A Contract With The Lesbian

His Alpha Queen Chapter 100

itis the next day and Justin and I are sitting in my father’s office looking through the old files that he had on Lisa. I looked over the files that were related to different pack members that were close to her and her family members.

I don't know what it was, but something was telling me that it had something to do with someone in the pack. I don't think that it was a rogue that did it. What other reason would Lisa not want to talk to anyone in the pack about the attack? I think she knew her attacker. She knew that if she were to have told anyone or described the attack in full detail that someone would be able to connect the dots to her attacker.

She was scared and I bet she did not have anyone that she thought she could trust.

We have been in this office for hours and I was no closer to figuring out what happened. Ten years have passed. Maybe I was fucking delusional thinking that I would be able to find something. Any and all evidence would have been gone. I wondered if they did a r**e kit on her? Maybe we still had it on file. One could hope, right?

I decided to mind-link Leigh. Hopefully, she had an answer for me.

“Dr. Leigh, have rape kits always been done on victims? I know it is rare for anyone to have a rape allegation, but we know that it happens!

“Yes, Alpha. We have been doing r**e kits for about twenty-five years. Is there a particular one that you are looking for?’ “Yes...Lisa Walker. Can you have it pulled and sent to the Alpha’s office, please.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes, Alpha. Right on it. Aziel is here. I will have it sent with Aziel!

After talking with the doctor, I went back to searching the files. I was now on the file from when her mother had found her. It appeared that she had written a suicide note. They had taken a picture of the note and placed the note in the file. It was faded now, from sitting untouched for ten years and it was semi-hard to read. So, I relied on the image in order to read it. something looked off about the writing though.

Lisa and my brother were friends and they were constantly together. They used to pass notes in class and they saved their notes. I remembered stumbling upon them at one point. I remembered making fun of my brother because I thought he had a crush on her, but was too chicken to say something to her. His response was that she had a boyfriend and would not give him the time of day.

This did not look like her handwriting. Hmmm...I wondered if Michael still had those letters and if I could see them.

I tested the link and then pushed through and I got through easily.

“Hey, Michael. Are you busy, brother? I heard a grunt before a response and what sounded like a moan from his wolf. “ind of, Is it important?’

“Brother! Did you link me back while you were fucking someone?! Gross! You can link me when you are done! Not an image I needed!’ I quickly cut the link and shuddered.

justin glanced over at me. “You alright, love?”

I shook my head. “My brother is disgusting”

He laughed, “Which one and what did they do?”

“Michael. I had linked him to ask a question. He did not have a block up, so I didn't think he was busy. He was in the middle of having sex. I get gross out the more and more I think about it. Why could he not put his link up?!”

justin started laughing. He was laughing so hard that he ended up falling out of his chair, holding onto his side.

I scowled at him. “Baby, this is not funny. I am scarred for life. I heard his wolf moan and I am pretty sure I heard a groan from him” Instead of saying anything, it caused Justin to laugh even harder.

“Fucking asshole," I mumbled.

About ten minutes later, I received a mind-link from my a*****e brother.

“Hey, Kat, what did you need?’

“Oh, finish now? I said sardonically. “Yes, I needed something. It has to with Lisa. Do you still have any of those notes that you two would write back and forth?

I could feel his apprehension through the link, I think I do...they were laminated, so that they would old and not fade with age”

“Perfect! Can you bring them to dad's office? Only a couple will do. I just wanted to verify something’

Another five minutes passed before Michael entered the office, with Elijah trailing behind him

Elijah looked at me and shrugged, “I thought I would join the party.”

I chuckled at him. He never wants to feel left out.

Michael handed the letters to me and I scanned each one quietly.

“Do you know what she is looking for?” Michael asked Justin.

“Nope, never told me. I can feel that she thinks she has found something out that was missed when she killed herself”

The letters. Her suicide note was not written by her. It was written by someone else. The writing was similar, but some of the letters were written differently. From what I remembered of Lisa; she was very meticulous with her writing. It was almost like she had OCD, but when it came to writing. Everything had to be perfect each time he put pen to paper. One way to find out if my suspicions were correct.

“Michael, I want you to look at these two notes please. Tell me if you notice anything different I passed him the notes, including the suicide note and waited while he scanned each page carefully.

I could tell this was difficult for him. He really did like her and I remembered how upset he was when she died. I remembered that there were several people that thought Lisa was Michael's mate because of how close they were. While they were never together romantically, that I know of, he was extremely protective of her and would never hear a bad thing about her.

I watched as his eyes constantly read over the suicide note, the tears rolling down his face. “she didn't write this," he whispered.

“That is what I thought too...I think it is time that I listen to the voice testimonies from the night of her attack and the ones from her death. I am going to start with listening to hers and then go from there.”

I plugged in the recorder and placed the first tape in. Within second, Lisa's voice was filling the room, “I was walking from the pack high school to my house when I was attacked out of nowhere. I was thrown to the ground...my attacker had a face mask... just remembered the dark, cold eyes that stared back at me."

