A CEO's Revenge Marriage Accidentally in Love

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Chapter 8


Based on everything I know about Tobias, my new husband, I know that he values honesty and trustworthiness. But he isn’t a man that quickly opens up and likes a person.

No, that needs to be earned, and I can see why.

Tobias’s ex-wife cheated on him, and his trust issues must come from their failed marriage. And since I want to be better than his ex-wife, I don’t want to start our story by letting him down. Which is why I came in time to the brunch with dirty clothes.

It might have been a terrible decision…

Now I’m fighting the urge to run as Tobias looks at me with an amused expression. It doesn’t exactly calm down my nerves.

I can’t stop my stomach from churning and twisting with unease. Tobias hasn’t said a word, and I wish I could read his mind because I’m undecided between crying hysterically or laughing. This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“How did you get so dirty?” Tobias asks.

“I don’t even know where to begin…” I mumble.

“How about from the beginning?”

“I suppose I could do that”

He simply smiles, and I talk. “As you know, your chauffeur took me to this incredibly fancy clothing store. It was grand, and once inside, a lady came to get me. She helped me pick this outfit.”

Tobias nods. “Cindi.”

“Yes, she knew I was coming because you had called her earlier. She was very friendly and professional.” “Mhm, I asked specifically for Cindi since she is the best. I wanted to ensure your outfit would be proper and elegant for brunch.”

I smile. After all, that was thoughtful of Tobias, but now I have to tell the part when everything went wrong.

“Right, well… I came out of that store wearing my new clothes, and everything was fantastic. I was so grateful and happy. You spoiled me not only with the clothes I’m wearing. You also told Cindi to pick. some extra clothes for me. I came out of that store with three bags. I was a little mindblown by your generosity.”

His expression turns pleased with the praise. “Go on.”

“Anyway, I left my old clothes and the bags in the car. And YES, I know I was supposed to come here directly, but I wanted coffee.”

I pause, hoping Tobias won’t be mad about that part. He probably is, though. Why wouldn’t he be? Cautiously, I look up to find him wearing the ghost of a smirk. If he is angry with me, it doesn’t show. But Jesus Christ, he really is tall. I feel puny, which makes me feel even more vulnerable sharing this story.

I don’t know Tobias that well. Does he ever get physical?

Is he going to punish me? i deliberately went against what Tobias told me: to come here after buying the clothes. Going for a coffee wasn’t on my list. Shit, he wouldn’t hurt me, right?

Tobias is absolutely towering over me, waiting for the continuation of this story. Unlike me, he looks tidy. His brown hair is fixed. He has shaven some of his scruff shorter, and his green eyes are intense and focused entirely on me.

I squirm under his gaze, but I can’t back down. I have to continue talking, even if I’m slightly terrified of what kind of scolding awaits me after I’m done talking.

“Now, where was 1,” I nervously laugh. “Right, the coffee! I asked your chauffeur to drop me off at Starbucks, and I bought us a coffee. Then I headed out of there, happy with two coffee, but some stranger pushed me, and I fell into a puddle,” I glance down at my clothes. “And now I’m dirty, but I didn’t want to betray your trust by not coming here! So, tada!”

Tobias breathes a laugh. “Tada, indeed.”

“Are you mad at me?” I search his face. If Tobias is angry, I would rather have him yell at me outside of the building where no one can hear him. I’m a clutz, and it’s embarrassing.

“No, why would I be mad?” Tobias asks.

I almost sob. “Because I had one job: showing up here with new, presentable clothes, and I messed it up!” Tobias sighs upon noticing how upset I am and takes my hand in his larger one with a gentler look. “I’m just glad you didn’t hurt yourself.”

I can’t fight the pained laugh escaping me when he says that. “I did hurt myself, though! I scraped my knee because… because I’m useless! I’m so angry at myself!”

“You’re not useless,” Tobias says. “Come with me.”

He pulls me inside the building, where everyone’s curious eyes land on me. People are staring, probably because I’m so dirty. The girls sitting in the lobby are all giggling, and I want to sink through the face of the earth.

This is the worst day of my life.

I feel embarrassed, but Tobias’s hand goes to the back of my neck as he leads me toward the elevators.

I glance up at him. “Everyone is staring…”

“Let them stare.”

“It’s humiliating. Those girls over there are laughing at me.”

“Can you blame them, though? Your entire face is covered in dirt,” he breathes an amused laugh, shaking his head. “You truly have earned your nickname, Pixie Spaz.”

