.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“All you have to do is answer my questions and then we can finish this, but the longer you prolong the inevitable, the longer we will sit here and I will slowly cut off all your limbs. Just know, the longer that I have to be away from my mate, the more brutal the pain will become.”

I say you chop off his dick for shits and giggles, Skye said through our link. Of course, she is always for cutting off people's m***++d. No questions asked.

“My wolf reckons that I chop off your dick. Is that something you would like?” I asked him.

He frantically shook his head. I shrugged my shoulders and picked up his thumb on the hand again.

I sliced it cleanly off and listened to his screams again. As I go to cut off the next finger, he finally speaks.

“My Alphas were after you. They wanted the “princess’ of the White Fang pack”

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