Her entire testimony was her going around and not giving a description of her attacker. The closest she gave was the description of his eyes and that she was walking from the high school to her home, but how would a rogue have gotten that far into territory.

I pulled up the roster of who was on patrol that night. Luckily, my father had placed it in the files. I looked at the names and I recognized two of them...one was Beta Damien and the other was Jacob Jessup, who happened to be Lisa's boyfriend at the time. Ironically, when I listened to his testimony, he did not say that he was on patrol. He said that he was near the high school.

How would a rogue have gotten passed the warrior on the field? How would he have not heard Lisa's screams? She was in an open path, leading to her house. She was not far from the high school. Better question...why was Jacob by the high school? His patrol was supposed to be stationed at the northern border, but the high school is near the southern border.

I looked at Michael and swallowed. My mouth suddenly very dry. I think I know where this is going and it worries me. Michael is going to lose it...he never liked Jacob. I remember him coming home the day that Lisa started dating him bitching about how he was not good for her...and that he would just end up hurting her. I remembered telling him that she had to make her own mistakes or she would never learn from them.

I linked my father, “Hey, um, dad?"

“Yes, Kat?"

“Can you come to your office? Maybe bring King Lucas with you... think I found something about what happened to Lisa and I may have a suspect..from the pack...Michael is in here and I am not sure how well he is going to take the news. He was awfully close to her!

A few minutes later, my father and the king entered the room. I presented all the evidence to them. I linked my father the name that I wanted him to look it.

“How could I have missed this," he whispered.

“What's going on? Do you have a suspect now?” Michael demanded answers that I am not sure that he was ready to hear.

My father looked at Justin, “Bring him in. Take Aziel or Gael with you. First interrogation room. We will meet you down there...’ My father glanced at Michael and then me. I nodded. It was time to tell Michael what we had discovered.

We showed Michael the same thing that I had shown my father and asked him to point out anything that was odd about the testimonies, the writing, and even the patrol roster.

My brother shook his head, in denial. He was refusing to see what was in front of him. I could tell he was upset and downtrodden to think about what Jacob might have done to his friend.

Michael asked if he could sit in the interrogation and he promised me he would not speak, he just wanted to be there. I agreed on the condition that he did nothing.

We made our ways to the interrogation room and Justin was waiting outside for me. “He is ready for you.”

I nodded my head and thanked him. I knew I was going to have to use my Alpha command to command what happened that night out... hate using my command. I hate taking away the free will of pack members, even though I know sometimes it is necessary and a must.

I took a seat at the table and faced Jacob. He had short, black hair and he was super thin and the only muscles he had were in his arms, but even then, it was not a lot of muscles. I remembered reading that a year after Lisa's death, he stopped being a warrior and doing patrol runs.

“I am tired, Jacob. I am going to ask this once and I expect an honest answer from you. Don't fight my command.” rb TRIGGERING CONTENT + ekensins

“Did you rape Lisa Walker and did you stage her suicide?" I asked, pushing my aura out, so that it was encompassing the entire room.

He was silent for a moment. I could tell he wanted to fight my command, but I watched as he decided to stop fighting and just answer. “Yes, I did. The bitch would not give it up for me. We had been together for two months. She had been spouting off some shit about wanting to wait to give up her sweet little p***y for her fated mate. I wasn't buying that bullshit. I had needs and she wasn't fulfilling them. I told her I always get what I want. I knew she had tutoring that day after school, so I thought it was the perfect time. I have the perfect alibi because I was supposed to be on patrol, 50 no one would have suspected her sad downtrodden boyfriend. Then, she told me that she had refused the therapy because she did not want to report me... had demanded that we have s*x again, or this time I would let my buddies have her. She freaked out and told me that she would tell the Alpha about what happened... could not let that happen, you see. I was well on my way to being one of the top warriors, I had to protect my reputation. I killed her. I slit her wrist, using one of my hunting knives, laid her in the tub, and wrote a suicide letter so no one would question it..Clearly, no one questioned it since I got away with it for the past ten years.”

I carefully watched Michael. I could tell that he was about to snap. I looked at Aziel and he nodded to me. He grabbed Michael and took him out of the room, so that we could finish dealing with this piece of shit.

“50, you mean to tell me that you assaulted your girlfriend because she would not put out for you?" I could feel my growing anger the more that he talked in a carefree attitude. I could see why he stopped fighting my command. He felt no remorse. I saw the evil glint in his eye as he stared down Michael. He knew the connection that he had with her. He wanted us to know what he did. He wanted to gloat about it and rub it in. I think the only thing that would have made this even better for him would have been if Benjamin had been here to listen to him talk about it.

“Jacob, I sentence you to death. Your death will be made public, for the entire pack to bear witness. I will leave it up to the victim's family to decide how you are killed and who gets the fucking honor of ending your life"

With those final words, I spun and left the room. I linked specific commands to Aziel and Gael, who were just promoted to guard duty until he is sentenced to death.

Now, I have to break the news to her family.

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