I gasp. “Is that your nickname for me?!”

He grins down at me. “In my phone, yes.”

I pout at the floor, unhappy. “I hate that I can’t even defend myself when I look like this…”

Tobias says nothing, but I catch him stifling another laugh. I’m glad that someone is entertained…

I enter the elevator and keep an unhappy look on my face. I am still determining where we are going. Tobias presses a button on the panel that reveals a little hatch. Inside it, there is a hidden button.

I blink in shock and lift an eyebrow. “Where the flipping heck are we going? To The Batcave?”

“To my private office. Only some have access to it.”


The elevator dings and Tobias takes my hand. We step directly out into a massive office with couches, at kitchen area, a pool table, and glassed windows with a beautiful view of the city. Of course, there is also a desk with a computer further away.

Tobias leads me to his desk, and before I can ask questions, he grabs me by the sides and lifts me onto his table.

“We don’t have time to let you shower,” he opens a drawer and takes out a package of rose-smelling tissues, or the box says. “But I can help clean your face,” his eyes meet mine. “But you should probably lose the cardigan. It’s filthy.”

Blushing, I do as he says.

I throw the cardigan off the floor, and Tobias steps into my vision. My legs dangle from the desk, and he carefully dabs my cheek. There is nothing sexual going on, yet I feel butterflies swoop down into my belly as he gently swipes my face.

Tobias looks so focused, and also… well, hot. This close, I can see the details of his face: I think his nose has been broken at some point. It’s not perfect when you look closely at it.

His cheek also has a faint scar, but his lips are full. His cheekbones are defined, and his eyes are a shade of emerald green that is so gorgeous it makes me dizzy.

I stare at him and only blink when his eyes meet mine. Amusement crosses his features. “You’re all cleaned up.”

Flustered, I attempt a smile. “Thank you.”

His eyes crinkle by the corners. “You’re welcome,” he looks down at my arms and frowns. “You’re freezing.

I giggle. “I always freeze. My toes and fingers are icy at all times.” And there I go, over-sharing. What is the matter with me?

“I have plenty of suits in my wardrobe, but those aren’t pre-heated, I suppose,” he takes off his navy- colored suit, leaving him wearing only a white shirt. “Take this.”

Dumbfounded, I take his suit and give him a quizzical look. Tobias flashes me an amused grin as he rolls. up his sleeves to look, I don’t know, fancier? He has tanned and slightly hairy arms. The veins and muscles on them are sexy.

“Hannah, I gave you my suit so that you can wear it,” he says teasingly. “Or are you waiting for me to help. you put it on?”

Widening my eyes, I immediately jump down from the desk and slide my arms into his suit. “No need; I can handle this myself!”

Tobias smiles, but the amused look remains, and I notice him trying not to laugh as he looks at me.

I quickly understand why: the shoulders of his suit are jutting out further than my own, and my arms are eaten by the fabric. How embarrassing-I look like a child trying on their parent’s clothes!

“I look like an idiot…” I mumble.

“No, you look perfect,” Tobias can’t stifle his laugh this time.

“Are you making fun of me?”

“Nope.” He sounds sincere.

I blush. Perhaps Tobias thinks I’m cute wearing his clothes?

A bubble of joy lifts from my chest, but it breaks the second Tobias opens his mouth.

“This is actually perfect. If you’re wearing my suit, we will look even more lovey-dovey, which will piss off my ex-wife.”

Ah. How stupid of me. Tobias doesn’t think I’m cute. No, he is just happy to get his revenge on his cheating whore of an ex-wife.


Did I just call her a whore?

Shit, I did! This means I’m in more trouble than I thought. I’m jealous of Tobias’s ex-wife, which can only mean one thing: I’m already growing attached, and that can’t happen!

“Anyway, we should be leaving.”

Tobias holds out his hand for me, and I glare down at it. “You walking me there like a child now?”

“No, like a lover,” he grabs my hand and laughs when it’s really just the fabric of the suit he is holding. Still, he pulls me forward and playfully says, “Everyone is going to be jealous of your suit, Mrs. Ford. It’s custom- made and exquisite-you look very handsome. It might be a bit big, but now it looks like you regularly go to the gym. Your shoulder-to-body ratio is amazing. You look buff.” 1

My cheeks burn. “Thanks for the compliment, dick…”

He chuckles. “You’re welcome.”

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